Something to think about…

1. Trump was not running for just another 4 year election in 2016 – Trump was approached by the military to run and his entire win has been and still is a military operation.

2. Trump’s first 4 years was to drain the lower swamp first. The swamp was/is deep and incorporated every industry in the world, banking, movie, pharmaceutical, food, you name it they controlled it; much has been handled.

3. Barack Obama before leaving office signed an executive order to pardon anyone prior of any crimes in the government. This is WHY no one was held accountable when the Trump took office.

4. These swamp rats could not be tried for those crimes (ie: Hillary email scandal, Clinton Foundation, FISA spying on the Trump campaign etc) ~ only crimes AFTER Obama left office could tried – therefore, new crimes had to be snared.

5. The military needed to catch them in the act committing crimes with proof.

6. President Trump said in his speech January 7th, 2021: there will be “a smooth, orderly transition of power.”

7. This in no way means that President Trump is transitioning power from his first term to Joe Biden! Did you hear him say Joe Biden?

8. We are transitioning from the defunct USA Corp to the Republic (not Biden). President Trump will not technically get a “second term” and as he tweeted, “won’t be at the Inauguration Day in January” ~ this means there won’t be an Inauguration Day. This was the last recorded term of a President who served in the “American Corporation”.

9. President Trump dismantled the Banking Act of 1781 from England. The United States is going back to being a Republic and Donald J Trump will be the first President of the new republic with the Constitution fully intact.

10. The start date for the new Republic is March 4, 2021 ~ this was the original start date of the new President (until it was changed under FDR in 1933).

11. At the end of President Trump’s speech he said: “Our incredible journey is only just beginning.” Boom

11. No matter what it looks like, it’s all optics; Military operations have thought of everything.

12. Trump won an overwhelming victory and will be the President ~ of the New Republic.

13. The swamp rats needed to commit their crime during the last 4 years; and they have now been snared.

14. Certifying a knowingly fraudulent election as Pence and Congress just did is treason.

15. Now President Trump is still the President of the United States until January 20, 2021. He has the power to invoke the insurrection act. The Insurrection Act deals with treason at a military level.

16. Why did the president not involve the Insurrection Act before? Because it involves the military and people would have accused him of being a dictator. He has given everybody ample opportunity to come clean with the fraudulent election: the Supreme Court, the DOJ, the courts, congress, and the vice president. They all picked their lane for the most part and chose to certify a (knowingly) fraudulent election.

17. Many Trump supporters have been pressured and threatened by the deep state, they always have. People appearing to go against Trump have either been threatened or they are part of the deep state. People have picked their lanes.

18. Do not underestimate the President and this military operation. Trump often appears weak before he wins (read The Art of the Deal). Twitter and Facebook now banning (censoring) the President ~ this gives the President the opportunity to use the Emergency Broadcast System (set up in 2018) in order to contact all Americans for what they will need to hear regarding the next steps.

19. Trump has said over and over: “we have it all (the evidence).” He has also said: “we will never surrender.” And, he said: “the best is yet to come!”

20. Do not watch or trust the MSM; they are deep state. Do not give up. Keep the faith.

But what about impeachment? What about the trial? Just watch it all. Don’t lose faith. It’s theater that they are using trying to breakdown the allegiance to AMERICA that people have. Don’t let them win!

If these words resonate with you, please show some love and support the site in the right sidebar.

If you’re not able to use PayPal, then $veteran on CashApp or Michael-Murdock-22 on Venmo all work, with my sincerest thanks and appreciation in these hard times.

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They Fear US

Why do I say that? How can I say that? Why would they? Great question. Twitter suspended me and left my account intact for a week. Over 231K tweets, over 10K photos and videos, but they went and pruned images out of it that questioned them about January 6th!

But they forget that I downloaded the image that questions Cori Bush which is featured below about her writing a brief for an event that hadn’t happened and no one knew the parties involved, but she did because the event was preplanned by Democrats! See the image below:

I call a SPADE A SPADE, not just an implement for gardening. THEY KNEW! They as in THE DEMOCRATS caused the death of 5 people. They are at fault and they need to be held accountable in a legal fashion for what they have done. Not sure what that looks like right now, but it should happen and do so quickly before the memories fade.

But yes they fear us, they fear the truth, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be so specific in their pruning of the information that we post in an account we can’t use any longer.

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Not a Trump Supporter



Trump supporters don’t do crap like this. They don’t wear all black, they don’t wear helmets, they don’t spit in the faces of cops, they don’t bring shields with them to a rally, they obey the law, and they call out Antifa when they see them!

Part of the problem with the media is it’s easy to blame TRUMP people for everything. What’s interesting about this is this is shot by someone from GETTY IMAGES with a telephoto lens, This is not an telephone camera shot.

Wake up AMERICA! Democrats knew this incursion was coming and they egged it on from January 20th, 2017 when Trump was inaugurated into his first term. Just read the tweet below with regards to Democrats knowing about the event of the 6th of January, they’ve been caught and can’t cover it up. You need to call them out for this.

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Gee…I wonder if there’s any other instances of voter fraud, etc across the country. Could this election have been apprehended from the American people? The person under arrest is not a TRUMP SUPPORTER.
This person is a BIDEN SUPPORTER and was caught on camera by Project Veritas in a sting a few month ago and she admitted to buying votes from people.
More to come!
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If by Rudyard Kipling. This was posted by Dan Scavino on twitter November 13, 2020. It’s great in full screen and listen to every single word!

Click to view video


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But Biden Got 81 MILLION VOTES?

Just watch, and see. BIDEN got 81 MILLION VOTES. Did he get 81 MILLION LEGAL VOTES? No, he didn’t, and it’s been proven by the math. They hate the math. To them 2+2=5.

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I’ve seen the math. I’ve seen a process that is supposed to only increment on a moment’s notice decrement by thousands of votes in an instant. I’ve watched things over and over again and I’ve seen courts turn this away because “they didn’t want people to riot over it”, but those same courts were fine letting people riot in the streets and burn cities down over one man overdosing on fentanyl on a police body cam video. They were fine with that.

Wake up America. You have been sold a bill of goods in Joe Biden that will never be fulfilled. Joe will be removed from office by the 25th Amendment and Kamala Harris will be crowned the first woman President. Then America will truly burn as she sells us off to whoever will pay her the most money for us.

Prediction, in less than 2 years, our borders will be gone, our Navy will be sidelined and sold for scrap, our people will be living on the streets and in the woods while other countries people are freely allowed to come here and kick you from your homes, take all of your things and leave you to die.

Mark my words.

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Antifa confesses…

Yes folks this is NOT a TRUMP supporter. Not sure if this nutcase has been arrested as of yet, but he should be if not.

Click to view the video


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Broke in?

or were they just let in as the Capitol Police stood by and did nothing to maintain security? Listen to the alarm going off while the cops just stand by and do nothing. Breach my foot! They were let in the doors.

Click to view the video & you be the Judge


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Riots? How many?

Let’s review shall we, along with Joe Biden!

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Why Impeach?

Simple! Just listen to the head whackjob herself:
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Simply put, President Donald J Trump scares the hell out of the establishment. He has cost them billions during the past 4 years and they don’t want him anywhere near Washington DC, ever again!

They want him to have no secret service, no Presidential Library, No pension, etc. They are really just trying to kick this man to the curb for things that they helped plan, helped to happen, and things that they should all be tried for treason for and properly punished for committing that crime.

ANY REPUBLICAN VOTING FOR IMPEACHMENT WILL BE RUN AGAINST and WILL LOSE their race to hold their office as punishment for their defection against the Republican Party and OUR PRESIDENT.

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