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Make The Quantum Realm Great Again

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TRUMP Lowered it…Watch it RISE again!

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and it’s not FALSE FACEBOOK!!!


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Yes he slept

Yes America, Joe Biden did sleep during the riots. He didn’t come out and condemn them. He didn’t call for them to end! He didn’t speak up and tell Democrats that it would come back to bite them during the election. It did.

So I posted this image below on Facebook and within 10 seconds facebook said it was false information. They really want you to only believe their point of view which is truly limited and RED CHINA FOCUSED.

Wake UP AMERICA!!! The LIES being told to you daily as you get sucked into their stream of control is uncanny!

And now the coverup by facebook is below

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1st Amendment…

When you read what’s in the image below from NBC aka NOTHING BUT CHINA NEWS, you may be angered like I am. When someone becomes President, they don’t give up their 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech. In fact they take an Oath to Protect & Defend the Constitution of the United States of America and that includes the Bill of Rights and All the Amendments therein.

Whats bizarre is the MAINSTREAM aka LAMESTREAM media think that you do give up those rights and you hear them say that all the time. “TRUMP CAN’T SAY THAT!” when in fact he can say things. Yes, his speech is defensible and the SENATE had better follow 1st Amendment Precedent, otherwise every Senator should be required under the law to step down for forsaking their Oath to the Constitution as well.

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Practice those hip bends!!!!

Left-wing activist who told Fox News he was at Capitol riot to ‘document’ arrested, charged. JOHN SULLIVAN, aka BIG MOUTH ANTIFA ARRESTED AND CHARGED!!! HA HA HA!!! Stupid Bastard!!!! And NO he ain’t no TRUMP SUPPORTER!!! I’m happier than a pig in SLOP that they got him! Now throw the book at him!

The look on the face is too damn funny! Looks wired badly. When the meth wears off, he’s going into withdrawals. OH WELL!!

Better practice those hip bends bitch! They’re gonna hold a marching party in URANUS! or YOURANUS!!! LOL

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BREAKING: CNN’s Jade Sacker penetrating the Capitol with a member of BLM/Antifa cheering, “We did it!” And then asking her conspirator if he was filming, he said he’d delete it, he lied. CNN was in on it.

2/ To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters videoing them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system.

3/ According to sources she was working on a CNN project, but she’s done a lot of work for NBC and NPR.

4/ Sadly, as a ‘reporter’ she is exempt from every regulation and lockdown in the nation. She’s allowed to keep working while you and your children are stuck at home.

(this information is taken from the timeline of @amuse on twitter)

Click video to view


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$1400? Where’s the $600??

So…JoJo wants to give out $1400 checks as a round 3. What about those of us who didn’t get the most recent $600?? No answer on that one at all. Funny how Trump wanted $2000 checks to go out. Would be easier to open the country up, let those who will get covid get it, get through it and move forward with actual herd immunity. We have a flu vaccine and it’s been around forever and a day. Get the HCQ out to people to take daily and short circuit big Pharma!!

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Branco Truth

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10 Traitors

to the Constitution as well as the Republican Party. They are RINOs aka REPUBLICAN IN NAME ONLY SHITHEADS is what I personally call them. They voted to IMPEACH President Trump for things that Democrats have egged on for the past 4 years. These people do not deserve to represent Conservatives in any way, shape or form. GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE, PEACEFULLY.

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