Your Password is…

BLAH BLAH BLAH! I get these stupid emails from people all the time that have gotten a list of passwords that were compromised long ago by a number of companies, and these dummies ask for BITCOIN to be sent to them. Some use outlook email addresses to hide their identities, others are more slick, the bottom line is if you get one of these emails DON’T SEND THEM ONE IOTA of BITCOIN or ANYTHING ELSE!!!

We’re all humans and we’ve all seen ourselves naked! Personally, I have no problem with anyone seeing my nakedness so to that end, here is a picture of me and my penis.

Shocking I know! My penis looks like a former Secretary of State who ran for President! Personally I don’t care who’s seen my privates and who hasn’t. I’m human, they work! LOL I’m not about to send anyone any money to not show something that I would proudly wave in the wind…and have from the balcony of some hotels or out the window or simply danced in front of an open window because GOD MADE ME and I’m a beautiful human being!

Don’t CAVE to these people trying to control your lives. DON’T. Because if you ever do, they will dog you day in and day out because they know they can.

Change your passwords every 3-6 months, never on the same day, never at the same time, and do keep a record of them somewhere, but don’t make that knowledge public.

Thanks for reading and for laughing along with the picture of my penis! LOL

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