Here’s WHY! READ IT!

There are some who will spit on me for creating this. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Cash is king and when you need money to live, sometimes you will do things that make others question you. I am an AMERICAN and I love my PRESIDENT.

I have asked repeatedly for help to get a simple link retweeted by the President when I see him retweet links to books and things for people who are already making a ton of cash, it breaks my heart after what I’ve been through for supporting him that it’s not possible to get him to retweet the simple link to a shirt which supports him.

Today I was driven to create this shirt. I’m pretty sure that I’ll sell NONE of these. If I do and it’s enough to get me off the streets, it will be a sad commentary on Conservatives and our care and love of Veterans who go through what I go through and worse every day.

Now that you know, if you feel the President should be impeached, then this will be something you will want to purchase.


Does this mean I don’t support the President or will not vote for him in 2020? NO. It means I’m tired of living out of my car, not living in a home or apartment of my own, not being able to gain clients, and having to ask for donations to survive. It means I am doing what a capitalist would do and that’s use any means possible to get back on my feet. It’s BUSINESS. It’s NOT POLITICS. I am and always will be a CONSERVATIVE, RED WHITE & BLUE BLEEDING REPUBLICAN VOTING US NAVY VETERAN. I’m just tired of being HOMELESS!!!

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President Trump is an IMPOSTER?