What if…?

the RED CHINESE desire to take over the world. How do I know? Living in Taiwan in the early 1970’s that was the desire of the then CHAIRMAN MAO expressed through many of his people across the straits we learned that besides Taiwan, Mao wanted to assimilate the populations of the world as ONE LARGE RED ARMY.

What’s interesting about this is that MAO wanted to be the ONE ruler of a ONE WORLD/NEW WORLD ORDER. 

And now, 44 years after his death, Xi Jinping a descendant of MAO’s rule of RED CHINA now ruling the country oversees the release of a virus across the planet. Now did he really do that? Yes. He didn’t immediately halt travel from the affected area thereby allowing many people to travel from there literally across the globe. He stopped investigators from coming into the country to see the origins of the virus and the release from the lab. He asked the WHO to LIE to the WORLD about the origins of the virus as well as whether or not it’s contagious, deadly, etc, and they went along with his request allowing millions of Red Chinese to fly around the world and infect over 180 countries.

What has happened next was RED CHINA buying up all the Personal Protection Equipment across the Globe, corning the market so others could not find it anywhere then selling it at the highest prices possible to limit the amount that people could get access to. What they were doing is testing the waters to map areas were resources were plentiful to help people and where they were lacking. 

And RED CHINA telling the World Health Organization there’s nothing to worry about while they ensured that planes could leave RED CHINA and travel across the globe to drop people in certain population centers to spread the disease out so they could track media and responses by populations to the disease to see where they could more readily affect people with the next virus, I’ll call it the SUPERBUG, when they release that closer to the election in November. How do I know they’ll release it? Just a hunch. I hope I’m wrong. 

Now, they RED CHINESE say they will invest $2BILLION to research where the virus came from and to help with vaccine research. Gee…RED CHINA that’s very nice of you but you infected the entire PLANET with your mishandled lab hands playing around with tubes of your RED CHINESE WUHAN CORONAVIRUS! You owe TRILLIONS of dollars. Time to break out the RED CHINESE ELDERS and release the Global Currency Reset unless that’s just a myth constructed to control people until you could get the virus perfected.

Anyway, Uncle Murdock here just thinking out loud. 

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