That’s the battle whimper of the Democratic Party. If we backtrack as I did in my book: ”

TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION: the TRUE STORY by Michael Murdock ” The DEMOCRATS were angry when Donald & Melania Trump rode the escalator down in Trump Tower back in 2015 and announced that Donald was running for President of the United States and that he would win.

They concocted a plan to derail his campaign at every curve by going into his past and digging up everything they could on him, every person he had ever done business with, dated, interacted with. All of that failed as did the TRUMP RUSSIA COLLUSION matter and the Special Counsel Robert Mueller & his team did an amazing report that found TRUMP did NOTHING WRONG and NO AMERICAN COLLUDED or CONSPIRED with RUSSIA to tamper with the 2016 Election, or for any other reason.

Now they cry about IMPEACHMENT. The Democratic Party has put forth Articles of Impeachment twice since the term of President Donald Trump. I believe this 3rd time the Democratic Party should be charged with Sedition, and ANYONE who had a hand in the TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION HOAX should be charged with TREASON and EXECUTED after being tried and found GUILTY. Am I angry about the way my President is being treated? No. I am not.

I AM FUCKING PISSED! If you are an AMERICAN, you should be too!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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