WALLS CLOSING IN ON JUSSIE??? Dems love to use that phrase on TRUMP, this time it’s time to use it against one of them!!! WALLS CLOSING IN !!!

Someone might want to put JUSSIE SMOLLETT on SUICIDE WATCH. Even though he has lawyers, it appears that the Police are two heartbeats away from arresting him and charging him with a few things, so someone might want to put him on SUICIDE WATCH and NO I AM NOT KIDDING.

Sometimes when criminals are ready to be caught, they take the chickenshit way out and kill themselves to avoid prosecution for their deeds. It looks like some things might be coming down pretty quickly that could drive someone over the edge and personally I want to see him prosecuted for a hate crime against WHITE PEOPLE because that’s what he called out in his talking to the police. He claimed he was attacked by WHITE PEOPLE wearing MAGA HATS which puts ALL WHITE MAGA HAT wearing people at risk, more so than normal!

Thanks for reading and taking action to make sure he doesn’t escape justice and the hammer coming down TRUMPTHORSTYLE!!!

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MAGA COUNTRY??? You asked for it!!!