Trump is guilty of a ton of crimes!

What’s funny is that when you ask Democrats to NAME the CRIMES, they will either yell “RUSSIA!!!!” or that “you’re a FUCKING TRUMP SUPPORTER, FUCK YOU!” or they’ll ignore you and say MUELLER FOUND TONS OF CRIMES.

So if MUELLER found tons of crimes, why didn’t Mueller say “TRUMP IS GUILTY OF…” once? twice? three times? four times? five times? He didn’t. He didn’t say TRUMP IS GUILTY OF XYZ crime at all. On the other hand, Ken Starr years ago said that President Bill Clinton was GUILTY 11 times in his press conference and Starr took questions.

If you really truly look back with an open mind. President Obama ignored information from his DOJ, his FBI, his DNI, His CIA, his tarot lady, his dry cleaner, etc who all said: “RUSSIA and OTHERS are interfering in our election process and you need to stop this shit!” His reply to them was “HILLARY WILL WIN, TRUMP WILL LOSE and NO ONE will EVER KNOW. Donald TRUMP will NEVER BE PRESIDENT said NANCY PELOSI “take that to the bank,” Obama told others!

Well, both Nancy & Baracky and many others were very WRONG about TRUMP and he did WIN the Presidency handily with a better campaign than Hillary had and that’s the bottom line! But wait there’s more!

Trump also discovered what the Obama people had said, had ignored and then had tried to use against the Trump Campaign to unseat a duly elected President and to disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters who voted FOR TRUMP and NOT FOR CLINTON!

Now that their deeds are becoming public through declassification, they are like rats trying not to drown and they are going after each other like a pack of wolves deciding to eat all of its members one at a time until only the pack leader is left and in this case the pack leader aka Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA will be the one tried for TREASON and if everything goes as planned will also be EXECUTED FOR TREASON against the REPUBLIC and his name WIPED from the ANNALS of history forever.

So, before you go screaming TRUMP COMMITTED CRIMES, do some research! Democrats created the Russian hoax because HILLARY LOST the election and they decided that AMERICA got it wrong by electing TRUMP so they would make up lies and such to try and get AMERICA to turn on TRUMP and demand he is impeached and removed for his crimes. The only problem is the only ones doing any crime commission are the Democrats and the Attorney General who is a man of integrity is finding this out & has promised America that he will get to the bottom of this and bring back credibility to the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Thanks for reading!

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