Trump for more than 2 terms?

Want to smell the fear? Read this article!!


When someone runs to be President of the United States, it’s for the WHOLE UNITED STATES, not any one race, creed, color or whatever else you want to measure things by.

President TRUMP was welcomed into office with “HE’S NOT LEGITIMATE”, “HE’S AN AGENT OF RUSSIA”, “HE’S STUPID”, “HE DOESN’T LISTEN”, and so many more things I don’t want to bore you with all of them. If you’ve not lived under a rock since the 8th of November 2016, you have heard them.

TRUMP has been questioned since before he ran so he’s really not had a full term to be in office. I would love to see him get a second term and then a third term to make up for the first term which has been stolen from AMERICA by DEMOCRATS who were pissed that their crappy candidate didn’t win.

THANK GOD HILLARY CLINTON DIDN’T WIN!!! If she did, NONE of the accomplishments that have been done during the Trump Administration would have been achieved.

IMAGINE how much MORE could have been done FOR AMERICA without all of the limits of investigation after investigation, with Democrats stopping progress with respect to the border and security and so much more.

AMERICA deserves better and if that means we win 2020 FOR TRUMP, we’re WINNING IT FOR AMERICA! We need the HOUSE back to being REPUBLICAN & increase our margin in the SENATE too! Then we need to AMEND the Constitution to give PRESIDENT TRUMP a THIRD TERM so that AMERICA BENEFITS.

It’s not about TRUMP. It IS ABOUT AMERICA and SAVING OUR REPUBLIC from being trashed by those loyal to OBAMA and the destruction he desired for AMERICA. Hillary Clinton was going to be OBAMA’s THIRD TERM. TRUMP took a FLAME THROWER to that dream of OBAMA’s, THANK GOD!!

Now, let’s work on saving AMERICA for our kids, our future and future generations.

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