So it’s come to my attention that recently a young TRUMP supporter who is NOT WHITE has had his personal information put out on the web because he dared to make fun of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. (the woman trips over sentences that are written out for her in LARGE TYPE with LOTS OF SPACE IN BETWEEN THEM).

The media does this and feels it’s “THEIR RIGHT” to air the personal information of anyone they want to. They feel they are impervious to this type of activity on themselves. What they don’t realize is that because of them being MEDIA, they have opened themselves up to easily be found out and their personal information tossed out for the Piranha of Humanity to feast on.

Now for the sake of EXAMPLE, I am going to share some information that I found online within mere seconds about an individual who prides themselves on lying about TRUMP and has done so for a NETwork which is still in business. Am I going to reveal their name?

NO. But I’m going to share enough that they could know the rest could be easily found out and shared. Keep in mind, this is one example only and that with a few connections to the dark web, the entire media complex could be revealed in such a way that they would all go underground or leave media completely.

So let’s just toss a few details out:

Age 33, NY, MD, GA, 301-2xx-xxxx 404-8xx-xxxx, Damascus…





Now, you might not think this is much, but know that I’m not even trying hard to do this. There are those out there who could tell you the color of the tile in the bathroom of the Apt and much more, but I’m not one of those people…or am I? I guess you just never know.

The media in their doxxing bullshit is poking a bull that they will regret in a major way unleashing. I can promise you that if they continue doing this they will hit the wrong button and it will boomerang back on them at levels that will literally have them screaming and begging for mercy.

FREE PRESS requires a RESPONSIBLE PRESS. TREAT the privacy of others as you wish yours to be treated. This is NOT a THREAT. It is, however, a PROMISE of reprisal at levels which the peanut sized brains of the Mainstream media will never be able to comprehend.

Be careful what you wish for MSM. AMERICA is watching & we are taking notes, keeping score and ready to hold you very accountable.

Have a nice day, Oh and sleep well…but perhaps away from windows. WINK WINK

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