aka “ONE LOUD MOUTHED PUTZ”. After seeing his post on twitter trashing the TRUMP visit to ALABAMA which basically took a swipe at EVERY RESIDENT OF ALABAMA while trying to just jab at TRUMP, this speaks VOLUMES about the DEMOCRATS and their intense HATE for AMERICA and all that we love! This shit has to stop! Here’s TEDDY-FUCKs TWEET and my response on facebook to it.




If TED dropped off a cliff tomorrow, I wouldn’t give a damn. But the fact that there is no outrage from the RIGHT over this or the LEFT who also reside in Alabama is shocking. They think this shit is truly ok. It’s NOT. Because if TRUMP hadn’t gone to Alabama, every MSM channel out there would have been trashing him for not going, not doing anything and simply going to Mar-A-Lago once again.

Wake up AMERICA and tell the DEMOCRATS we’re tired of their bullshit!! VOTE TRUMP IN 2020 and send them packing for another 4 years and make them utterly fucking miserable!!!

Don’t like the language? TOUGH SHIT!!! It’s my blog and it’s my first amendment and I earned the right to express myself in my own way!

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