The Day of the TESLAs!!! You can run…or can you?

When watching the news a couple of weeks back there was an interesting story that came out which made me think…what if…what if there was a day on the calendar that we don’t know about that will trigger ALL TESLA autos across the planet to start on their own, engage auto drive, and go around hitting people until they run out of battery power.

When I first ran this across someone they said wait what??? and I relayed the story which I had seen where the guy is in a Tesla speeding down the freeway in excess of 50MPH while he was sleeping.

Let’s just say, because TESLA provides “Software Updates” to its cars from a central server, the server is hacked and a code given to the cars that says “on such and such a date…START UP, eject your charging cord and drive around striking and killing as many people as you can”.

What’s to stop that from happening? What if the server wasn’t hacked to make that happen? What if one night, let’s say ELON goes on a drinking/smoking binge, and decides, it’s time to do something about the SEC and their fines, screw them and those who sided with them. So Elon sits down and on his computer issues a “KILL CODE” which cannot be called back and sends all of his cars across the planet to wipe out as many people as he can to take revenge on those who’ve done him wrong over the years…

Yes I know that I’ll never be receiving a TESLA MODEL ANYTHING from TESLA after writing this, but it’s something that should be of concern.

Everyone knows the TESLA has a majority of its weight in the BATTERY compartment. What happens to that battery in a high impact crash. Does it explode?

What if 10 TESLA MODEL X’s were released onto an airport runway where they could “attack” planes that were filled with passengers, and maybe their batteries were all created with an explosive charge that would cause the battery to implode and then explode in a massive fireball, they would be sent onto the runway, would take out any waiting planes filled with people and then massive explosions would happen, taking out more and more people and there was only one person on the planet with the callback code…

ELON MUSK himself!!!

What if you were on a street and a phalanx of Tesla’s were driving towards you, scanned you, and realized you were armed and dangerous to their survival? Could you run? Could you hide? Could you hear them coming? They’re very quiet so…could you? I guess we’ll find out some day…or will we?

Something to think about as you get on the road tomorrow and drive around noticing all those cars which say TESLA across the back of them…

Be careful when driving in front of them, they may change their expression and their headlights might turn red and then…


(ok the previous textual diatribe was fully contrived and I am sure that this cannot happen…or can it…and no one in the SEC or other organizations is actually overseeing what someone as powerful as MUSK or others that make those things that “auto drive” around the roads on Planet Earth now. Perhaps…perhaps they should look a little deeper…)

This was really written to be something different than politics for a change of pace.

Enjoy your commute!

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