Tammy Bruce is RIGHT!! Do not presume the COUP IS DEAD! It’s NOT

President Trump @POTUS @realdonaldtrump you need to read this and to take it as seriously as we your supporters do. The COUP is on by the DEMOCRATS and the NEVERTRUMPERS in THE GOP as long as you are PRESIDENT unless they are arrested and “dealt with” accordingly to the level of their crimes. That may involve Martial Law being declared in DC and having them arrested, or it may require stealth operations to have them removed from their homes wherever they may be, and whisked off to GITMO blindfolded and hearing restricted so that they are sensory deprived and awaken when they are allowed to, to find out they are not in Kansas or California or Vermont or other places any longer and will stand before a Military Tribunal and charged with Seditious Conspiracy against The Republic, then sentenced accordingly. Also having all of their finances immediately seized and given to the homeless in their districts to help the ones who they spit on daily…etc.

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