
Iran…some thoughts

First off…Thank you MR PRESIDENT for having the BALLS to order the taking out of the “IRANIAN” General Quiznos Salami while he was in “IRAQ” heading by convoy to view the damage that he instigated at the US EMBASSY through IRANIAN BACKED MILITIA.

Secondly, if you are an AMERICAN (TULSI GABBARD, supposedly you are) and you SWORE AN OATH to PROTECT & DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION, which if you served in our Military, you did take that OATH, that means to defend our EMBASSY as well, no matter where it is, then your backing IRAN at ANY LEVEL is TREASON because they want to KILL ALL AMERICANS and DESTROY AMERICA and your backing them gives them ammunition against us.

Third, IF you are so beholden to IRAN and all that they offer people of color, of choices such as LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ…then you should probably rescind your citizenship, turn in your passport, strap on your HIJAB and head on over to serve your masters there because you are NOT fit to be anywhere near our government, nor our military, and you sure as hell are not fit to be COMMANDER IN CHIEF of ANYTHING in our country, much less to be the PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

Lastly, thank you for your service. (PERIOD), in my book your siding with the enemy makes you an enemy combatant and that makes you not belonging anywhere but GITMO in the interrogation suite.

Those are my thoughts on ANYONE siding with the enemy. IF IRAN is going to be overthrown, let it be done by those people who live there, those people who are tired of the Mullahs running their lives, those people who yearn for freedom and for the country that was once known to the world as PERSIA and that was free while the SHAH ruled it in such a way that they could wear what they wanted to without fear of persecution or reprimand and they were not subject to Sharia Law as they are now, they were an amazing country instead of a very large prison camp which is basically what they are now as you can tell by how many of them are being gunned down in cold blood by the IRGC.

End that organization, end the rule of the Mullahs and free your people IRAN! Make Iran PERSIA ONCE AGAIN and shine as you did long ago. We await your rise to freedom and your ending of your oppression. There are those within your people who yearn for this. WE KNOW! But we are not going to overthrow your government. You need to do that if that’s what you desire. Start at the top and work your way down until you reach those within your government that have waited and wanted to be free. They are there.


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What’s my experience with IRAN? I have friends from there who were there when the Shah was in power. Personally, I spent 144 days in the Indian Ocean onboard an aircraft carrier which launched intercept fighters to escort the hostage plane out of Iranian airspace minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn into office as President on January 20th, 1981. We were a coordinated group along with others in the Mediterranean which escorted that plane out of harm’s way and eventually got 52 grateful Americans back home. I had the honor of meeting one of the hostages years later. I left the Navy 2 years later in 1983.


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