

here’s the call that the President was on with the Secretary of State of Georgia. LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE 1 HOUR CALL!

Click to listen


Lawyers for Both sides were on this as it was very detailed and there were opportunities for Brad Raffensberger to admit to the fraud in Georgia which he stubbornly didn’t do.

The President has all the information that he needs to prove the fraud and more. Also Ruby Freeman is the “person” redacted from the call in the form of beeps that you’ll hear when her name comes up.

Amazing that they didn’t redact Matt Braynard’s name from the call but they didn’t.
And my special note to Carl Bernstein, Jake Tapper and others calling this a soft coup, FUCK YOU. For 5 years you claimed Donald Trump was a RUSSIAN ASSET both as a Candidate and then as President for 4 years and you never proved it. For that time you executed a soft coup against a duly elected President of the United States of America.

You should all be taken down to the public square, given a tribunal, and then be executed by any number of methods specified at the following link for Punishment for the Crime of Treason because every single one of you is guilty of it:



Those are my thoughts on things! Now, onward we go into the future with President Donald J Trump and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not of RED FUCKING CHINA!

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN
@the1murdock on twitter and on www.clouthub.com

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