
What if…?

the RED CHINESE desire to take over the world. How do I know? Living in Taiwan in the early 1970’s that was the desire of the then CHAIRMAN MAO expressed through many of his people across the straits we learned that besides Taiwan, Mao wanted to assimilate the populations of the world as ONE LARGE RED ARMY.

What’s interesting about this is that MAO wanted to be the ONE ruler of a ONE WORLD/NEW WORLD ORDER. 

And now, 44 years after his death, Xi Jinping a descendant of MAO’s rule of RED CHINA now ruling the country oversees the release of a virus across the planet. Now did he really do that? Yes. He didn’t immediately halt travel from the affected area thereby allowing many people to travel from there literally across the globe. He stopped investigators from coming into the country to see the origins of the virus and the release from the lab. He asked the WHO to LIE to the WORLD about the origins of the virus as well as whether or not it’s contagious, deadly, etc, and they went along with his request allowing millions of Red Chinese to fly around the world and infect over 180 countries.

What has happened next was RED CHINA buying up all the Personal Protection Equipment across the Globe, corning the market so others could not find it anywhere then selling it at the highest prices possible to limit the amount that people could get access to. What they were doing is testing the waters to map areas were resources were plentiful to help people and where they were lacking. 

And RED CHINA telling the World Health Organization there’s nothing to worry about while they ensured that planes could leave RED CHINA and travel across the globe to drop people in certain population centers to spread the disease out so they could track media and responses by populations to the disease to see where they could more readily affect people with the next virus, I’ll call it the SUPERBUG, when they release that closer to the election in November. How do I know they’ll release it? Just a hunch. I hope I’m wrong. 

Now, they RED CHINESE say they will invest $2BILLION to research where the virus came from and to help with vaccine research. Gee…RED CHINA that’s very nice of you but you infected the entire PLANET with your mishandled lab hands playing around with tubes of your RED CHINESE WUHAN CORONAVIRUS! You owe TRILLIONS of dollars. Time to break out the RED CHINESE ELDERS and release the Global Currency Reset unless that’s just a myth constructed to control people until you could get the virus perfected.

Anyway, Uncle Murdock here just thinking out loud. 

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CoronaVirus is a TEST!


CoronaVirus is a test! A test for something much much darker.

Murdock how can you say that? You’re not a doctor!! It’s speculation. Or is it?

RED CHINA releases a virus from a LAB in RED CHINA and watches the entire world be shut down in a number of ways. Watches the distribution of resources to handle this type of pandemic. It watches where thing are needed and where they are lacking, how long it takes to replenish them, what the spend rate of them is, what the information flow is from what media outlets. They not only infect places where people go to eat, they infect manufacturing plants, they infect cruise ships and amusement parks, etc.

They take all of that data and input that into computers and come up with a model for how to combat the entire planet and bring it to its knees and subjugate it by claiming to have an antidote but never delivering one except to their people. Notice how WUHAN RED CHINA is recovering from this VIRUS and getting back to being economically viable while the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is basically shut down for all intents and purposes.

Now, imagine in 3 weeks if RED CHINA is fully back on its feet and decides to release a new BLACK VIRUS which infects every person on the planet outside of RED CHINA and every computer system, food particle, etc outside the borders of RED CHINA.

Could it happen? Yes, it could. Will it happen? I guess we have to wait 3 weeks to see. They could literally kill millions or even billions of people on the planet and demand any price they wanted to for an antidote for something they create to conquer the world. Is that their goal? It has been for decades. World domination and subjugation of every race that is not RED CHINESE.

Why be so doomsday-ish?? Because that’s what people like FAUCI and GATES and that fucking moron who crafted the OBAMACARE program (and then said anyone who voted for it was stupid) want to do. They want to shut down AMERICA for 18 months and let the country die, while installing JOE BIDEN as PRESIDENT and turning AMERICA into a RED FLAG FLYING COMMUNIST COUNTRY.

Wake UP AMERICA! Don’t go to sleep! Call out every single LIE you see on tv. Every LIE that you hear from DEMOCRATS or MEDIA DRONES. CALL IT OUT!!!

Also EDUCATE everyone you can on why they need to vote for TRUMP to save the REPUBLIC in November!

Thanks for reading.

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So the world is spinning along, things are going well, the market is UP UP UP and the election season begins and then…


And so it goes now in America. Universities are closing housing, kicking people out, businesses are shutting down, the market is tanking and of course there’s JOE BIDEN and his …well you know…the thing! His head is spinning with the manipulation of the party and a wife who if she was anyone else would be arrested for elder abuse and he’d be locked up in an Alzheimer’s lockdown unit for his own good and the good of those around him because of his lashing out, finger pointing, spontaneous yelling episodes, etc.

Life is about to get exciting!!! Michael, you mean there’s more after this?

ABSOLUTELY!!! Trump has not and will not resign. In fact he’ll be re-elected even with all of this going on and then, the fun can begin because hopefully he’ll appoint me as a CZAR over some segment of this and I’ll be calling for and directing investigations into everything that has happened against the TRUMP administration since the escalator ride and then calling for tribunals, convictions and nothing less than capital punishment for all involved so that the next time things come around, they won’t be a part of it.

Yes, life is about to get exciting, FOR THEM!


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CoronaVirus & Democrats…

So we’ve seen this in the past, when there are elections coming and people wish to control the voting for a particular party, there are things that mysteriously creep into the equation of life to limit the number of people in some way coming to vote for a particular candidate or party. This has happened in the past and this year does not appear to be any different.

Examples? Sure! Here’s a list of things that have suddenly appeared when elections are on the line:

SARS – 2004


SWINE FLU 2009-2010

MERS 2012

EBOLA 2014


EBOLA Part II 2018

and now in 2020 because President TRUMP is running for re-election we have


Now, whether or not Corona was created/release specifically to influence the election is not known YET but very shortly we will see how this changes the voter dynamics. It will be interesting to watch and see how many Democrats don’t get out to vote for Bernie or Biden based on the potential of getting Corona and dying from it as all media outlets want you to believe will be your outcome if you are infected. What the Media doesn’t know is there are statistics out there already which show that if you are in certain age brackets that getting this disease does not mean death, but rather something similar to a bad case of the flu which so far this year has killed 10,000 in the USA, but Corona has only killed 26 at last count. 

What’s interesting is that because there’s an election, every instance of CORONA to the media means there’s yet another horseman of the apocalypse released and the end of the world is coming next week so make sure you vote in November for Biden because he can save the world, this is after it’s been destroyed next week by the apocalypse. 

In other words, the MEDIA is HYPING this story by the hour to create a blanket of fear to control the markets, scare the population into doing things they normally wouldn’t be doing or worrying about, but make sure whatever you do, don’t vote for TRUMP because well…ORANGE MAN BAD!

America, my loving country, to you have some brief words: TELL THE MEDIA TO JUST GO AWAY! Turn off the news, don’t pay attention to polls, and whatever you do, DO VOTE FOR TRUMP when you have the chance to because this President has the pulse of the country in mind. He has the people in mind, He’s maintaining a cool head during this and he’s making sure that AMERICA is FIRST, not the rest of the world because he’s AMERICA’s PRESIDENT, not the President of the World.

Lastly, RELAX!! ENJOY LIFE as you should be. Do sensible things. If you go out somewhere, when you touch certain things, WASH YOUR HANDS before rubbing your eyes, touching your lips, etc. If you see someone coughing, move away from them, not closer to them. If you see someone sneeze, move away from them, not closer to them. If you feel ill, stay home, away from others. We know these things. It’s time we start doing those things that our parents told us when we were growing up & don’t let the media tell you the sky is falling, because in reality, it’s NOT!

Thanks for taking time to read and share this with others.

Michael Murdock 

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