

here’s the call that the President was on with the Secretary of State of Georgia. LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE 1 HOUR CALL!

Click to listen


Lawyers for Both sides were on this as it was very detailed and there were opportunities for Brad Raffensberger to admit to the fraud in Georgia which he stubbornly didn’t do.

The President has all the information that he needs to prove the fraud and more. Also Ruby Freeman is the “person” redacted from the call in the form of beeps that you’ll hear when her name comes up.

Amazing that they didn’t redact Matt Braynard’s name from the call but they didn’t.
And my special note to Carl Bernstein, Jake Tapper and others calling this a soft coup, FUCK YOU. For 5 years you claimed Donald Trump was a RUSSIAN ASSET both as a Candidate and then as President for 4 years and you never proved it. For that time you executed a soft coup against a duly elected President of the United States of America.

You should all be taken down to the public square, given a tribunal, and then be executed by any number of methods specified at the following link for Punishment for the Crime of Treason because every single one of you is guilty of it:



Those are my thoughts on things! Now, onward we go into the future with President Donald J Trump and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not of RED FUCKING CHINA!

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN
@the1murdock on twitter and on

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Whoever made this (it wasn’t me), I’m posting this here in case it disappears elsewhere!


Click to view video


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GOP…the GRAND OLD PARTY is what it used to be called!

Now, perhaps we should change the name to the GIGANTIC OLD PUSSY’S! Why? because in this Republican Voter’s mind, they’re doing nothing much other than cowering to the demands of the DEMOCRATS. the GOP acts like they are powerless, so they VOTE along with DEMOCRATS against the will of the American People. That makes them GIGANTIC PUSSIES!

What can be done about the Gigantic Old Pussy Party?

We can VOTE THEM OUT! Replace them with Patriots that are willing to FIGHT FOR AMERICA and not AGAINST AMERICA! Get rid of the RINOs (Republican In Name Only Shitheads) and ensure that only those who are TRUE CONSERVATIVES are let into the party. No more of these stealthy trojan horse people. If they are found to be trojan horses, fake conservatives, then destroy their lives, make them miserable, make they wish they had never had the idea to join the party and lie their way through it. How? We know ways to do this that don’t need to be discussed in an open forum such as this one. Yes, you know what I mean exactly, and if you find out for certain they are paid by SOROS, then you out those facts so that they are not able to live in their same town, state, etc., make their lives miserable. When we start making examples of this trash the way Democrats would if they found a Republican infiltrator, then we’ll stop having RINOs infest the party. They’ll be too damned chicken to do so.

What about this coming election?

We need to pray on so many levels that the current GOP is able to get its act together enough to actually win this thing, win the HOUSE, increase the margin in the SENATE and that President Trump wins the White House with Mike Pence, or that at the Convention that JFK Jr. comes forward and really blows the doors off things in such a way that Q and other theories come to light in a HUGE way showing AMERICA that things have been right all along and that the only party trying to piss on the parade of life is the Democrat Party. That would be the ultimate event and that would solidify forever the place of REPUBLICANS as THE PARTY to be a part of.

Those are my thoughts on this for the moment.

Uncle Murdock

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This virus was first seen in CHINA. Which means if it’s not in AMERICA, to us it’s a FOREIGN VIRUS. That’s true! Now what did that do the media? It put them in full freak out mode to bash everything that TRUMP said after that.

Why? Because that’s their narrative and their described course of action to do everything they can to discourage people from voting for the President who has done more for America than others who’ve held the office.

Why? Because he’s revealing the web of corruption and kickbacks that Democrats have been getting for decades and they’re losing their grip on things! It’s so beautiful to watch!

I say let THEM panic, let THEM wallow in their self created fear envelope and let the rest of us go about our normal lives and not pay any attention to them and go vote for TRUMP for the next 8 years so that he serves 3 terms to make up for the first one that they have tried everything under the sun to destroy.

America! We are better than what our media is trying to make us out to be. Stop letting them play with your lives like they are living them. They’re not. They’re trying to dictate to us the life they want to control. That needs to cease and cease now.


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So the world is spinning along, things are going well, the market is UP UP UP and the election season begins and then…


And so it goes now in America. Universities are closing housing, kicking people out, businesses are shutting down, the market is tanking and of course there’s JOE BIDEN and his …well you know…the thing! His head is spinning with the manipulation of the party and a wife who if she was anyone else would be arrested for elder abuse and he’d be locked up in an Alzheimer’s lockdown unit for his own good and the good of those around him because of his lashing out, finger pointing, spontaneous yelling episodes, etc.

Life is about to get exciting!!! Michael, you mean there’s more after this?

ABSOLUTELY!!! Trump has not and will not resign. In fact he’ll be re-elected even with all of this going on and then, the fun can begin because hopefully he’ll appoint me as a CZAR over some segment of this and I’ll be calling for and directing investigations into everything that has happened against the TRUMP administration since the escalator ride and then calling for tribunals, convictions and nothing less than capital punishment for all involved so that the next time things come around, they won’t be a part of it.

Yes, life is about to get exciting, FOR THEM!


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Trump is this, Trump is that, Trump is the other…


For the past few days we’ve been listening to a collection of cry-babies known as HOUSE MANAGERS who whined and whined and whined and whined louder!

Stop the LIES!!! Stop the PARODY!!! STOP THE CRAP!!!

DEMOCRATS!!! Hillary lost the 2016 election because she was the most fucked up candidate on the ticket and she ran a bad campaign. She lost because she thought that cheating and winning the popular vote would get her annointed PRESIDENT.

THANK GOD we don’t ANNOINT our PRESIDENTS! We require them to win the ELECTORAL COLLEGE because Popularity does not make President! However, we have a President now that is not just popular, this President LOVES AMERICA!

I don’t give a DAMN how many times DEMOCRATS babbled off PSYOP trigger phrases to try and convince me that my PRESIDENT did something wrong by withholding aid from UKRAINE for a little bit, and it was FUTURE AID, not CURRENT AID, which DEMOCRATS kept saying they needed this aid for the HOT WAR that they’re in with RUSSIA which is a LIE. How do I know? Because they had AID which we had given them in 2017, 2018 already and that the aid in 2019 was FUTURE AID. We had also sent them weapons and they had not used all of it.

America, we have a party that is pissed that they have no candidate in the race that can beat TRUMP. They have no message that resonates with AMERICA after winning the MIDTERMS where they promised their constituents that they were not going to Washington to impeach TRUMP, but to work with him for AMERICA. THEY LIED AGAIN!!

I listened to th repetition which they were basically trying to hypnotize the SENATE into demanding documents and witnesses which the HOUSE should have subpoenaed during their investigation which is what their job was! They failed at their job because they wanted to pin down Chief Justice John Roberts to make decisions for them and to demand these things that they decided that they would not pursue because TRUMP told them NO. WHO CARES!!! Where’s the 3rd CO EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT??? The HOUSE totally IGNORED the JUDICIAL like it didn’t exist! They basically took the power of the JUDICIAL and claimed it as their own. WRONG!!!

Now that they have bored the Senate and have lambasted them about HOW TO DO THEIR JOB, I PRAY that the SENATE tells the HOUSE MANAGERS, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

I would apologize for the language, but AMERICA, I am pissed! OUR PRESIDENT IS UNDER FIRE from a PARTY that is HELL BENT on DISENFRANCHISING 63+ MILLION of us and our votes because we voted in the OUTSIDER and didn’t KISS HILLARY CLINTON’s ASS!

We the REPUBLIC are in a FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL!!! We MUST WIN the HOUSE BACK in NOVEMBER, increase our margin in the SENATE and KEEP TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE and then we need to put these people on trial for SEDITION & for perpetrating a COUP against the REPUBLIC and I would have no problem volunteering for the punishment dispersal squad when that time comes because THIS IS MY AMERICA and I took an OATH to DEFEND HER and that OATH NEVER EXPIRES.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN


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Iran Nuclear “DEAL”…throw it out now!

The JOHNKERRYSCREWAMERICANUKEDEAL…trash it! Throw it out and start new! IF IRAN is serious about getting into the League of Nations, out of sanctions, many things need to be done, but that CRAP deal needs to be canned immediately and a new one created which starts out with:

  2. ANY enriched uranium found during inspections will result in immediate freezing of all financial assets within the country, all electronic transactions suspended, all businesses frozen. That way the general population will make sure that this is never deviated from because they want to do business, earn money, feed their families, etc.
  3. NO LONG RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILES with range outside of the borders of the country permitted, however, they can have ranges to reach every inch of IRAN’s territory. NATO will respond to any outside attacks on IRAN for the foreseeable future, or a division of NATO which will be formed by countries in the Middle East which will be chosen to “defend” the sovereignty of IRAN from attacks by missiles from outside its borders. Say if SYRIA attacked IRAN, NATO would respond against Syria. This is what I mean.
  4. NO MORE SUPPORT OF TERRORISM. If any is found, then item number 2 would be applied and the population would respond accordingly against the government.
  5. No more AYATOLLAHS to report to. A properly structured governing body would be created to run the country and free and fair elections would be held to elect someone to rule the country, no more religious oversight of all that is.
  6. etc etc etc

No thanks I am not interested in running the country, I don’t speak paintbrush, I speak english and my point is not to turn IRAN into a territory of AMERICA. It is to return it to it’s glory days of long ago when the people were free and not subjugated under religious rule and were not forced at gunpoint or threats of death to their families to go and mourn those they hated so that the country could look good on CNN!

Free IRAN and let it become the nation it’s always wanted to be without the Ayatollah’s and Mullah’s ruling over these wonderful people with an iron fist. Those days should be done with NOW!

That’s my thought on that.

And for those who created the cluster fuck known as the JCPOA IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL, line them all up, charge them with TREASON and immediately seize any and all of their assets, homes, cars, bank accounts, etc., as they have provided aid to the enemy by giving them money which they knew would be used for terrorism and that terrorism helped attack the US EMBASSY IN IRAQ and resulted in Ballistic Missile attacks on US MILITARY personnel overseas which is an act of war against the United States which makes all of them GUILTY. Have a tribunal and dispense with appropriate punishment as the tribunal sees fit. My recommendation for the tribunal is ALL PEOPLE that support AMERICA FIRST. That should ensure that punishment is dispensed without hesitation or payoffs.

Note, these are my thoughts. Yours will be different I am sure. But that’s what makes America great. We can think differently.

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Iran…some thoughts

First off…Thank you MR PRESIDENT for having the BALLS to order the taking out of the “IRANIAN” General Quiznos Salami while he was in “IRAQ” heading by convoy to view the damage that he instigated at the US EMBASSY through IRANIAN BACKED MILITIA.

Secondly, if you are an AMERICAN (TULSI GABBARD, supposedly you are) and you SWORE AN OATH to PROTECT & DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION, which if you served in our Military, you did take that OATH, that means to defend our EMBASSY as well, no matter where it is, then your backing IRAN at ANY LEVEL is TREASON because they want to KILL ALL AMERICANS and DESTROY AMERICA and your backing them gives them ammunition against us.

Third, IF you are so beholden to IRAN and all that they offer people of color, of choices such as LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ…then you should probably rescind your citizenship, turn in your passport, strap on your HIJAB and head on over to serve your masters there because you are NOT fit to be anywhere near our government, nor our military, and you sure as hell are not fit to be COMMANDER IN CHIEF of ANYTHING in our country, much less to be the PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

Lastly, thank you for your service. (PERIOD), in my book your siding with the enemy makes you an enemy combatant and that makes you not belonging anywhere but GITMO in the interrogation suite.

Those are my thoughts on ANYONE siding with the enemy. IF IRAN is going to be overthrown, let it be done by those people who live there, those people who are tired of the Mullahs running their lives, those people who yearn for freedom and for the country that was once known to the world as PERSIA and that was free while the SHAH ruled it in such a way that they could wear what they wanted to without fear of persecution or reprimand and they were not subject to Sharia Law as they are now, they were an amazing country instead of a very large prison camp which is basically what they are now as you can tell by how many of them are being gunned down in cold blood by the IRGC.

End that organization, end the rule of the Mullahs and free your people IRAN! Make Iran PERSIA ONCE AGAIN and shine as you did long ago. We await your rise to freedom and your ending of your oppression. There are those within your people who yearn for this. WE KNOW! But we are not going to overthrow your government. You need to do that if that’s what you desire. Start at the top and work your way down until you reach those within your government that have waited and wanted to be free. They are there.


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What’s my experience with IRAN? I have friends from there who were there when the Shah was in power. Personally, I spent 144 days in the Indian Ocean onboard an aircraft carrier which launched intercept fighters to escort the hostage plane out of Iranian airspace minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn into office as President on January 20th, 1981. We were a coordinated group along with others in the Mediterranean which escorted that plane out of harm’s way and eventually got 52 grateful Americans back home. I had the honor of meeting one of the hostages years later. I left the Navy 2 years later in 1983.


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President Trump is an IMPOSTER?

Well, believe it or not that’s what Nancy “Pass me another Vodka” Pelosi says!! I tweeted about this, this morning, see my tweet in the featured image , which Rep Jim Jordan was discussing on Face the Nation.

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 7.56.41 AM

The way that I see this is that Congress is saying to AMERICA, you voted in an IMPOSTER, we have not accepted his election and will never accept his election and so we must impeach him and remove him because if we don’t, you idiots will ELECT HIM AGAIN and he’ll beat anything we can bring to the election.

Well NANCY!!! You’re RIGHT! WE WILL ELECT HIM AGAIN and HE WILL BEAT ANYTHING you throw at us in the election, including if you could make one fast enough a CLONE of TRUMP!

President DONALD J TRUMP is NOT AN IMPOSTER. He is a PRESIDENT that while not as tame as other Presidents in his voice, in his manner of doing things, etc., he is getting things done and has done more to uncover the corruption in place in the DEMOCRATIC party and other places on Planet EARTH than any other President in HISTORY! He’s done more for ALL RACES, ALL CREEDS, ALL COLORS than any other President. He’s not promised HOPE and CHANGE, he’s DELIVERED on them more in 3 years than OBAMA did in DOUBLE that time!

You what’s truly sad Nancy! Here have some more vodka, what’s truly sad is that IF the DEMOCRATS had the BALLS to admit that TRUMP had won, the CONGRESS could actually be working FOR AMERICA to get things done that would make the country even greater than it is!!! BUT you’re all too busy LYING to AMERICA because President TRUMp is ripping back the curtains to show AMERICA the lies that DEMOCRATS have been telling them for YEARS and that scares you.

GOOD!! Get scared because the unveiling has just begun and in the end, you will be called before tribunal and judged for your crimes against HUMANITY and your coverups of matters like EPSTEIN, like WEINER, like BILL CLINTON, and others and you will pay for your crimes.

Personally, I cannot wait for that to happen! Now, before I go, I will share my most recent creation, because it shows the true feelings of the country! From REAL AMERICANS, not from FAKE POLLS!

And for those reading this and wanting this shirt, it’s just $20 plus shipping and can be purchased by clicking on the image or this link: FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!

front copy 26.png

Have a nice day NANCY!!! Oh and lay off the Vodka!!! It will be your undoing!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY HOMELESS VETERAN (one of over 40,000 homeless VETERANS waiting on Congress to get off their impeachment hardon asses to do something about getting us off the streets!)

Anyone else reading this wanting to help me personally, please go to:


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You’re a RACIST!!!! Beto Screamed!! YOU SUPPORTED TRUMP!!

You supported TRUMP, you’re a racist BETO SHOUTS while shaking his finger ala BERNIE SANDERS STYLE!! in his amped up style he bounces around like someone on hot concrete with no shoes on, hop, skip, hop, jump…it’s like a non verbal form of Tourette’s the BETO SHUFFLE is.

Now, what BETO, AKA EL-FAKE-O-MEXICANO fails to realize is that he has just insulted EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted for TRUMP, is VOTING for TRUMP, is DEMOCRAT and thinking of VOTING FOR TRUMP and they are persons of both real sexes, 1,000 fake sexes, ALL  races, creeds, colors, LGBTQIA and TRANS too!!

AMERICA! What you need to know is that EVERY DEMOCRAT is just like BETO! They ONLY want your votes and don’t give a damn about you. They will turn on you with the whistle of a breeze blowing by and they don’t want the best for you and for AMERICA. They want only what puts money into their pockets by taking money from yours.

You’re going to do far better in 2020 by voting for TRUMP to be in office another 4 years, than by voting for ANY democrat out there. Do the smart thing, check out those on the WALK AWAY CAMPAIGN on twitter and facebook as well.

WAKE UP, PAY Attention to what places like OANN ( ) say about the news as they are more trustworthy than FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and others. OANN is far more accurate and not opinionated.


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