

So the vote for more witnesses in the sham impeachment trial of President Trump failed. It failed and then Democrats submitted an amendment to try to corner the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court into being their hand maiden and being the tie breaker on important matters. He turned them down.

Perhaps the democrats should have submitted that amendment prior to Elizabeth Warren’s statement and accusation of the Chief Justice siding with the Republicans. They might have succeeded had they done that, but thank GOD ROBERTS did the right thing and declined to be the one to modify the tradition of the Senate when amendments result in a tie.

What’s interesting from the beginning of the adventures of Donald J Trump relative to becoming President there has been a cry to impeach him for whatever reason they could use. But since the fiasco in the House began there has been this demand for witnesses and documents. There’s this thing in our country called the legal system. Democrats don’t believe in the existence of this system until they need to use it, then they demand that everything be followed by the book. 

So what did the House do in their impeachment inquiry? They didn’t have a formal vote to LAUNCH the inquiry. They had a press conference and said they were doing it, which makes it illegitimate. Then they created subpoenas to bring people in for testimony. They met with resistance from the White House which scared them to death. What they did next was quite insane. They went before the cameras and said “THE HOUSE HAS THE SOLE POWER OF IMPEACHMENT”. What they presumed that meant is that they had the extreme power of the judicial branch magically theirs. They’re wrong.

The Judicial branch solves disagreements between the Legislative branch and the Executive branch. The HOUSE does NOT have that power so all their subpoenas were illegal. Some people didn’t realize that and obeyed them, some others said NO WAY, and so those things went to court and are still in court and the HOUSE screamed, recalled some subpoenas and lied their way into the Senate with a sham impeachment and a false demand for WITNESSES AND DOCUMENTS.

So did the HOUSE have any witnesses? Receive any documents? YES! They had 18 witnesses and 28,000 documents. How can they then say that they had NO WITNESSES and NO DOCUMENTS? Well…they’re democrats. They’re idiots! If roles were reversed they would be saying to Republicans, you had 18 witnesses and 28,000 documents, so stop lying! Why aren’t Republicans doing that? Because they’re Republicans, they’re idiots.

The witnesses that Democrats want are the witnesses that they didn’t call in the HOUSE to try and control what the Senate would do in the impeachment of the President. THANK GOD that didn’t happen and their call for WITNESSES AND DOCUMENTS FAILED IN THE VOTE so they will never get that chance. Plus there’s NO DO OVERS in IMPEACHMENT. If they decide they want to do things again, they have to start over from scratch and anything from this impeachment would not be admissible in the next one!

AMERICA, this impeachment has been a runaway train since before President Trump was elected! They literally started things in 2015 when he announced. The day after, Maxine Waters was caught saying “If he wins, we will impeach him, no matter what it takes”. Multiple attempts at impeachment failed when the Republicans had the house with Paul Ryan and the RINOS in charge. But they had a message that didn’t resonate with suburban women and the whole country, so they lost the midterms and we lost the house and so that’s where we are now.

With all the WINS that this country has had while THIS PRESIDENT has been in office being assaulted daily by the PRESS, by LIES, by freaky women from long ago making false claims against him, and his battling the democrats day by day, imagine what would happen if we sweep the HOUSE & SENATE in NOVEMBER of this year (YES it’s 2020!!!), and we keep TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE, imagine what AMERICA could accomplish. Imagine how great we’d already be if DEMOCRATS had worked with TRUMP from the beginning. 

AMERICA we need OUR HOUSE BACK. We need OUR MAJORITY in the SENATE to INCREASE, and WE NEED DONALD TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE for 2nd TERM and I believe that since DEMOCRATS worked against AMERICA for this term, he should automatically get a 3RD TERM! But then again I am all for fairness!

Thanks for reading and if you believe what I say is true, please support this site in the right sidebar.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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