obama administration

CoronaVirus & Democrats…

So we’ve seen this in the past, when there are elections coming and people wish to control the voting for a particular party, there are things that mysteriously creep into the equation of life to limit the number of people in some way coming to vote for a particular candidate or party. This has happened in the past and this year does not appear to be any different.

Examples? Sure! Here’s a list of things that have suddenly appeared when elections are on the line:

SARS – 2004


SWINE FLU 2009-2010

MERS 2012

EBOLA 2014


EBOLA Part II 2018

and now in 2020 because President TRUMP is running for re-election we have


Now, whether or not Corona was created/release specifically to influence the election is not known YET but very shortly we will see how this changes the voter dynamics. It will be interesting to watch and see how many Democrats don’t get out to vote for Bernie or Biden based on the potential of getting Corona and dying from it as all media outlets want you to believe will be your outcome if you are infected. What the Media doesn’t know is there are statistics out there already which show that if you are in certain age brackets that getting this disease does not mean death, but rather something similar to a bad case of the flu which so far this year has killed 10,000 in the USA, but Corona has only killed 26 at last count. 

What’s interesting is that because there’s an election, every instance of CORONA to the media means there’s yet another horseman of the apocalypse released and the end of the world is coming next week so make sure you vote in November for Biden because he can save the world, this is after it’s been destroyed next week by the apocalypse. 

In other words, the MEDIA is HYPING this story by the hour to create a blanket of fear to control the markets, scare the population into doing things they normally wouldn’t be doing or worrying about, but make sure whatever you do, don’t vote for TRUMP because well…ORANGE MAN BAD!

America, my loving country, to you have some brief words: TELL THE MEDIA TO JUST GO AWAY! Turn off the news, don’t pay attention to polls, and whatever you do, DO VOTE FOR TRUMP when you have the chance to because this President has the pulse of the country in mind. He has the people in mind, He’s maintaining a cool head during this and he’s making sure that AMERICA is FIRST, not the rest of the world because he’s AMERICA’s PRESIDENT, not the President of the World.

Lastly, RELAX!! ENJOY LIFE as you should be. Do sensible things. If you go out somewhere, when you touch certain things, WASH YOUR HANDS before rubbing your eyes, touching your lips, etc. If you see someone coughing, move away from them, not closer to them. If you see someone sneeze, move away from them, not closer to them. If you feel ill, stay home, away from others. We know these things. It’s time we start doing those things that our parents told us when we were growing up & don’t let the media tell you the sky is falling, because in reality, it’s NOT!

Thanks for taking time to read and share this with others.

Michael Murdock 

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Iran Nuclear “DEAL”…throw it out now!

The JOHNKERRYSCREWAMERICANUKEDEAL…trash it! Throw it out and start new! IF IRAN is serious about getting into the League of Nations, out of sanctions, many things need to be done, but that CRAP deal needs to be canned immediately and a new one created which starts out with:

  2. ANY enriched uranium found during inspections will result in immediate freezing of all financial assets within the country, all electronic transactions suspended, all businesses frozen. That way the general population will make sure that this is never deviated from because they want to do business, earn money, feed their families, etc.
  3. NO LONG RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILES with range outside of the borders of the country permitted, however, they can have ranges to reach every inch of IRAN’s territory. NATO will respond to any outside attacks on IRAN for the foreseeable future, or a division of NATO which will be formed by countries in the Middle East which will be chosen to “defend” the sovereignty of IRAN from attacks by missiles from outside its borders. Say if SYRIA attacked IRAN, NATO would respond against Syria. This is what I mean.
  4. NO MORE SUPPORT OF TERRORISM. If any is found, then item number 2 would be applied and the population would respond accordingly against the government.
  5. No more AYATOLLAHS to report to. A properly structured governing body would be created to run the country and free and fair elections would be held to elect someone to rule the country, no more religious oversight of all that is.
  6. etc etc etc

No thanks I am not interested in running the country, I don’t speak paintbrush, I speak english and my point is not to turn IRAN into a territory of AMERICA. It is to return it to it’s glory days of long ago when the people were free and not subjugated under religious rule and were not forced at gunpoint or threats of death to their families to go and mourn those they hated so that the country could look good on CNN!

Free IRAN and let it become the nation it’s always wanted to be without the Ayatollah’s and Mullah’s ruling over these wonderful people with an iron fist. Those days should be done with NOW!

That’s my thought on that.

And for those who created the cluster fuck known as the JCPOA IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL, line them all up, charge them with TREASON and immediately seize any and all of their assets, homes, cars, bank accounts, etc., as they have provided aid to the enemy by giving them money which they knew would be used for terrorism and that terrorism helped attack the US EMBASSY IN IRAQ and resulted in Ballistic Missile attacks on US MILITARY personnel overseas which is an act of war against the United States which makes all of them GUILTY. Have a tribunal and dispense with appropriate punishment as the tribunal sees fit. My recommendation for the tribunal is ALL PEOPLE that support AMERICA FIRST. That should ensure that punishment is dispensed without hesitation or payoffs.

Note, these are my thoughts. Yours will be different I am sure. But that’s what makes America great. We can think differently.

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