

So the world is spinning along, things are going well, the market is UP UP UP and the election season begins and then…


And so it goes now in America. Universities are closing housing, kicking people out, businesses are shutting down, the market is tanking and of course there’s JOE BIDEN and his …well you know…the thing! His head is spinning with the manipulation of the party and a wife who if she was anyone else would be arrested for elder abuse and he’d be locked up in an Alzheimer’s lockdown unit for his own good and the good of those around him because of his lashing out, finger pointing, spontaneous yelling episodes, etc.

Life is about to get exciting!!! Michael, you mean there’s more after this?

ABSOLUTELY!!! Trump has not and will not resign. In fact he’ll be re-elected even with all of this going on and then, the fun can begin because hopefully he’ll appoint me as a CZAR over some segment of this and I’ll be calling for and directing investigations into everything that has happened against the TRUMP administration since the escalator ride and then calling for tribunals, convictions and nothing less than capital punishment for all involved so that the next time things come around, they won’t be a part of it.

Yes, life is about to get exciting, FOR THEM!


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CUMMINGS is in the line of…TRUMP!!!

So this morning we read President Trump calling out BIG MOUTH ELIJAH CUMMINGS over his crap. If we look at CUMMINGS district, it looks like someone took a CRAP THROWING machine and threw it everywhere. Baltimore is the EAST COAST version of San Francisco! Both cities are being crapped on literally by people living there while the VOTED IN Democrats do everything for ILLEGALS and say FUCK YOU to their constituents.

Yes, that’s tough to read. Sorry it’s not a novel, it’s not fiction. It’s REALITY! And what is the solution that the senators and congresspeople are offering for their districts to improve them? IMPEACH TRUMP because it’s all his fault!!

AMERICA, wake the HELL up and realize that the DEMOCRATS you voted in have your interests LAST on their list. They are puppets of the NEW WORLD ORDER and are trying to drive AMERICA into the ground. What they don’t realize is that when they’re done doing that, the NWO will exterminate 98% of the population of this country that we love so much.

THAT was OBAMA’s plan! His MINION HILLARY failed in getting the Presidency. They had a 16 yr plan to demolish AMERICA.

What they didn’t count on was PATRIOTS ready to defend AMERICA and being led by the one and only DONALD J TRUMP who WON the election and is our President. HE MUST be re-elected in 2020 to SAVE AMERICA from their plans.

Thanks for reading, thanks for caring, and if you’re a DEMOCRAT you should seek out the WALK AWAY CAMPAIGN on twitter and facebook and then walk away from the plantation, toss down the chains, be free and come over to the Conservative side since in 3 years DONALD TRUMP as PRESIDENT has done MORE for AMERICA than against it. TURN OFF CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX too!! TURN ON ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK and get REAL NEWS from REAL PEOPLE who CARE ABOUT AMERICA!!

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