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Yes, this is what Democrats believe will “secure” our border! Can you believe this shit!


DEMOCRATS are losing it on so many levels because they can read the writing on the Mueller Report and it’s not even published. I’ll spell it out for you: “NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP, TRUMP CAMPAIGN & RUSSIA”

Adam Schiff is looking to IMPEACH MUELLER for COLLUSION with TRUMP to avoid prosecution. Yes, it’s TRUE, ADAM BOY who has been lying to AMERICA about indisputable evidence about collusion has had nothing found or manufactured after 2 years.

So, AMERICA, the DEMOCRATS have lied to you because they’re still pissed about HILLARY LOSING THE ELECTION because she was a BAD CANDIDATE and didn’t plan on losing and supporting AMERICA. She felt she was entitled. She was wrong! Trump proved that and will prove that again in 2020 when HE is re-elected by a LANDSLIDE.

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No Immigration?

So I found it quite interesting today that NBC in the midst of a day where the TRUMP administration would propose a landmark IMMIGRATION PLAN (COMPREHENSIVE as DEMOCRATS LOVE TO SAY) that NBC wouldn’t put out a release on this in between all of the other crap they were blasting out. 

I’m not surprised by this since they’d rather cover everything bad happening to TRUMP than anything GOOD for AMERICA.

I remember days in my life when you’d turn to NBC for trusted NEWS. Now…They’re really the Nonstop Bullshit Corporation, NOTHING more.

Thanks for reading.

Michael Murdock

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