gary sinise

Tomorrow…I turn 59. I prayed for a miracle to arrive by then.

Yes, it’s true, tomorrow begins the countdown to the BIG 60. Tomorrow is my 59th birthday. Can you help me have a reason to celebrate?

Am I excited? Yes I am. Did my request on my pinned tweet come true? Did I raise the money that I need to get out of debt, clear my credit, rent an apartment for 2 years, pay all utilities and expenses for those two years? No sadly I didn’t.

I asked for the help, I put it out there even asking Code of Vets (@codeofvets) on twitter to help out by simply retweeting my pinned tweet and asking others to donate $20 each to the cause. Why? Because I didn’t want them to try and figure out how to raise the $40,000 that I need to accomplish my goal. I wanted 2,000 Veteran Loving Americans to donate to a cause to help someone that they interact with from time to time on twitter.

The premise was simple. $20 donated by the 2,000 people to my cause would help me by allowing me to raise  this money quickly, pay off some old collection bills, and clear my credit so I could then rent an apartment for 2 years, pay all utilities and ancillary expenses for 2 years creating a platform of stability. This would allow me to unpack a storage area, get to all of my business resources and files, clothes, and allow me to get back to training and working in the field that I have been for close to 20 years.

What’s their benefit from donating? The benefit is they help someone get into a stable place to live. To no longer live out of a car, to get back to living a normal life, contributing to society, and to helping others.

If they’re a business, they will benefit in an ongoing fashion if they accept credit cards for payment. I will be taking each business that donates $1,000 to my cause and helping them to reduce their credit card fees in an ongoing fashion which will not change for years. So they’re investing more, but they’re saying Michael I want help with my business and I want you to help me, and they will get my help, get their processing rates in some cases cut by 50%, and all for helping this Veteran get back into a place of stability, lowered stress, and better health.

So basically, 2,000 individual donations of $20 each, or 20 businesses donating $1,000 each help me reach this goal. I was praying for this to happen by midnight tomorrow. So far, reaching the goal is nowhere in sight.

Can you help change that? If so, please go to the following link which on my pinned tweet of my twitter profile is shortened using Here’s the full link:

Below is the full text from that link:

America! I’m selling the domain name for $40,000. That money will help me up from living out of my car. JUST 2,000 PATRIOTS who give $20 each can make this a reality. IF you donate, then ask someone you know to donate & then share, those 2,000 donations can be done in less than a day! President Trump has 72 MILLION followers on twitter! They need to know that KEEPAMERICAGREAT.COM was stolen from the TRUMP campaign! Every time someone goes there they see what TOM STEYER WROTE! So let’s MAKE AMERICA GREATER, not just keep it great! DONATE & ASK OTHERS to do so and make this happen this weekend! Once the money goal is reached, I’ll GIVE the domain to the TRUMP campaign in the NAME OF ALL OF 2,000 DONORS!!! MAKE THIS HAPPEN THIS WEEKEND AMERICA!!

There is $39,480 left to raise to make this dream a reality. Code of Vets has publicly told people that it costs approximately $50,000 to rehabilitate a Veteran. I’m trying to raise $10,000 less on my own. I have the things that I need to put into that new apartment, I have clothes that just need to be cleaned to be used. I have office supplies that would need to be bought, I just need the place to put these things into to get back to living and working as I figure I will be for a while.

I’m just asking for those people who follow me to help with a donation amount of some kind over the next 24 hours and ask their followers to do the same to help someone back up because it will be a great thing to do and be a part of, and that they’ll be able to see to others “I personally helped a Veteran get into a home”. That’s HUGE!!!

Come on America! Don’t put the pressure on Code of Vets or other services that have many more they need to be helping. I am just one guy who is asking for a handUP after giving my time and my money to help my sick parents who are now both buried in Arlington National Cemetery, and to then just months later bury my service dog.

Thanks for reading, and in advance, THANK YOU for helping this phoenix to rise, spread its wings and soar to new heights.

Michael Murdock, US Navy Veteran, Homeless (hopefully not for long)

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