
I felt safe in America…Until El Paso?? What about every tragedy before it?

So today I was reading some posts on twitter and ran across one that was about “I felt safe in America until El Paso” and I thought…interesting. Someone has lived in America and a shooting took place that made them feel unsafe. Okay…but what about…every day life?

The thing about feeling unsafe in any situation is what do you allow your mind to tell you. If you wish, you could awaken with panic because the next breath might be your last. You could awaken into a dream state and find that you’re in a casket being buried alive because no one checked to make sure you were dead before putting you in there…

You could be standing in the shower when all of a sudden your mind tells you that the floor has disappeared and you’re showering in the middle of space in a room that is closed on 5 sides, but the floor is gone and the water is just floating away in space. Yes, you could panic because beneath you is a spaceship looking up into your nether regions because you’re make there and they’re not!

The human mind can do many things and with the help of the news media constantly drumming into your head that there are guns at every corner pointing at you and you must run and hide from them and never feel safe in America again because EL PASO is coming for you!

Now…STOP! BREATHE! Place your hand on your thumping heart and tell it to slow down. LOOK AROUND YOU. If there’s nothing be run from, DON’T RUN! You’re safe! Nothing is going to hurt you. Be grateful you are here and not living in some other country where if you say a cross word about the government they lop your head off with a machete’ in the middle of the night or day and you’re splattered across the headlines in the papers saying you were killed for being a spy for America.

The MEDIA has been tasked for a long time to groom the people of AMERICA to be afraid of their own shadows. My lesson to you is DON’T BE! Don’t fall for the bullshit that MEDIA is pounding into you.

There are shootings, car wrecks, floods, plane crashes, tornadoes, etc all across this planet. There are shootings, muggings, texting deaths all over this planet. What you choose to let into your mind, your consciousness are what create the fear within you that you let rule your life!

MEDIA is also tasked today with putting FEAR into you that President TRUMP is going to DESTROY AMERICA.

What is FEAR? FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. Lies made to manifest into your reality. DON’T BELIEVE THEM! Turn off CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and yes EVEN FOX NEWS which as turned more left that someone spinning in left handed circles!!! 

GET TO OANN ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK and watch their broadcasts. If you don’t get OANN on your cable networks, then go to the link below and buy the product which you will see, hook it to your tv, then connect it to your wifi network at home and load the OANN CHANNEL and watch OANN FOR FREE!! You will get all the news in about an hour, and the right news, without the rude commentators interrupting their guests in interviews and you will see a network that supports AMERICA!!!!

Oh! before I go, here’s the link to the item I was referring to above that will let you see OANN for free!!!


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Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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