
What’s Bernie winning anything say about America?

What does Bernie Sanders winning anything in elections say about America? Simple, it says WE’RE LOST. Years ago there was an amazing pride in America and what we were to the rest of the world. Over time that pride in America which was instilled in our young people as they grew up, faded and a belief has grown that what we have fought against for over 90 years should now become our norm.

It’s scary to think, that America on any level would desire to become the UNITED SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA, or USSA instead of remaining the amazing free republic that we are. But this is what this country is headed towards, if in fact we do elect Bernie Sanders as our next president.

I would encourage all voters to think this over very carefully, because in the quest for those things that but he claims will be given for FREE, is the underlying knowing that FREE can only be achieved by people working and paying into the system. In the case of socialism, the system will dictate what you can and cannot do, where are you can and cannot go, what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot wear, what you can and cannot listen to, who you can and cannot date, who you can and cannot marry, and so on.

You see Bernie and his supporters are only sharing with those they bring into the fold only part of the picture. They’re not sharing the rest as Hitler didn’t share the rest with the Jews until they were lined up in front of the ovens and gas chambers and then were told that they would be giving their lives for Germany. Instead you’ll be giving your lives for America to keep FREE moving along but you’ll not be here to enjoy it. That’s every reason in the world to vote for President Trump to serve another 4 years at least.

Am I a doomsayer? No. I am one who has watched the world for a long time and one who sees the underlying evil contained within that which Sanders is pushing towards our people. He cannot win, for if he does the United States will become not just a Socialist nation, it will become a dictatorship and we have fought against those for a long long time. Our allies will abandon us, and we’ll be saddled with new found friends in Russia, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and other places that we have stayed away from taking on their way of life because it was so alien to our own. Bernie Sanders does not LOVE AMERICA. He hates it with every fiber of his being. How in the hell he’s been allowed to be in our Senate for so long is beyond me, but it’s time to educate him on the strength of the Republic and the resolve of our people to remain FREE!

Vote TRUMP 2020 and help to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

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