
the following is a tweet I put out and stand behind. I was listening to John Eastman, Lawyer for President Trump & a Constitutional Law Professor, this morning on #WarRoomPandemic with Steve Bannon and he was discussing how the Constitution had been stepped on by Governors who overstepped their bounds in certifying electors after changing state election laws, before & during & after the election of November 3, 2020.

“Certification of KNOWN FRAUDULENT electors which were chosen by violating the Constitution do not make BIDEN a WINNER. They make him APPOINTED by COMMUNISTS within our midst, led by @Mike_Pence , they ALL broke their OATH. They are ineligible for OFFICE & should be removed.”

Legislatures are responsible for determining electors, and many of them have asked to have that right back because of numerous questions of issues with the process this last year. MIKE PENCE BROUGHT THIS UP IN HIS PREAMBLE to kicking off the counting of the votes & yet HE CHOSE to set aside the Constitution and plow forward because he wanted to overthrow President Trump as he hopes you’ll vote for him in 2024. I say to Mike Pence, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! Trump never should have picked you to be VP. He should have appointed a Marble column. That column would have shown more spine and PROTECTED OUR RIGHTS!

Those are my thoughts and I stand by them, and without fear, I PUT MY NAME ON THEM.

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN


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Ruby Freeman!!! History is ringing your phone! Don’t ignore this call! Rosa Parks sat on a bus and refused to be moved, yet she moved mountains with her defiance.

You hold that same opportunity in your hands today. Will you stay seated as ROSA did and move mountains, or will you hide and stay silent and allow history to pass you by.

Listen to this man and step up! Rise up! Become a ROAR in history, not a footnote and a joke in it.

#RubyIsTheNewRosaParks #TheMostImportantWomanInTheWorld #DoTheRightThingRuby #SealYourLegacyAsAHeroRuby Please share this and get it to Ruby

RETWEET #ShowRubyThatSheMatters


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Trump is this, Trump is that, Trump is the other…


For the past few days we’ve been listening to a collection of cry-babies known as HOUSE MANAGERS who whined and whined and whined and whined louder!

Stop the LIES!!! Stop the PARODY!!! STOP THE CRAP!!!

DEMOCRATS!!! Hillary lost the 2016 election because she was the most fucked up candidate on the ticket and she ran a bad campaign. She lost because she thought that cheating and winning the popular vote would get her annointed PRESIDENT.

THANK GOD we don’t ANNOINT our PRESIDENTS! We require them to win the ELECTORAL COLLEGE because Popularity does not make President! However, we have a President now that is not just popular, this President LOVES AMERICA!

I don’t give a DAMN how many times DEMOCRATS babbled off PSYOP trigger phrases to try and convince me that my PRESIDENT did something wrong by withholding aid from UKRAINE for a little bit, and it was FUTURE AID, not CURRENT AID, which DEMOCRATS kept saying they needed this aid for the HOT WAR that they’re in with RUSSIA which is a LIE. How do I know? Because they had AID which we had given them in 2017, 2018 already and that the aid in 2019 was FUTURE AID. We had also sent them weapons and they had not used all of it.

America, we have a party that is pissed that they have no candidate in the race that can beat TRUMP. They have no message that resonates with AMERICA after winning the MIDTERMS where they promised their constituents that they were not going to Washington to impeach TRUMP, but to work with him for AMERICA. THEY LIED AGAIN!!

I listened to th repetition which they were basically trying to hypnotize the SENATE into demanding documents and witnesses which the HOUSE should have subpoenaed during their investigation which is what their job was! They failed at their job because they wanted to pin down Chief Justice John Roberts to make decisions for them and to demand these things that they decided that they would not pursue because TRUMP told them NO. WHO CARES!!! Where’s the 3rd CO EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT??? The HOUSE totally IGNORED the JUDICIAL like it didn’t exist! They basically took the power of the JUDICIAL and claimed it as their own. WRONG!!!

Now that they have bored the Senate and have lambasted them about HOW TO DO THEIR JOB, I PRAY that the SENATE tells the HOUSE MANAGERS, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

I would apologize for the language, but AMERICA, I am pissed! OUR PRESIDENT IS UNDER FIRE from a PARTY that is HELL BENT on DISENFRANCHISING 63+ MILLION of us and our votes because we voted in the OUTSIDER and didn’t KISS HILLARY CLINTON’s ASS!

We the REPUBLIC are in a FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL!!! We MUST WIN the HOUSE BACK in NOVEMBER, increase our margin in the SENATE and KEEP TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE and then we need to put these people on trial for SEDITION & for perpetrating a COUP against the REPUBLIC and I would have no problem volunteering for the punishment dispersal squad when that time comes because THIS IS MY AMERICA and I took an OATH to DEFEND HER and that OATH NEVER EXPIRES.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN


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The World according to CNN…

Today I watched an interview held by a puppet at @CNN and attended by Congressman Adam Kinsinger. They proceeded to discuss many things, the CNN puppet spouting the propaganda lines & Kinsinger looking as though he wanted to throttle the guy for some of the things he was saying.

What struck me about this interview was the discussion around New Zealand and the killer’s manifesto (I have not read it yet) which the Puppet mentioned that it had said some things related to looking up to President Trump and so CNN presumes to tie TRUMP to the killings there making it like TRUMP flew to NEW ZEALAND and GUIDED THIS KILLER TO MAKE THE CHOICE THAT THE KILLER ALONE MADE TO KILL PEOPLE.

And that’s when it hit me. CNN is once again trying to destroy, divide, trash AMERICA once again while taking cheap shots at our President.

What CNN doesn’t realize is that THEY are as GUILTY of KILLING and HARMING people in THIS COUNTRY as that killer and ALL KILLERS are across the globe. THEY pull the trigger along with those killers, those bombers every time they speak ILL of PRESIDENT TRUMP. Wait!! How can you say that Michael?? CNN LOVES AMERICA!!!

Really? Then WHY did they create the LIE that TRUMP SAID “ALL MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS, DRUG DEALERS, MURDERERS” when he announced in 2015 that he was going to run for President? From that point of creation they embraced hatred, division, and a desire to RUIN AMERICA for choosing to VOTE for ANYONE other than HILLARY CLINTON.

So this killer in NEW ZEALAND ADMIRED TRUMP. Good for him. TRUMP didn’t make him kill anyone. HE CHOSE TO KILL. How can I say that? BECAUSE TRUMP doesn’t make people do ANYTHING. THEY, THE PEOPLE CHOOSE TO DO what THEY CHOOSE TO DO. Something else to consider is that maybe something CNN broadcasted triggered something in this person that made him think that TRUMP said something WHEN HE DIDN’T, but CNN EDITED IT to make it SOUND LIKE HE DID SAY IT. Exactly what they did in 2015 and then perpetuated that LIE every single night since that time to drive the propaganda into the minds of AMERICA thinking it would impact the election and turn the results to HILLARY. It FAILED.

So they tried RUSSIA…but not until they tried the GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY tape. “TRUMP SAID HE GRABBED WOMEN BY THE PUSSY”. Actually, that’s NOT what he said. He said that WOMEN WOULD LET YOU DO THAT. He never said HE DID IT. BUT CNN ran with the LIE OF “TRUMP SAID…” and then they ran that over and over and over again drilling it into the heads of their LIBERAL audience who then started lashing out at TRUMP supporters for supporting a man who do such things to women.

You see AMERICA we are on the verge of the MUELLER REPORT coming out. Some are pushing for the whole report to come out. Democrats are preparing to IMPEACH MUELLER for COLLUSION with TRUMP & RUSSIA because MUELLER is going to find there was NO COLLUSION between the TRUMP CAMPAIGN, DONALD TRUMP & RUSSIA and that instantly torpedoes the lie that they have perpetrated upon AMERICA since 2015.


That is what should happen in the INTEREST of PRESERVING LIFE.



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