Subscribers! I need your help, please.

I’m asking all of my subscribers to this site, all 10,444 of you for your help. I’m in need of your assistance and I hope and pray this will be the only time that I have to do this. If you are able, and can spare any amount, please come to the site and using the SUPPORT THE SITE area in the right hand sidebar, please contribute to keep this site up and running as well as new content and opinions being posted more often.

I’ve lost a ton of business over the past few years with my very open support of President Trump both as a Candidate and once he became President. It has been very costly and I hate to ask, but I could really use a bit of assistance.

So thanks in advance for your help, if every single subscriber donated just $1 that would be more than enough assistance, but I know that not everyone is in a position to help. I would be willing to post amount updates and when we reach an amount that is equal or even 1/2 of the number of subscribers I would let you know and the donations can cease.

Thanks in advance for your help as my car that I travel in currently needs some major work and I need to have it to get from place to place in this Valley of the Sun that I live in known as Arizona.

God bless you all!

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