Step Right Up!! GET YOUR PANIC!! Pandemic, Collusion, Etc…

Yes America that’s right!!! Step up and grab the panic of your choice from the buffet:

  1. CLIMATE CHANGE!!! – The world is ending in 10 years! But Democrats want to rule it for 20 years! Meaning…they’re LYING!
  2. CORONA VIRUS – Created by TRUMP to interfere with the 2020 election. Another LIE by democrats. Created in South Carolina, shipped to China for some reason and sent out from there to infect the entire planet to see how long it will take to send out something more ruthless to exterminate majority of populations in all countries before taking over them starting with the United States.
  3. TRUMP RE-ELECTION!! – Fear created by Democrats over the current President being reelected for another 4 years or perhaps more to keep on the path of MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

What’s interesting as time goes along, we see a pattern of panic and disruption created every time TRUMP does something great. That’s NOT what AMERICA is about. That’s what DEMOCRATS are about. They wish to destroy any way that they can the success of President Trump because they feel that America was better off under Obama. The media is completely complicit in this and that’s something that all Americans need to be aware of and vote appropriately.

The latest thing to be aware of is how Democrats are criticizing the Administrations response to Corona Virus. But sadly for the Democrats, the President had meetings in January when the issue first arose to prepare for the worst, put into place resources to address the issue and got ahead of the storm of liberal panic.

America we need to be aware of what the Democrats are doing, and to call them out on these activities with our votes every chance we get. Come November we need to send them a message they’ll never forget by sweeping the HOUSE, the SENATE, KEEPING THE WHITE HOUSE, and gaining yet another Supreme Court seat by removing RUTH BADER GINSBURG FOR CAUSE!

Yes, I did say REMOVING GINSBURG. She’s on life support as it is, time to pull the plug!

VOTE RED RED RED TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC and remove the cancer known as the Democrat party from existence, once and for all.

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Corona Anyone?? NO!! Not ANYONE!

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