Am going to include an image in this posting that can clarify the title a bit better for you. You see, before Donald Trump aspired to become President, he was LOVED and ADORED by the press. They followed him, they interviewed him, they gave him good press because he was a good little boy following along the script that the globalists dictate those in America need to follow. But then…he decided to break ranks with them and go ROGUE! TRUMP WENT ROGUE and BAM the press was on him like syrup on a double stack of pancakes on a plate in front of JOHN KASICH!!

So the PRESS set out to take every literal syllable that TRUMP utters and dissect it to inject their own interpretation into what he says instead of allowing America to listen to what the President says. “HE winks and he SPEAKS IN CODE!!!” yells JOE BIDEN speaking about President Trump. He’s not speaking in CODE. He’s speaking PLAIN ENGLISH that people understand except DEMOCRATS who think that TRUMP is an agent of…wait for it…RUSSIA!!

Take a look at this picture below and the information contained therein. MEDIA is being PAID TO LIE, DECEIVE & CONTROL AMERICA for GLOBALIST PUPPET MASTERS! They don’t give a flying FUCK about your lives, your kids either born or unborn. You are nothing but a group of cells to them and they’d rather see you dead than alive because they get paid more to report on your death!

TELL THEM YOU KNOW and TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF!!! Once the media realizes that you know they’re gaming you, they will be on guard so you can ride them like Secretariat into the ground and regain your power in AMERICA!! It’s TIME!!! TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY! That’s why TRUMP calls them FAKE NEWS! He’s onto them and they hate that! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

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I felt safe in America…Until El Paso?? What about every tragedy before it?