So…I’m walking through a grocery store to get some water and BOOM I get a message from twitter about a SEX STRIKE called for by Alyssa Milano!!! Wait this is the little gal who was on Who’s the Boss years ago, who now has her own page on PORNHUB (yes, we do find these things from time to time just to see who’s been bad & who really is telling the truth to Santa!). Sorry, Alyssa, you’re on the NAUGHTY LIST!!

So she calls for a SEX STRIKE against CONSERVATIVE MEN until her and the rest of the liberal freaks out there can get abortions ala mode or ala carte selections. What is funny is she doesn’t realize is that by calling for a strike against the act that actually creates children, creates those babies that she and her sick liberal friends want to ABORT, she solves the issue. No SEX = NO CHILDREN = NO ABORTIONS = CLOSE ALL ABORTION SERVICES BECAUSE THEY’RE NO LONGER NEEDED! And since there are no longer any abortions needed…I SAY STRIKE DOWN ROE V WADE FINALLY!!!

Thank you ALYSSA MILANO for…baring your boobs in Embrace of the Vampire, and for calling for a SEX STRIKE against CONSERVATIVE MEN!!!

Now, let me lay down some education on you. Conservative MEN, LOVE CONSERVATIVE WOMEN!!! We don’t like LIBERAL WOMEN because you’re LIBERAL DEMOCRATS! We have NOTHING in common with you. Conservative WOMEN look BETTER than LIBERAL WOMEN because they’re not stressing out over what’s playing on CNN and the other LIBERAL news networks. Conservative WOMEN LOVE TRUMP and LOVE AMERICA! They’re not changing their male kids into women, they’re not telling their kids to fear guns, they’re not discouraging their kids from the competition and they’re letting them know it’s ok to lose once in a while, but winning is better and no you’re not entitled to a participation trophy!

So you want to call for a real sex strike, then stop having any kind of sex with any kind of…animal, mineral, vegetable because you liberal women are freaks and no one in their right mind wants to have sex with you anyway!

Enjoy your STRIKE, but something tells me not a lot of your liberal counterparts will join you because they love sex and don’t get enough of it, plus they feel obligated to keep the abortion services running that you and your strike have caused to shut down completely.

Most of all, thanks for making me laugh because if you were the last woman on the planet and I was the last man, and we needed to repopulate the species…WE HUMANS WOULD BECOME EXTINCT because I would NEVER, EVER have sex with you. EVER! And you know something, there are literally MILLIONS of MEN out there who feel the exact same way about you. You disgust us.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN You can find me on twitter at: @dmmktg

And you can find Alyssa Milano on twitter at: @Alyssa_Milano

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