“RUSSIA DID IT!” – or DEMS want you to think they did!

It started a long time ago…it really accelerated in June of 2015 when a polished business man and his gorgeous wife descended an escalator in a place known as Trump Tower in NYC and the man went to a podium to declare that he was going to run for the nomination to become the 45th President of the United States of America.


So the democrats sought to create someone to blame for TRUMP being in office so who did they pick? They picked the 2nd largest NUCLEAR POWER ON THE PLANET, and they started a poke the bear campaign. So what did RUSSIA do? They provided some false information to some people which resulted in Hillary Clinton and her campaign purchasing from a foreign power, dirt on their political opponent so that she could win the election.

The problem is that while they were doing all these things to blame Russia, the TRUMP campaign was devising a strategy to keep campaigning on things that AMERICA wanted and in the end they WON the ELECTION by using the Electoral College exactly how it was created. They addressed issues that AMERICA wanted, made promises to AMERICA that they knew they could keep and the Republican Party with Donald Trump as their nominee WON the 2016 election in a YUGE WAY.

Once the election was overwith, some thought that Hillary would as she had demanded Trump to do, accept the results of the election, shake hands and leave. That was the dream. The nightmare was something completely different. The country has been thrust into a repetitive cycle of blame, blame, blame on RUSSIA. POKE POKE POKE the BEAR.

Democrats have laid blame on RUSSIA for EVERYTHING they can, and just today, HEELS UP HARRIS aka KAMALA HARRIS who literally fucked a married man to get where she got to in San Francisco, BLAMED RUSSIA for COLIN KAEPERNICK (a spoiled blackballed FORMER NFL QUARTERBACK) taking a KNEE and whining until NIKE gave him a contract and a bunch of money. REALLY HEELS? Because according to KAEPERNICK he was doing it because he feels that BLACKS ARE BEING TARGETED EVERY DAY by POLICE whether or not they shoot first.

TO HELL with KAMALA HARRIS!!! America if you vote her for President, she will open prisons up so everyone can leave without being prosecuted, she will drop the borders so AMERICA becomes a place that ANYONE can come into and do what they want to with NO CONTROL and kill us all. Yes, that’s a broad brush, but it’s TRUE! The WOMAN has no policies that BENEFIT AMERICA. While I write this and other postings today, every 46 minutes another VETERAN kills themself because they feel they have no chance. You know what HEELS says? “WE HAVE TO HELP ALL ILLEGALS COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY”. PERIOD. She mentions NOTHING about those who are already here.

So to KAMALA and the rest of the democrats is RUSSIA TO BLAME for our homeless? For OBAMACARE causing providers in all states except 4 providers to go bankrupt and close down so there’s no KEEP YOUR DOCTOR OR KEEP YOUR PLAN? Is it RUSSIA’s fault that traffic was extra heavy this morning in cities across our nation? Is it RUSSIA’s FAULT that JUSSIE SMOLLETT LIED, created a HOAX that KAMALA PARTICIPATED IN and left a rope around his own neck that he was walking around with for hours until Police came to see him? NO!

What RUSSIA has done is plant a seed. But not just RUSSIA. Other countries too. They plant a SEED with language or posts or ads and LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS those who were hypnotized by OBAMA and his smooth talking with an idea that TRUMP did something and DEMS RUN like STARVING MEN to get their first piece of pussy after being stranded on a deserted island for 10 years!

Russia has been brilliant as have other countries at one thing. DIVIDING AMERICA. They use verbal, non-verbal, and other simple forms of communication to start a rumor and by the time it reaches the media to get amplified…TRUMP FORGOT THE NAIL THOSE BOARDS ON THE ARK WHEN NOAH TOLD HIM and that’s why people claim to be TRANS NOW!

Russia and others wanted to DIVIDE AMERICA. They have been successful. They have also found a willing partner in their quest to do so. They FOUND the AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY and they didn’t have to ask twice. They just put something out, whispered in the ears of DEMOCRATS and like LEMMINGS the DEMS leaped into action to DIVIDE AMERICA!

I could keep typing with more examples but know this. The DEMOCRATIC PARTY only speaks of doing things FOR ILLEGALS. Illegals that as of today are costing AMERICA over $145 BILLION DOLLARS. They want to give them all FREE EVERYTHING while our loved ones DIE EVERY 46 MINUTES ON OUR STREETS. Democrats don’t give a flying ANYTHING about AMERICA and who put them into office. THAT MUST CHANGE!

You need to vote for and support who you feel comfortable with. I CHOOSE TRUMP!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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