You be the judge. I found a tweet today that took me back when I read it. It was from Sean Davis, a guy I follow on twitter and he was calling out a Congresswoman who drafted a brief on the 5th for an event that didn’t take place until the 6th of JANUARY!

So the day before an uprising, she does a brief about the uprising? Is this bitch psychic? Or did she know there was a planned uprising and she was making sure she could beat everyone else to the punch of condemning it? Also, ask her to get me those lottery numbers I asked about because if she’s clairvoyant, it’s my time to win!

I have demanded an answer from her and the chicken shit has yet to come forward and say anything. That to me says “OH DAMN THEY CAUGHT US”.
If in fact it is true that they knew, then AMERICA, you have your ignition point of 1776 and she would be the flame that lit the fuse which will cause the complete implosion of life in the United States.

People, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA. They love to blame everything on TRUMP supporters, which they forget are many, but in the end, they end up becoming the ones that are causing the problems in our country.

ANYWAY, READ this image and then go find CORI BUSH on twitter and give her a piece of your mind. Don’t be violent, but be direct and firm and let her know that should she be found to have known about this and let it happen, she should be arrested and tried for MURDER of the AIR FORCE VETERAN WHO DIED THERE.


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