Newsweek…What a fucking joke!

Here’s a little piece of work by a shit magazine known as “NEWSWEEK”. It should actually be called “GOATBLOWERS” because of the liberal bullshit that they print. They went downhill long ago and cater to liberals completely. Take anything that they write with a true grain of salt, nothing more. LAURA LOOMER IS AWESOME! I fully support her and what she’s doing!

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Support Awesomeness

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More Broward Antics…

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Time to Accept!!

So why would someone create a site called ACCEPT ELECTION?

It’s one of those things that comes along when you’re wondering why people like Hillary Clinton would beat the drum of “If you don’t accept our election results or claim the election was tampered with or rigged, you are destroying our democracy!”

Well HILLARY…what the fuck is taking your lame ass so long to accept the results of the 2016 election???

I would say it’s a case of utter TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!!! Because Donald Trump beat you in the election like a bastard stepchild and you’re running around crying like a little pussy everywhere because you got beat.

I think you need a mug…yes, this one should work!!! And I encourage everyone out there who reads this to buy you a MUG and deliver them to your house in Chappaqua, New York, just the mugs, nothing else. After all, even Hillary drinks alcohol out of mugs!!

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Welcome to Accept Election!!!

What’s this place about? It’s about ACCEPTING THE RESULTS OF AN ELECTION!! Like the one that happened in 2016. RIGHT HILLARY!! Just think if you’d accepted the results of that one! We would have to sell WHAT HAPPENED MUGS!!! But you can get one now by going to this link:

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