Yeah, what he said!

I’ll be surprised if he’s not banned for posting this there, but hey many agree!!! Come on SPAIN!!! You have some GORGEOUS WOMEN THERE! No one can show me in ANY BIBLE where it says that GOD created MAN, then WOMAN, and the MANWOMEN or WOMENMEN, and even if they could, it’s a LIE.

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That twitter lockout story

is right here: I think it’s on page 2 of 6 right now, but it will continue to move as more posts are added to this site.

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She didn’t win the election because of what I consider to be cheating, but now she’s going to Washington and will be ANOTHER SENATE SEAT FOR THE GOP and NOT THE DEMOCRATS!!! This is too cool because now the head BISEXUAL SINEMA (She wanted everyone to know she’s bisexual, which I found a bit concerning) will have someone dogging her and out maneuvering her at every turn FOR AMERICA FIRST. Did anyone research into the Sexual Harassment Slush Fund to see if Sinema settled with anyone, either male or female since she’s been there since 2013?? I think that’d be an interesting thing to know. I think she’s bi because then she can claim she can’t be blackmailed, but she still can be. I guess we’ll find out won’t we.


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Republicans brought forth an offer to Democrats and Democrats said NO. They don’t care about Border Security because they own the HOUSE in January! F THE DEMOCRATS! SHUT IT DOWN AND PISS IN THEIR COFFEE with a Republican HOUSE APPROVING $5BILLION and making DUCKING SCHUMER THE GRINCH!!!

That’s what I would do.

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Posting more soon

Please scroll through the posts and find the one that talks about a Conservative voice silenced. That talks about being locked out for calling CHER a skank. Twitter considers that word hate speech. But! They don’t tell you that until they lock you out.

It’s really just a way for them to lock out a vocal conservative, whether you live in your car like me or not.

Also please sign up as a patron on

And if you know anyone who’d be interested in some domain names please see DomainSalesGenius all are ready for purchase and transfer.

Lastly if you want to help me get a meal or some gas I’d be humbled to accept your help at

Thanks and God Bless!

Michael Murdock, US Navy Veteran

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There are a ton of Democrats still in office, that signed onto the secure fence act in 2006. Chuck Schumer is one of them! Nancy Pelosi is another. Hillary CLINTON was ANOTHER when she was a Senator. How soon they all forget, that they did this, and that what the current President is asking for is not out of line. I think we should remind them of it every single moment that we can.

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A tweet by an utter moronic liberal!

The following tweet from Chuckles Schumer proves my point about MEDIA and DEMS. They say that conservatives FEAR MONGER. CHUCKIE is an expert trying to play on fears. OH MY GOD TRUMP IS TAKING YOUR HEALTHCARE AWAY!!!!

Actually, a JUDGE said that OBAMA CARE is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, which it is and was created on an Executive Order because Obama couldn’t even get enough people in his own party to sign off on it. No Republicans wanted it and it was interesting to see deductibles in ARIZONA SOAR by 145%!!! Providers bailed because it was not “AFFORDABLE” as it was claimed to be and it was loaded with lies about “If you like your plan you can keep it, guaranteed”. “If you like your doctor you can keep them, guaranteed”.

Horse Feathers! You couldn’t keep either and if you decided you didn’t want anything, the would charge you a MANDATE each month whether you used the service or not.

Chuck is off base. President Trump is trying to inspire the DEMOCRATS to work with REPUBLICANS to create a plan that is affordable for EVERY AMERICAN. Chuck only wants it to be affordable for the wealthy, and to give away to illegals and not regular Americans.

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It’s Christmas time!! Check out these domains at and know that they are all able to be purchased now and transferred today. Just see the instructions on the site to get the fastest transfer available to you. You will be able to use your new domain name to build your very own website on it (no content is included in the sales). If you have any questions you can email me: and I am available always to respond to your questions if I get them before 11PM Arizona Time.


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Our AWESOME FIRST LADY flew out to visit our people at bases, and out to sea! She’s awesome and it’s so great to see how well she’s received. She’s not covered well by the media because she’s MRS TRUMP and they just don’t do that because she’s NOT BILL CLINTON who would be the First Husband. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Hillary said anyone not accepting the results of an election was a DANGER to our Democracy (she forgets we’re a REPUBLIC too), but TRUMP WON, she didn’t and well alrighty then! GET OVER IT and COVER OUR FIRST LADY BECAUSE SHE ROCKS!

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