Learn my name and be afraid…

I read what that bad hair congress thing wrote to CJ Pearson who is under the age of 18 to my recollection and I just had to think “WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS”. She works for US. We don’t work for her, and her lame ass is not above the law. Threaten a kid, she might end up in some trouble she can’t suck her way out of.

Some of these “freshmen/women/whatevers” in Congress need to learn their place. They’re working for WE THE PEOPLE, we’re not working for them. We elect them do to things for us. We don’t elect them for us to do things for them. Show us why they should remain in office or how soon they should be kicked to the curb, I’m thinking 2020 works fine when Republicans take back the HOUSE, HOLD THE SENATE with even more seats, and keep the WHITE HOUSE until 2040!

And with respect to the threatening Congresswoman, REMEMBER MY NAME. Michael Murdock, US NAVY HOMELESS VETERAN, because I’m one who’d stand to defend CJ against attacks by some lunatic loud mouthed congresswoman who thinks threatening a kid is funny. I dislike BULLIES in many ways. She’s nothing but a punk bully. PERIOD.

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People are always saying they want to help VETERANS. You have a chance to help 1 Veteran who helps others when he sees them along side the roads, or sleeping on sidewalks, or under bridges, in doorways, etc., at all times of the day & night. Being homeless has awakened me to much that others turn their backs on and don’t see. You helping me back on my feet will allow me to be a louder voice for them, and will also allow me to help them when I am able to with other resources. This is part of a much larger picture, and your donation and the donation of others will power it.

If you are one company, or one individual who donates all $35,000.00 you will be specially featured, yourself personally, or your business or both in PictureThisAmerica™ – a Visual Tribute to Veterans by a Veteran Book when it’s published and sold globally through Amazon.com. Just go to the site http://bit.ly/AmericaIsGreatAgain and donate the full amount, and I will be in touch with you to gather information & pictures from you to include in the book. You’ll also be featured on the resulting website PictureThisAmerica.com on your own page as Exclusive Sponsor which many will see as you’ll be highlighted on radio and tv when I tour the country speaking about the book to many.

The sooner this gets funded, the sooner I can get to work on it and get it done. So please donate today, and tell others about it asking them to donate as well.

Thanks & God Bless!


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Well at least she does!!! Does she swallow? Does she take more than one at a time? Will she blame Covington if something happens to her as a result of her offer? If she’s raped will she blame Covington? If she’s anally invaded by a very well hung black man will she scream or will she write more about it somewhere else and advertise that her butt can be had for a $1???

Give me a FUCKING BREAK SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE!!! You are hiring SHIT for writers and for “talent” and this one has been reported to the LAPD & NYPD for questioning because basically she’s hiring someone to exact violence on another which I believe is a FELONY in at least 50 states and perhaps all US TERRITORIES as well!!!


Do I hope anything happens to her? NOPE. Do I condone anything happening to her? NOPE! Will I be upset if anything happens to her? NOPE! She put it out there, whatever she has coming to her will be delivered by something known as KARMA! and it’s like a MAC TRUCK looking to run her scrawny ass into the pavement!!


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The idiocy of the left rampages once again and it’s scary to watch. You have the idiot in the picture saying things and then some whacko “CongressMan” wants to FORBID people from wearing MAGA hats…I’d tell him to go fuck himself with a POSEIDON MISSILE but he might actually enjoy it while crying from the top of the mountains “YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO WEAR MAGA ANYTHING!!!” Congressman Yarmuth…FUCK YOU and the WHORSE you rode in on!!!


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Cohen, Buzzfeed, and others walk into a bar…

and Mueller says…WRONG!!!!

But now today, the statements from the news people who are not buzzfeed are “we knew it was fake”, “we weren’t down with that”, “they had no sources”, but if you roll back the tape 24 hours you will find that 99.9999999999% of news organizations were calling for the immediate impeachment of President Trump, Vice President Pence & the entire TRUMP administration to make Nancy Pelosi the President of the United States. That’s how far into the abyss the news media has gone since SHE LOST.

SHE LOST? Yes, let’s refresh those moments shall we!

First the election being called…not for HER!!!




Then the RECOUNT being called…not for HER!!!




Then the ELECTORAL COLLEGE being called…not for HER!!!

The best part being that SHE IS NOT ANYONE’S PRESIDENT!!!







And one of my personal favorites is below!!!!

Ever since Donald Trump announced in 2015 that he would be running to become President, the media has been paid to try and take him down however they see fit to do so! It’s funny that even with all of the weapons they have amassed including covens of fucking witches that they have all failed and shortly when MUELLER releases his report that says “THERE WAS NEVER ANY COLLUSION OR COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN AND RUSSIA TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY”, the media cumulatively will have their fucking skulls implode on tv and me and Michael Jackson will inhale a silo of popcorn and be laughing our asses off over it!!

Just remember this CNN and others trying to bring this President down. You have lost GOD and have cast him out. Donald Trump, now President Trump has welcomed GOD into his heart and NO WEAPON or STORY formed against him will bring him down because GOD has deemed that DONALD TRUMP is the one he wants to save the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from the ABYSS that BARACK OBAMA pushed it into during his 8 years in office.

If the MEDIA was SMART they would highlight all the good that TRUMP is doing and push their lies to the back pages of their publications because it serves the DEVIL the work they are doing, it serves not the GLORY OF GOD. GOD WILL WIN & TRUMP WILL WIN because GOD WANTS TRUMP TO WIN.

End of Line

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Amazing how the media (some of them) try to say that TRUMP is chasing conspiracy theories when he’s merely repeating the truth that keeps coming out due to Mueller and it’s not truth about TRUMP, it’s about DEMOCRATS that were trying to pad an election for HILLARY CLINTON and how badly they failed!

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Sidney Powell is 100% CORRECT once again. Calling out Senator Dianne Feinstein for her behavior around having a known Chinese spy in her employ. What’s surprising is NO REPUBLICANS forced an investigation forward on this! OBAMA KNEW, BUSH KNEW, CLINTON KNEW, BUSH SR KNEW. ISSUES AMERICA!!! I’ll tell you how China knew it was getting good intel on building planes and such, it was confirmed by FEINSTEIN!

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DEMOCRATS!!! LISTEN UP! Every one of you who claims that the border crisis is “manufactured”!!! It’s time you stand face to face with families who have lost loved ones and tell them their loss is manufactured, on camera, not in private, you look them in their eyes and tell them that their dead relative is the result of a manufactured crisis. I DARE YOU!

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Mark Levin points out the obvious once again

Media has a way of distorting what something truly is just to get additional clicks on their postings. It’s fun when someone like Mark Levin succinctly makes them look like idiots.

Thanks MARK once again for letting them know who is boss and it’s NOT THEM!! Its YOU!!

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Bravo to Gov Ron DeSantis of Florida for getting rid of the Sheriff of COWARD COUNTY. Kids would be alive today if that Sheriff’s office had balls to go in and bring down the shooter that day in Florida. GREAT KIDS WOULD BE ALIVE! Scott Israel is a disgrace as is the chicken shit deputy that didn’t go in and fire a shot at the shooter who just kept killing as that deputy stayed outside cowering. THANK GOD FOR GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS there are many who applaud this action. Personally I don’t give a damn how Scott Israel feels about it. He has much blood on his hands.

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