Leave a Crypto RED envelope today!

Are you celebrating Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year as it’s called? If so and you’d like to leave a RED Envelope using CRYPTO, you can do so at any of these addresses. What is received will be shared with others who are less fortunate so that they may embrace prosperity and wealth along their path in this world.






USDT Tether

If you’d like to leave a cash donation/gift you may do so at:

At the link above, you can click the $ sign to leave a cashapp donation, or you can click the larger donate button and pick an amount you’d like to send.
As mentioned anything received will be shared with others who are less fortunate.
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Your Account Has Been Locked…

So what’s funny about this? I tweeted to someone “Not happening, but feel free to stroke out on your own”, after they wished for two people to have strokes & my account was locked for more than 12 hours. In other words, I called someone out for their attacking someone else and twitter said I BROKE THEIR RULES, not the person whose tweet I was responding to. America, that’s what things have come to. Not cool.

But it’s not surprising that liberals are allowed to wish bad things to happen to conservative members of our government.

America needs to grow some balls.

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TransPerson’s Leagues…Why not?

WHY IS THERE NO “TRANS LEAGUE” for TRANS PERSONS to compete against other TRANS PERSONS??? @MichaelPhelps is right. There needs to be a level-playing field. If you’re TRANS, you compete against TRANS in the TRANS LEAGUE, not against those who are not TRANS. It’s actually SIMPLE.

I posted this on twitter today. My question is a valid one though. If people want to surgically alter their bodies from being as they were born, women turning into men, men turning into women, then they want to compete in their new sex against others who would be at a disadvantage to them, it makes no sense that they should not have their very own league of their own so to speak.

This way the men compete against the men, the women against the women, the boys against the boys, the girls against the girls, and in the TRANS LEAGUE, whoever can compete against whoever because they’ll all be in their new form/body/personality/etc.

Otherwise you just have one very large cluster of different genders competing against different genders when in fact, GOD ONLY CREATED TWO GENDERS! MALE & FEMALE. Anything else is created by humankind and is NOT what GOD intended when the universe began.

My opinion, My Freedom of Speech. Don’t like it? Don’t read this site.


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THE CDC is basically telling people NOT to go on cruises so they must be willing to pay the wages of all of those people who they are willingly putting out of work because the people who created the Plandemic have forgotten that we can’t magically print money forever without literally destroying the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

OUR PEOPLE NEED TO WORK to create the economy that we all live in!! WAKE THE HELL UP!!!

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RED BELL PEPPERS in this case! A friend of mine shared this, this morning so I am sharing it wider!

You might immediately think of oranges or orange juice when you hear the term “vitamin C.” Did you know that a red bell pepper has 155% more Vitamin C than orange juice?

Orange juice has 50mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams and red bell pepper has 127.7mg of Vitamin C.

I eat raw red bell peppers like an apple and also sprinkle them into my freshly-made salads. Get creative with your vitamin intake beyond the usual routine of OJ & supplements.

•   Red bell pepper are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber.
•   Red bell pepper has 54% less sugar than orange.
•   Red bell pepper has more beta-carotene than orange.
•   Red bell pepper has more niacin, Vitamin B6 and folate.
•   Red bell pepper is a great source of potassium.
•   Red bell pepper is an excellent source of Vitamin A.

Yellow, orange and green bell peppers are also great…however red ‘trumps’ them all! I sure do like the color red.

Cheers to our Superhuman health now and in 2022!


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So…remember back in 2019/2020 when the Plandemic began? We asked, who should get tested. First it was:

“We need EVERYONE to get tested whether you have symptom or not”. Now WHY would you want people tested for something they have no symptoms for?

Then the testing centers got overwhelmed and they ran out of the first batch of test kits so more were ordered from…Oh gee…RED CHINA where the virus originated from! What happened when the next kits arrived from RED CHINA they were found to be tainted with COVID19!!

AND!!! How could RED CHINA produce a testing kit for a virus that they said did NOT originate in their country, but originated in the United States? Hmmm…is it possible that the virus actually did originate in RED CHINA and that they were able to produce a testing kit faster because they had already isolated components of the virus that they could test for? That seems more probable than anything else.

So then time goes along into and through 2020, and people get tested, isolated, some die, some recover, and too many recover so along comes THE DELTA VARIANT!!! and more people die, more people recover, more people get tested who aren’t sick are then told they tested “Positive” for COVID19 and the panic ensues yet again!!!

So more time goes by and 2020 is coming to an end and what happens? More people are getting well, places are opened up, businesses are making a profit once again, life is starting to return to normal and BAM!!! another VARIANT, this one called “OMICRON” which if you rearrange the letters spells out “MORONIC”.

Yes AMERICA and WORLD, they the elites feel you are MORONIC in nature so they rearranged things to spell OMICRON because “well those people will never figure out what we’re doing so let’s just do it”.


Now that OMICRON aka MORONIC variant is out, here’s what you need to know. It’s symptoms are basically the same as a common cold. They are not like covid19 the original or the DELTA variant. They were supposed to be worse than the first two items that were released by OMICRON is less harmful, yet more contagious meaning many people will get what is basically a common cold from this.

How do you treat OMICRON??


Today, there was something posted on Apple News that caught my eye:

Omicron Bullshit

The CDC “CUT” the recommended isolation period? For this virus that is supposed to be so deadly that we need to shut down economies, schools, hospitals, shopping, living, life, etc???

If this thing is not about CONTROL, POWER, MONEY, and the ELITES getting more wealthy off the vaccines, then WHY CUT anything?

I say if the Govt wants people isolated, give everyone out there $100,000 per month to live on and lock them in their homes! For that amount of money, you could put me in a nicely decked out TINY HOUSE with HIGH-SPEED INTERNET, a WIDE SCREEN TV, and my computers, and I’d never leave it for a year or two because Amazon or whoever would be bringing my groceries and supplies to me by the hour!!!

NOTE for ANY COMPANY OUT THERE wanting to challenge me to live that way for a year or two, let’s work out the figures and do it. I love a good challenge!

The bottomline here is that the ELITES around the globe are scared because there are people waking up everywhere and demanding answers from them about why they are trying so desperately to destroy our lives. All we want to do is live in freedom and not be subjugated by them. They need to get over themselves before people really get pissed off and start taking out their aggression on them instead of each other.

Now wouldn’t that be an awesome switch…

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Exodus from BLUE to RED…

A friend of mine posts often on LinkedIn and they feel the need to delete her account and then they let her back in. Anyway she posted something that they’ll probably take down so I am posting it here for her!

2021 – was a mass exodus from blue states to red states. People are fleeing failed Democrat run states in droves. Imagine that!

I am so glad I left California… making a next move to the free state of #Florida and their rad #governor #DeSantis vs. ugh, the former installed tyrant.

This graph represents accurate data.

Let’s see how fast the CCP platform of LinkedIn will rip it down; they rip down at minimum 1 post and 1 comment of mine daily, obstructing my #FirstAmendment

Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States
Would be amazing if they’d leave their blue mentality behind in the blue states and come to red ones with a conservative mindset!!
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So, AMERICA the BOOSTERs and the COVID19 vaccine which can’t even stop REGULAR COVID19 will fight the latest VARIANT but won’t stop DELTA. WOW!!! NBC News You really think the AMERICAN PEOPLE are stupid? C’MON MAN!! WAKE UP AMERICA!
The vaccine & variants are about POWER & CONTROL of the populous. Nothing more. It’s time to change this tune and bring the ELITES to JUSTICE.
Take your shots like a good little fucking drone!
they claim covid boosters and covid shots will fight the OMICRON aka MORONIC VARIANT
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Baldwin Tweets Don't Age Well!
Alec Baldwin bashes TRUMP for 4 years and KARMA BITES BACK! FUCK ALEC BALDWIN!!
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