Congrats NEW YORK!!!

So here’s the question that NBC NEWS should be asking NEW YORK which they DID NOT DO. New York, is this JUST FOR TRUMP (which would make it TARGETED HARASSMENT) or is this for ANY NEW YORK POLITICIAN including the current LOSER MAYOR DE BLOW-SIE-O who is running for PRESIDENT and maybe even LITTLE HITLER aka BLOOMBERG who is also going to RUN FOR PRESIDENT, and if HOWARD SCHULTZ runs will it apply to him also??

Inquiring minds want to know, including ALL those DEMOCRATS leaving the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and becoming REPUBLICANS.

Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 11.03.22 AM.png

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Do I need $3MILLION for

Interesting question. NEED? NO. Want? YES? WHY? Because it’s NOT all for me! What? don’t you want to buy lots of stuff and cars and a house and hookers???

NO. I moved from a 2049sqft condo in California into a 10 x 12-foot storage area after giving away over $40,000 worth of STUFF. And that storage area is going to be downsized soon when I go through it and take the things that I don’t really need at all anymore to Goodwill and donate them.

That former condo had 56years of Mom and Dad’s things which they’d given me, but I had to get rid of them when I moved back to Arizona and I could only put so much into a trailer that I’d rented to get here. So I learned that STUFF is not what is needed to live. TOUGH lesson.

What do I really want to do with the money? It’s funny, but I want to help others with it. I know that sounds mushy, but it’s true. I want to get Code of Vets some money to help our VETS IN NEED!! I want to help the homeless guy on the corner who is on his last legs and needs some help.

BUT in reality, I want to buy a small home in Scottsdale, and I want to write, I want to take pictures, I want to do some investing, and I want to live my life out here and fondly remember my time in tech, my time dog sitting, and my time being homeless and I want to be of service to others as I am needed.

Will I take less for Make me an offer of $1MILLION and it’s yours. Will that slow my progress down? A little, but I’ll just do things differently and I will be successful either way.

Now, to those who want me to donate the domain to some cause…You pony up the money that I want for it to the tune of $1MILLION and I will donate it. You want me to donate it because you’re living in a home, you have money, you’re not a homeless Veteran who’s been through a mill in the past few years and is handling that depression with no meds and is doing pretty damned good mentally considering.

So that’s this side of the story. If you have questions, there’s an email address in the first paragraph on the website. Go and read the entire front page. You might have a better idea of why I’m asking the price for it. Someone is going to make MILLIONS from owning this. I’m just at a point where I want to move forward from this and get life going in the right direction. It’s time!

Thanks for reading and sharing with everyone you know.

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WOW!!! Over 600 attempts to hack this site!!!

I guess it’s good I created a really lengthy password to prevent that crap! 

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No Immigration?

So I found it quite interesting today that NBC in the midst of a day where the TRUMP administration would propose a landmark IMMIGRATION PLAN (COMPREHENSIVE as DEMOCRATS LOVE TO SAY) that NBC wouldn’t put out a release on this in between all of the other crap they were blasting out. 

I’m not surprised by this since they’d rather cover everything bad happening to TRUMP than anything GOOD for AMERICA.

I remember days in my life when you’d turn to NBC for trusted NEWS. Now…They’re really the Nonstop Bullshit Corporation, NOTHING more.

Thanks for reading.

Michael Murdock

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So…I’m walking through a grocery store to get some water and BOOM I get a message from twitter about a SEX STRIKE called for by Alyssa Milano!!! Wait this is the little gal who was on Who’s the Boss years ago, who now has her own page on PORNHUB (yes, we do find these things from time to time just to see who’s been bad & who really is telling the truth to Santa!). Sorry, Alyssa, you’re on the NAUGHTY LIST!!

So she calls for a SEX STRIKE against CONSERVATIVE MEN until her and the rest of the liberal freaks out there can get abortions ala mode or ala carte selections. What is funny is she doesn’t realize is that by calling for a strike against the act that actually creates children, creates those babies that she and her sick liberal friends want to ABORT, she solves the issue. No SEX = NO CHILDREN = NO ABORTIONS = CLOSE ALL ABORTION SERVICES BECAUSE THEY’RE NO LONGER NEEDED! And since there are no longer any abortions needed…I SAY STRIKE DOWN ROE V WADE FINALLY!!!

Thank you ALYSSA MILANO for…baring your boobs in Embrace of the Vampire, and for calling for a SEX STRIKE against CONSERVATIVE MEN!!!

Now, let me lay down some education on you. Conservative MEN, LOVE CONSERVATIVE WOMEN!!! We don’t like LIBERAL WOMEN because you’re LIBERAL DEMOCRATS! We have NOTHING in common with you. Conservative WOMEN look BETTER than LIBERAL WOMEN because they’re not stressing out over what’s playing on CNN and the other LIBERAL news networks. Conservative WOMEN LOVE TRUMP and LOVE AMERICA! They’re not changing their male kids into women, they’re not telling their kids to fear guns, they’re not discouraging their kids from the competition and they’re letting them know it’s ok to lose once in a while, but winning is better and no you’re not entitled to a participation trophy!

So you want to call for a real sex strike, then stop having any kind of sex with any kind of…animal, mineral, vegetable because you liberal women are freaks and no one in their right mind wants to have sex with you anyway!

Enjoy your STRIKE, but something tells me not a lot of your liberal counterparts will join you because they love sex and don’t get enough of it, plus they feel obligated to keep the abortion services running that you and your strike have caused to shut down completely.

Most of all, thanks for making me laugh because if you were the last woman on the planet and I was the last man, and we needed to repopulate the species…WE HUMANS WOULD BECOME EXTINCT because I would NEVER, EVER have sex with you. EVER! And you know something, there are literally MILLIONS of MEN out there who feel the exact same way about you. You disgust us.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN You can find me on twitter at: @dmmktg

And you can find Alyssa Milano on twitter at: @Alyssa_Milano

End of Line

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TED CRUZ demolished DEMOCRATS in an instant!

Was so great to see TED take every democrat living and dead to task in an instant today! GOD BLESS YOU TED CRUZ!!!

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Instagram Censors a VETERAN over a picture with DON JR???

When I read things like this it really pisses me off, so I am happy to share it here! WAKE UP WORLD! If this happened under OBAMA, the website would be raided by his FBI!!!

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GrrrGraphicsCartoons!!! Another Masterpiece

Love these TOONS!!!


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Death Threats…and…some people did something…

Never in the history of our Congress has something more insensitive and stupid been uttered…with the exception of “At this point, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?”, although HILLARY the ELECTION LOSER wasn’t in Congress but was in front of a hearing.

But now we have some hack who got elected and well let’s see she has the balls to:

A. Marry her Brother to circumvent immigration laws
B. Claims to be an active REFUGEE (she now is making $174,000 a year so this should be investigated).
C. She claims that 9/11 was not done by terrorists, but rather “some people did some thing”
D. She proclaims that our military is akin to Al-Qaeda (her people), or Hezbollah (people she loves)
E. Wears a head scarf when it is convenient for her to try and get people to sympathize with Muslims and their perverted ideology which is based on believing a donkey flying drunk rapist and a book that basically says “Kill anyone that doesn’t believe this bullshit”.

I say to her…FUCK YOU! She’s worried about DEATH THREATS. I’ve had them for years! If someone threatens you after you basically piss all over their dead, don’t be surprised if they decide that you’d be better off not breathing any longer. You made your bed OMAR, you deal with that crap because someone out there wants your head on a spear. It’s not me. I have zero time for your miserable butt, but someone out there is pissed and well…I wish them the best of luck getting to you and making their POINT very clear to you.

That’s it.

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Actually, what will be BIGGER NEWS will be the looks on their faces when they find out that:

What I am looking for is that same look that MADDOW had on her mug that night she proclaimed “I HAVE TRUMP’S 2015 TAX RETURNS!!!!” and then she proceeded to read the number where it says HOW MUCH TAX TRUMP PAID, and she could not pick her jaw up off the floor the entire show. That’s what I am looking for. I’m looking for the look on the faces of DEMOCRATS when the SENATE floats a BILL that requires the HOUSE to REPAY the AMERICAN PEOPLE all MONEY they wasted on MUELLER and on searching TRUMP’s taxes because they’re pissed that HILLARY LOST THE ELECTION and that TRUMP will WIN AGAIN in 2020 and by over 4 MILLION LEGAL VOTES and will drive LIBERALS CRAZY for another 4 years. That’s what I am waiting for.

I remember during the campaign when Donald Trump was asked and he said NO he would not show his tax returns, and he asked why he had to, the response was always “WELL EVERYONE ELSE HAS DONE IT FOR YEARS”. So if I said to the DEMOCRATs everyone has jumped off the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE for years, so you should too, would they? Something tells me that some of them would do it just to see if they could survive the impact.

The tax returns these people are doing to see are hundreds of pages in length and in the meantime while they’re reading them, we have thousands crossing our border illegally into this country bringing drugs and diseases and now Democrats want them to work in CONGRESS…WHAT IN THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE DRINKING??? Turn that supply off because it’s driving them into insanity too easily.

President TRUMP WILL WIN in 2020 to ensure the survival of the Republic. To bring forth the final destruction of the DEEP STATE and the final revealing of what has stopped our country from truly thriving in ways that other countries have when we should have been leading and not following them. TRUMP WILL WIN BECAUSE GOD WANTS HIM TO WIN AGAIN.

This I KNOW in my heart as I knew it when I cast my vote for him in 2016.

Thanks for reading.

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