“RUSSIA DID IT!” – or DEMS want you to think they did!

It started a long time ago…it really accelerated in June of 2015 when a polished business man and his gorgeous wife descended an escalator in a place known as Trump Tower in NYC and the man went to a podium to declare that he was going to run for the nomination to become the 45th President of the United States of America.


So the democrats sought to create someone to blame for TRUMP being in office so who did they pick? They picked the 2nd largest NUCLEAR POWER ON THE PLANET, and they started a poke the bear campaign. So what did RUSSIA do? They provided some false information to some people which resulted in Hillary Clinton and her campaign purchasing from a foreign power, dirt on their political opponent so that she could win the election.

The problem is that while they were doing all these things to blame Russia, the TRUMP campaign was devising a strategy to keep campaigning on things that AMERICA wanted and in the end they WON the ELECTION by using the Electoral College exactly how it was created. They addressed issues that AMERICA wanted, made promises to AMERICA that they knew they could keep and the Republican Party with Donald Trump as their nominee WON the 2016 election in a YUGE WAY.

Once the election was overwith, some thought that Hillary would as she had demanded Trump to do, accept the results of the election, shake hands and leave. That was the dream. The nightmare was something completely different. The country has been thrust into a repetitive cycle of blame, blame, blame on RUSSIA. POKE POKE POKE the BEAR.

Democrats have laid blame on RUSSIA for EVERYTHING they can, and just today, HEELS UP HARRIS aka KAMALA HARRIS who literally fucked a married man to get where she got to in San Francisco, BLAMED RUSSIA for COLIN KAEPERNICK (a spoiled blackballed FORMER NFL QUARTERBACK) taking a KNEE and whining until NIKE gave him a contract and a bunch of money. REALLY HEELS? Because according to KAEPERNICK he was doing it because he feels that BLACKS ARE BEING TARGETED EVERY DAY by POLICE whether or not they shoot first.

TO HELL with KAMALA HARRIS!!! America if you vote her for President, she will open prisons up so everyone can leave without being prosecuted, she will drop the borders so AMERICA becomes a place that ANYONE can come into and do what they want to with NO CONTROL and kill us all. Yes, that’s a broad brush, but it’s TRUE! The WOMAN has no policies that BENEFIT AMERICA. While I write this and other postings today, every 46 minutes another VETERAN kills themself because they feel they have no chance. You know what HEELS says? “WE HAVE TO HELP ALL ILLEGALS COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY”. PERIOD. She mentions NOTHING about those who are already here.

So to KAMALA and the rest of the democrats is RUSSIA TO BLAME for our homeless? For OBAMACARE causing providers in all states except 4 providers to go bankrupt and close down so there’s no KEEP YOUR DOCTOR OR KEEP YOUR PLAN? Is it RUSSIA’s fault that traffic was extra heavy this morning in cities across our nation? Is it RUSSIA’s FAULT that JUSSIE SMOLLETT LIED, created a HOAX that KAMALA PARTICIPATED IN and left a rope around his own neck that he was walking around with for hours until Police came to see him? NO!

What RUSSIA has done is plant a seed. But not just RUSSIA. Other countries too. They plant a SEED with language or posts or ads and LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS those who were hypnotized by OBAMA and his smooth talking with an idea that TRUMP did something and DEMS RUN like STARVING MEN to get their first piece of pussy after being stranded on a deserted island for 10 years!

Russia has been brilliant as have other countries at one thing. DIVIDING AMERICA. They use verbal, non-verbal, and other simple forms of communication to start a rumor and by the time it reaches the media to get amplified…TRUMP FORGOT THE NAIL THOSE BOARDS ON THE ARK WHEN NOAH TOLD HIM and that’s why people claim to be TRANS NOW!

Russia and others wanted to DIVIDE AMERICA. They have been successful. They have also found a willing partner in their quest to do so. They FOUND the AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY and they didn’t have to ask twice. They just put something out, whispered in the ears of DEMOCRATS and like LEMMINGS the DEMS leaped into action to DIVIDE AMERICA!

I could keep typing with more examples but know this. The DEMOCRATIC PARTY only speaks of doing things FOR ILLEGALS. Illegals that as of today are costing AMERICA over $145 BILLION DOLLARS. They want to give them all FREE EVERYTHING while our loved ones DIE EVERY 46 MINUTES ON OUR STREETS. Democrats don’t give a flying ANYTHING about AMERICA and who put them into office. THAT MUST CHANGE!

You need to vote for and support who you feel comfortable with. I CHOOSE TRUMP!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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Love has no labels they say…really?

There’s a commercial out on tv now that talks about LOVE HAS NO LABELS.

BULLSHIT! Just because you have JOHN CENA in your ads who is a great guy and a known brand and all doesn’t mean that what he’s saying is true.

If AMERICA was more than labels, we’d eliminate things such as WHITE, BLACK, LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ from our language and we’d all be AMERICANS who were here in this large melting pot for the greater good of all who are here, but we’d never forget our heritage. This country is made up of immigrants. It always has been. BUT it was always created to be a space of LEGAL immigrants and those TRULY seeking asylum from terror etc, not just coming to our border dressed to the nines and saying “I’m seeking asylum from the OOMPA LOOMPAS because they yelled at me, hurt my feelings and DAMMIT YOU HAVE TO LET ME IN!” and then because of the laws we have in place currently, they tap that toe across the border and we by law that we follow have to take them in.

They look over their shoulder, whistle and 100,000 more charge the border and do the same routine, and all of a sudden our systems are overrun, there’s not enough humans to do the work to process them, so they’re given a card and a date to come back and they walk off flipping off the border people and never show for their hearing. One day comes a KNOCK at the door of the house they got when Veterans are sleeping in cars and on our streets and it’s ICE coming to deport them because they never made their court date. And DEMOCRATS SCREAM for THEM and BLAME PRESIDENT TRUMP!

DEMS never look back to say “WOW, if OBAMA or BUSH or CLINTON had nipped this in the bud we would not have this issue now”. But they should!

Democrats are PISSED because HILLARY LOST. Yes, it’s an ongoing repetitive theme in my posts because it’s factual. What’s really interesting is that HILLARY said in her own words that “If someone does not accept the results of our elections, that they are a danger to democracy”. (we’re a republic, but they’re a danger to that too!).

Literally speaking, every single day, Democrats are a danger to OUR REPUBLIC and they need to be called out for it. They screamed RUSSIA for 2 years and “Oh just wait until MUELLER comes out with his report because he’s going to prove that TRUMP COLLUDED and CONSPIRED WITH RUSSIA”. and then the report dropped and the bottom fell out of their conspiracy. What happened next was predictable. They tried another thing and another thing and another thing to blame on TRUMP. And one by one those things are proved to be nothing more than lies.

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Tell the DEMOCRATIC PARTY you’re done with them. SEND A MESSAGE and ALL AMERICANS VOTE FOR TRUMP in 2020 and send DEMS over the edge into the abyss they’ve created to try and throw us into.

Thanks for reading and supporting the site!

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Murdock! You’re a heartless, selfish…

and a few other choice words are what I am called when I say that those crossing our borders should go back where they came from. They’ve come here, crossed our border illegally and to date this year alone and it’s JULY have cost AMERICA over $144 BILLION DOLLARS!!! ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR BILLION DOLLARS.

Now, imagine if that money was channeled to help clean up cities, or to get VETERANS off our streets…Or say just $5BILLION or even $25BILLION were channeled to build a wall to slow the numbers of immigrants, improve the process of screening them, channel needed healthcare to actual citizens of this country, etc.

Why am I cold hearted wanting what I want for a country that I was not born in, came to, became a citizen, served in the Navy to say thank you to, and worked, cared for my parents as they did me until they died, and then I became homeless in.

I’m not cold hearted. I want what’s BEST FOR AMERICA! Our congress that we elected somehow now thinks it’s our job to tell other countries how they should run their governments, how they should run their economies, etc. WHY?

If you ask a Democrat they will tell you that “WE HAVE TO DO THAT SO THEY WON’T COME HERE”. If we have a border barrier and we actually follow our laws that we have had in this country for decades, if we take a stand like EVERY DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT that was elected in the past 30 years has said, we would not be in the situation we are in.

Current CROP of DEMOCRATS including the SQUAD of 4 LOONIES is hell bent on DESTROYING AMERICA.

We need people coming to America that are looking for a better life, that want to assimilate to be part of AMERICA and live the AMERICAN DREAM. Not those who want to rip down our flags, raise the flag of the country they claim is so great that they RAN FROM IT TO COME HERE, and have no interest in pursuing the AMERICAN DREAM, but turning AMERICA into the MIDDLE EAST or MEXICO or a broke VENEZUELA.


Now, am I a member of a cult because I support President Donald Trump? NO. I am an AMERICAN CITIZEN and a NAVY VETERAN who believes in AMERICA and believes in preserving it and its ideals for ALL TIME!

Thanks for reading and sharing!

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Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth…

and nothing but the truth, so help you…AOC?

Yeah that’s not how that verse goes. When a SENATOR or CONGRESSMAN/WOMAN or Representative is sworn in, the oath goes like this:

“I, (insert name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

It does not state that they will support and defend the constitution of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, or any other country outside of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

So why is it that our Congress is fighting so hard for the people of other countries who are coming across our border illegally, circumventing our laws? Because their plan is to flood the border, show that having a border is worthless, and that way they can have our country over run just like Germany and others and then say “WE NEED ONE WORLD ORDER, ONE GOVERNMENT, AND ONE FORCE WATCHING OVER OUR PEOPLE”. My guess is that Khaki with armbands will become the uniform of the day similar to a time when a party took over Germany back in WWII. They were called the NAZI PARTY. They were NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS! They were hardened killers trying to create a MASTER RACE to control the entire world.

What I keep shaking my head over is these people in Congress were elected by people who were promised that they would get something better. What they’re getting is misled by a bunch of people who are still pissed that Hillary lost the election in 2016 and they just can’t bring themselves to support Donald Trump. But you don’t see them saying “Well I can’t support TRUMP so every bit of money I make because of things he’s done, I will give away”. Not at all. They spend it, they enjoy it and they try to stop him from doing more great things because eventually people will see through what they are doing and will vote to re-elect him!

We NEED THOSE VOTERS!! We need to slap AMERICA and wake it up from the OBAMA “I WILL BRING YOU HOPE AND CHANGE” LINE OF BULLSHIT and wake them up to what Democrats really hope for and that’s votes so they can pad their pockets with lobbyists money, investigate REPUBLICANS to no end, and get nothing done.

AMERICA, WE DESERVE BETTER!!! TRUMP has and IS showing us ALL that the DEMOCRATS have done nothing but blow smoked and thank GOD he has!! We’re making progress in areas where someone said “THEY’LL NEED A MAGIC WAND TO DO THAT”.


VOTE TRUMP 2020 and REPUBLICAN ACROSS THE BALLOTS so that we SWEEP EVERY SINGLE STATE and that we turn the map BLOOD RED so that AMERICA, OUR REPUBLIC IS SAVED and the DEMONS are banished to hell where they belong.

Thanks for reading and sharing.



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I received your “email” informing me of censorship of my review of a from the Desert Sun paper:

Pro-Trump window art with naked mannequins by El Paseo businesswoman stirs controversy https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/palm-desert/2019/06/20/pro-trump-window-art-by-el-paseo-businesswoman-stirs-controversy/1514219001/

I think your reason for removal is chicken-shit-censorship by a bunch of San Francisco Based LIBERAL PUSSIES that HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! Thank GOD I can post my review of your service here and tell you after years of being a YELP Supporter to GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!

You can remove my account at any time I will not be utilizing YELP any longer because CENSORSHIP of posts which SUPPORT a business are just too childish to really put words to.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN


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Crossing a LINE says the WSJ “OPINION” comic revue

First off, AG SULZBERGER is a LIAR. President Trump has called the “FAKE NEWS MEDIA”  the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. He has NOT called ALL MEDIA the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. It actually helps to LISTEN to the PRESIDENT WHEN HE SPEAKS, not ASSUME what he is saying.

The terms FAKE NEWS & FAILING NEW YORK TIMES do fit because for the past 3 years the New York Times along with the Wall Street Journal, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and MORE media outlets have LIED and committed what is actually SEDITION against the REPUBLIC of the UNITED STATES. Does it stop? Does it subside? No, it keeps on going. Why? Because of the PRESS thinking, they are immune to consequences because of the First Amendment. What’s funny is the PRESS that loves to stand on “FREE PRESS” demands that you pay to read their stories. If the PRESS IS FREE, THE INFORMATION SHOULD BE TOO!! So, unlock the story so that the PUBLIC you are lying to can directly respond to your lies and deceit. I challenge you!


Thank GOD we have a President that speaks up and out about these kinds of things and calls the Press out on the lies that they have been feeding to the American people to try and sway their opinions because election time is drawing near and the Press is still angry that HILLARY CLINTON LOST in 2016 and that she is as I love to say NOT ANYONE’S PRESIDENT (see below).








Now, what the NYTIMES, the WSJ, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and others need to be aware of is that the people who believe that DONALD TRUMP is the RIGHT PRESIDENT and voted for him, we’ve been patient with you liberal asses. We’ve listened to your accusations of OUR PRESIDENT COMMITTING TREASON (which he hasn’t), COLLUDING with RUSSIA which HE HASN’T. BEING A RUSSIAN AGENT which he isn’t, while the real people who have committed treason are named BARACK OBAMA and EVERY MEMBER OF HIS ADMINISTRATION. Why the press doesn’t take it’s FREE LOVING ASS over and INVESTIGATE the real TREASON? because they’re bought and paid for by HILLARY CLINTON! (PROVE ME WRONG)

Stop bashing OUR PRESIDENT while living under OUR FLAG, MAKING MONEY IN OUR BANKING SYSTEM, and SLEEPING PEACEFULLY in OUR COUNTRY because if you’re so unhappy with him and what he’s doing FOR AMERICA, you need to pack up and GET OUT OF AMERICA! Because we’re tired and we’re fed up, and since JOE BIDEN is calling for a PHYSICAL REVOLUTION, We’re more than ARMED and READY to DEFEND AMERICA against YOU DEMOCRATS trying to turn us into a fucking sand dune.

Be careful what you wish upon America, JOE BIDEN. You’re calling to arms a boat load of people who all 80% of the guns and 100% of the ammunition and we’re called CONSERVATIVES and we’re NOT abandoning OUR COUNTRY, OUR FLAG & OUR FREEDOM for the FUCKING NIGHTMARE YOU PEOPLE want,  called SOCIALISM!








Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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Want to send someone money? But not use Paypal?

I know a great app for that! It’s from the makers of the Square and it’s called CASH APP. If you use a link to download it from either the Apple App Store on your phone or iPad or the Google Play app store, you can get a cash reward when you send money!

Here’s the link to use   >> https://cash.app/app/HDQFKKH << and when you use the app for the first time and put your information in, enter the code HDQFKKH  and we will both receive a cash reward when you send money.

It’s a very fast way to send money, you can also get one of their debit cards to use in different places and you can apply boosts to the card to save on your coffee and food and so much more! I love this service and have used it for a long time.

You can see by the number of people liking it in the picture below that it’s quite popular and I have found it works faster than PayPal does in many cases for sending money to friends. I love their debit card too because it’s black, Laser Engraved and just looks awesome!


Something else to know, if you have ever hit your debit card limit with your bank, you can transfer money from your bank account to this app and use their debit card to get money from an ATM where your bank might not let you because you hit your daily withdrawal limit. It’s a LIFESAVER and many people don’t know that this will let you do that. LOVE IT BIGTIME!!!

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Hollywood Commands You!

I always think it’s quite hilarious when I read that a Hollywood actor said, this a Hollywood actor said that, a Hollywood actor said that President Trump is crazy is nuts, is an asshole, needs to be exterminated, etc. And they want me to care.

What I want to tell Hollywood is you people are paid to entertain us. You’re not paid to give us your opinion about politics, about what you’re worried about, about what we should worry about, you are paid to entertain. You’re not worried about us. We know. We see we hear, we read.

So in my opinion, what you can do with your opinion about politics, is bend over and stuff it up your backside. When you start to pay the bills of those who are suffering in this country, Then give me a call, and I will listen to your opinion.

Until that time my advice to you is sing, dance, act, and make us feel entertained because that’s what we are paying you for. That’s what you were hired to do. And if you don’t want to do that job, simply disappear, because you are worthless & your opinions are as well.

If you feel you can do the job more efficiently than the current President, get into politics and run against him. If you can’t, then be quiet, read your lines, sing, dance, act or…just go away.

By the way, this goes for sports figures too!!
You’re being paid to play a game, to run, to jump, to swim, to do sports things, not to express political opinions. Do your job, or leave your sport. If you feel you can do a better job than the current President, then run against him. And when you lose, don’t cry too long.

You want me to listen to your opinion and care? Then you pay me to listen. GoTo https://paypal.me/MikeMurdock and deposit $10,000 for every minute you want me to listen to your opinion Hollywood & Sports figures, and then I’ll listen. Until that time, sing, dance, act, or just be quiet because President Donald Trump is actually working for ALL of America while putting up with your blabbering pie holes plus the lying Democrats since before he was elected!!

What are you all doing? Bitching, Moaning, making fools of yourselves while complaining about how bad things are and you’re making millions while doing all that complaining. People die daily on our streets or live in cars like me and YOU don’t give one iota of a damn about it.

To hell with your opinions.

Michael E Murdock USNAVY Homeless Veteran & owner of AmericaIsGreatAgain.com

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Trump for more than 2 terms?

Want to smell the fear? Read this article!!


When someone runs to be President of the United States, it’s for the WHOLE UNITED STATES, not any one race, creed, color or whatever else you want to measure things by.

President TRUMP was welcomed into office with “HE’S NOT LEGITIMATE”, “HE’S AN AGENT OF RUSSIA”, “HE’S STUPID”, “HE DOESN’T LISTEN”, and so many more things I don’t want to bore you with all of them. If you’ve not lived under a rock since the 8th of November 2016, you have heard them.

TRUMP has been questioned since before he ran so he’s really not had a full term to be in office. I would love to see him get a second term and then a third term to make up for the first term which has been stolen from AMERICA by DEMOCRATS who were pissed that their crappy candidate didn’t win.

THANK GOD HILLARY CLINTON DIDN’T WIN!!! If she did, NONE of the accomplishments that have been done during the Trump Administration would have been achieved.

IMAGINE how much MORE could have been done FOR AMERICA without all of the limits of investigation after investigation, with Democrats stopping progress with respect to the border and security and so much more.

AMERICA deserves better and if that means we win 2020 FOR TRUMP, we’re WINNING IT FOR AMERICA! We need the HOUSE back to being REPUBLICAN & increase our margin in the SENATE too! Then we need to AMEND the Constitution to give PRESIDENT TRUMP a THIRD TERM so that AMERICA BENEFITS.

It’s not about TRUMP. It IS ABOUT AMERICA and SAVING OUR REPUBLIC from being trashed by those loyal to OBAMA and the destruction he desired for AMERICA. Hillary Clinton was going to be OBAMA’s THIRD TERM. TRUMP took a FLAME THROWER to that dream of OBAMA’s, THANK GOD!!

Now, let’s work on saving AMERICA for our kids, our future and future generations.

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