Well worth copying, and saving the photo, to share onward. Good collection of interesting info on Treason and Betrayal…

Mike Gallagher, the 8th most recognized talk radio personality, in the U.S.A., is heard by over 2.25 million listeners weekly.

He compiled and wrote the following essay entitled, “Obama: It was You.”
* It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.”
* It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.”
* It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
* It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict- “I will stand with the Muslims.”
* It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.”
* It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
* It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning America and professing Marxism.
* It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
* It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator ” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
* It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Qur’an.
* It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
* It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
* It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House
* It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.
* It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
* It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
* It was you who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities.
* It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
* It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the White House tree.
* It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
* It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
* It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
* It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
* It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
* It was you who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
* It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
* It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
* It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
* It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal White House religious events.
* It was you who was uncharacteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, formerly America’s strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
* It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
* It was you who said this country is not a Christian nation.

PLEASE! Distribute this far and wide


This is posted for people to read and to remember and to VOTE REPUBLICAN so this crap never happens again!

NO OWNERSHIP is claimed on any of the material posted here. This is being shared after being found on Facebook.

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CUMMINGS is in the line of…TRUMP!!!

So this morning we read President Trump calling out BIG MOUTH ELIJAH CUMMINGS over his crap. If we look at CUMMINGS district, it looks like someone took a CRAP THROWING machine and threw it everywhere. Baltimore is the EAST COAST version of San Francisco! Both cities are being crapped on literally by people living there while the VOTED IN Democrats do everything for ILLEGALS and say FUCK YOU to their constituents.

Yes, that’s tough to read. Sorry it’s not a novel, it’s not fiction. It’s REALITY! And what is the solution that the senators and congresspeople are offering for their districts to improve them? IMPEACH TRUMP because it’s all his fault!!

AMERICA, wake the HELL up and realize that the DEMOCRATS you voted in have your interests LAST on their list. They are puppets of the NEW WORLD ORDER and are trying to drive AMERICA into the ground. What they don’t realize is that when they’re done doing that, the NWO will exterminate 98% of the population of this country that we love so much.

THAT was OBAMA’s plan! His MINION HILLARY failed in getting the Presidency. They had a 16 yr plan to demolish AMERICA.

What they didn’t count on was PATRIOTS ready to defend AMERICA and being led by the one and only DONALD J TRUMP who WON the election and is our President. HE MUST be re-elected in 2020 to SAVE AMERICA from their plans.

Thanks for reading, thanks for caring, and if you’re a DEMOCRAT you should seek out the WALK AWAY CAMPAIGN on twitter and facebook and then walk away from the plantation, toss down the chains, be free and come over to the Conservative side since in 3 years DONALD TRUMP as PRESIDENT has done MORE for AMERICA than against it. TURN OFF CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX too!! TURN ON ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK and get REAL NEWS from REAL PEOPLE who CARE ABOUT AMERICA!!

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MuellerTime…Nope! Mumbling Old Codger Time is more like it!!!

The Mueller testimony was clouded to say the least! Clouded with many holes in it literally so large you could drive the Freedom Tower through them and still have room for Michael Moore!!! That’s HUGE to say the least!!! What was missing? let’s see…On the short list:

  1. Professor Joseph Misfud –  A key player in the RUSSIA hoax that DEMS created who was NEVER INTERVIEWED OR INVESTIGATED in 2.5 years of work by MUELLER and his crack team of experts who were THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO as he said, EXEMPLARY in their work and ethics. Mueller puts Peter Beater Stryzok in that group as he does his LAW WHORE GIRL FRIEND LISA PAGE who had the hots every time SATAN’S SPAWN STRYZOK texted her about TRUMP. You could almost feel her orgasm every time she saw TRUMP ON HER PHONE!!! LMAO!!!
  2. Next that was missing…CHRISTOPHER STEELE and his infamous DOSSIER… mentioned many times in the Mueller report, but for some reason Mueller said speaking about it was “beyond my purview”! Really BOBBY??? You used it! The democrats used it to get FISA WARRANTS to SPY on AMERICANS! Beyond your purview my ass!
  3. HILLARY CLINTON – the person who bought and paid for the Steele Dossier through FUSION GPS a company that Mueller could not even remember.
  4. Glenn Simpson – Owner of Fusion GPS who Mueller would not discuss
  5. Former President Barack Obama – The President from 2012 – 2016/17 on whose watch ALL RUSSIAN MEDDLING in elections took place and who was President until January 20th, 2017 when Donald Trump went from private citizen TRUMP to President Trump at 12NOON Eastern Time! For some reason, MUELLER didn’t want to interview the person under whose Presidency all of these things took place. Now that’s the question that Republicans should be demanding answers about!
  6. Former Vice President Joe Biden – He was not interviewed by Mueller either and he was present for all of these things going on while Obama was President as he was next in line to the Presidency should Obama have been removed for some reason. He was left out completely.
  7. Members of Obama’s administration including Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Valerie Jarrett, and numerous others.
  8. James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, all of them were left out of the interview loop. Now why is that?

I could go on but you get the point!!! Now for the fun stuff!!! Michael Moore, you know the big JABBA THE HUTT looking fella with glasses that blabs a lot and models ball-caps for various people, posted something interesting on twitter this morning. Here it is below, his take on the Mueller escapades:

And then there is NBC news which is just a comical collection of garbage saying the IMPEACHMENT BREADCRUMBS were left by MUELLER. Actually they were in the REPORT but the problem is his conclusion on PAGE 2 of NO COLLUSION, NO CONSPIRACY by ANY AMERICAN WITH RUSSIA!! Guess what NBC NEWS??? PRESIDENT TRUMP IS AN AMERICAN!!! So SORRY KIDS!!! Also there’s no crime for him to have colluded on, but there is for HILLARY CLINTON who BOUGHT OPPO RESEARCH FROM A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT against a Political Opponent to try and swing an ELECTION HER WAY!! The election was RIGGED, She blew a BILLION dollars on it, OBAMA created the hoax with her because SHE WAS GOING TO WIN as NBC NEWS and others guaranteed and SHE STILL LOST BECAUSE AMERICA SAW WHAT WAS HAPPENING!!!

You see NBC NEWS, AMERICA is smarter than you give her credit for being! IN 2020, President Donald Trump will be re-elected by 4 Million Walk-Away-Democrat-Votes because AMERICA want’s a government that will keep its promises and get things done FOR AMERICA, not for DEMOCRATS pocketbooks!


Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN, currently homeless, and owner of

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ATTN: Stephen King, Bette Midler, Rob Reiner…etc

WE PAY YOU TO ENTERTAIN US. You are USELESS TO US OTHERWISE. You all said you would leave America IF TRUMP WON! Well…TRUMP WON!!! So…the only thing I have to say to all of you is…pack your BAGS AND GET OUT OF MY AMERICA!!! Go back where you came from!!! If you came from America…Find another country that wants you. WE DON’T. We’re DONE. You’ve worn out your welcome here.

What is comical is you were ALL TRIGGERED and SET ON FIRE by 4 SIMPLE WORDS;


These words have been said by both Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and when they were, you had NO PROBLEM with them.

But NOW they were used by then Candidate Donald Trump & now President Donald Trump and all of a sudden THOSE SAME WORDS are RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, PHOBIC-PHOBIC, etc!! Why? Because DONALD TRUMP BEAT HILLARY CLINTON FAIR AND SQUARE in an ELECTION which RUSSIA attempted to interfere in but MULTIPLE AGENCIES have said THEY DID NOT CHANGE 1 VOTE. So their “interference” did NOTHING except alert people to a problem. What’s sad is that DEMOCRATS can’t remove their eyes from RUSSIA even though multiple agencies have said that MULTIPLE COUNTRIES INCLUDING CHINA tried to interfere with our elections.

Now, back to those words, the NAMES that are used against PRESIDENT TRUMP, you can add RACIST, DIVISIVE, STUPID, UNEDUCATED, and a few other things with some really hard core slang in there too! Those things NEVER APPLIED to DONALD TRUMP CITIZEN until he decided he was going to RUN for PRESIDENT.

When did he decide…Probably back in 2011 when OBAMA decided to take a swipe at TRUMP over his “birth certificate” which for some reason anyone who can really verify it is true or not has been killed off and added to the CLINTON BODY COUNT!

TRUMP was LOVED by JESSE JACKSON, lauded by NAPPY HAIRED AL SHARPTOON, and loved by virtually every commentator out there on every single news channel, with the exception of whiny LAWRENCE what the hell that guy’s last name is that only loves himself and his reflection and has a crap fit when the cameras are “in black” over a mouse sneezing.

What DEMOCRATS fail to realize is that the repetitiveness of their accusations do not make them true. They just make them accusations that are unfounded and only perpetuated by the MEDIA, see the latest example below from NBCNEWS which if a MOUSE FARTS on PLUTO, it’s TRUMP’s FAULT!!!

They always CLAIM that there are HARD FACTs, “Very substantial evidence” of “HIGH CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS”. What they leave out is that there are NO CRIMES MENTIONED except OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The claimed obstruction is that TRUMP and his administration obstructed the investigation by Mueller and his team into crimes the President had committed. The PROBLEM is that when you ask them “WHAT CRIMES?” the answer is always the same “WELL…YOU KNOW, THOSE CRIMES!”. (see below)

The ONLY CRIME that Donald Trump as a candidate committed was running against the self appointed QUEEN of AMERICA, HILLARY CLINTON who was ENTITLED TO BE PRESIDENT (she thought) because ALL OF HOLLYWOOD and ALL RAPPERS SAID SHE WAS, and because she pandered the hell out of people with hotsauce in her purse, along with condoms and a vibrator collection as well as handcuffs, blackberry’s, iPhones and a hammer just in case!

America had a different idea!

America was TIRED of the OBAMA way of doing things. America was tired of being taken advantage of by other countries. America was tired of being told YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT! America was tired of being told “THOSE JOBS ARE GONE AND ARE NEVER COMING BACK”. America was tired of being told that we can’t do this or can’t do that, or that MEN need to use the same bathrooms as WOMEN and that Children need to be GAY. AMERICA WAS AND IS TIRED so AMERICA VOTED FOR TRUMP! and AMERICA did so in such a way that EVERY OPPONENT FELL to DONALD TRUMP and in the end, he WON the ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTE. Not for himself, but FOR AMERICA!!!

The ONLY President in the past 8 years that is FOR AMERICA is PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP!

What is going on now is that EVERY SINGLE WORD that comes from our President is being scrutinized by the media and then used in propaganda to try and swerve the electorate to vote against him. What Democrats don’t realize is that AMERICA is even more tired of the lies and the deceit. Many Democrats have decided to join the WALK AWAY campaign to leave the Democrat plantation and join the TRUMP FREEDOM EXPRESS towards a FREE AND PROSPEROUS AMERICA!!!

If you love AMERICA. If you don’t want to see America changed into another part of the Globalist’s Dream of World Domination. If you believe in FREEDOM, LIBERTY, the RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS, The CONSTITUTION as WRITTEN, THE BILL OF RIGHTS as WRITTEN, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE as WRITTEN…THEN VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP to a 2ND TERM IN OFFICE IN 2020. ALSO VOTE FOR EVERY REPUBLICAN YOU CAN for THE HOUSE and the SENATE so that we can CLEAN SWEEP ALL of those things in 2020 and politely but firmly kick the DEMOCRATS TO THE CURB and RESCUE AMERICA from the SOCIALISM HAMMER & SICKLE that they want to fly over all of our heads!

Then we can work on TRUMP TERM 3!!!

Thanks for reading and for loving AMERICA as I DO!!!



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AMERICA! Bernie Sanders believes…well you can read.

Below is a tweet below that Bernie Sanders put out and my reply to that tweet of idiocy.

“IF you are offended by firm language, GOOD!!! Be offended! Because the First Amendment does not only apply to DEMOCRATS. It applies to those of us who actually have brains and want AMERICA to remain free.”

Because there is actual science out there that says that Climate Change has been going on since God ended the 6th day and rested on the 7th. Now of course if you don’t believe in God…then well…Climate Change happens constantly. Years ago it was was “We need to develop new forms of energy because we’re going to be going through an ICE AGE and we’ll all freeze to death!”. What happened? We had some freezing and waves of freezing and eventually things warmed up for a few years and people were happy. After the DEEP FREEZE, the Earth warmed up a bit and now we’re all going to be killed by heatwaves!!! but next year…we’ll probably be screaming because it will be so damned cold and Democrats will say “WE NEED TO PREVENT FREEZING WEATHER, WE NEED GLOBAL WARMING!” What happens with Democrats is that whichever way the wind blows is the way they turn!

Now, the other thing to remember is that Bernie says that’s a common enemy. What Bernie wants to do is to destroy the economy of the United States to pad his pockets and all other Democrats pockets while claiming to want to make wage equality across the board or every working or non working person in this country. He can’t say American because that goes against the global narrative of OPEN BORDERS, NO PASSPORTS, NO DEPORTATIONS, EVERY PERSON FOR THEMSELVES lack of security world he wants us to live in until we’re killed off. I say…FUCK BERNIE SANDERS and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY!

What Bernie leaves out is that there are countries out there with people in them that say FUCK BERNIE TOO, ALL WE WANT IS TO DESTROY AMERICA WITH NUKES! Bernie thinks they want to shake hands. They want to bend him over and make him bark like a dog while they give him a proctology exam using the band and the football team in the same session! They don’t give a damn about CLIMATE CHANGE and they show that. Democrats want US to bear all of the work and expense for all their programs, but they have no plan on how to get the international community onboard to help out. Wait! he does support Paris Accords. RIGHT NOW, the United States is well below the required limits of Carbon within the Paris Accords. Other nations exceed those limits. Democrats have no plan how to penalize other nations. We can’t control what they do. If they break an agreement…we sanction them? They say PISS ON AMERICA, launch a few Nukes and all that work on Carbon reduction vanishes in a microsecond flash.

Picture below is BEFORE the Hiroshima BOMB hit August 6th 1945.

An aerial view of Hiroshima, some time before the atom bomb was dropped on this Japanese city. (AP Photo)

and then…

An aerial view of Hiroshima, some time after the atom bomb was dropped on this Japanese city. (AP Photo)


Notice there are not many buildings standing. This is NOT CLIMATE CHANGE. This is an airburst bomb which exploded approx 1900 ft above the ground for maximum damage and dispersal of radiation. This bomb was 15 KILOTONS of explosive. Now imagine a 15 MEGATON Bomb which is basically 15,000 KILOTONS. There are people working on putting weapons into small packages/suitcases that carry more explosive power than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki COMBINED. But Bernie wants to work on Climate change. I want to work on making sure someone doesn’t ship one into Seattle, San Francisco, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New York, Texas or other harbors and decide to detonate them.

This is a model of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. They called it Little Boy. It can be carried in a VAN now. Not under the wing of an airplane.

Fear monger!!! RACIST! HOMOPHOBE, XENOPHOBE, etc the names will fly! FUCK ALL OF THEM! This is REALITY. It’s not imaginary and we need to prepare for it. 

AMERICA needs to find ways to prevent someone else from destroying our home. God is watching over us and Climate Change is not going do it anytime soon.

Thanks for reading!

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This Country will NEVER be a COUNTRY of WHITE PEOPLE…

she said. She? Yes, Ilhan Omar. The “Congresswoman” from Minnesota. What’s interesting is that if you’re a Congressman or Congresswoman you’re supposed to actually do something for your constituents and not just mug for cameras your various forms of headgear while talking about God which is not part of the strict muslim religion you claim to be a part of.

She has done none of those things. But the statement by her that “This country will never be a country of white people” is completely racist and off the hook wrong. AMERICA is a MELTING POT of people of ALL RACES, ALL COLORS, ALL CREEDS. It is truly sickening to think that this many years after Martin Luther King Jr marched to break through the barriers of color that the Democratic party is slamming down a spike of racism that is so rampant it is dividing this nation in every single city! They are doing everything they can to divide us and blame it on TRUMP! Don’t LET THEM!


Democrats are coloring everything. They have a NEED to do this because their plans are to keep people down. They are looking to take away more from America than they want to bring to it. The only thing that can stop their onslaught of utter stupidity and angst against all people is to re-elect President Trump in 2020, take back the House of Representatives, increase the margin in the Senate for Republicans, and then reclaim our country!

When are confronted by them now, push back. Stand your ground, and make sure they know you’re done being their victim. They are thinking they rule the world. No, they don’t and when they make statements about being from other countries, maybe they would be comfortable returning to those countries. Make sure when they do that they surrender their US passport and citizenship so that they can’t come back in.

AMERICA is a great country and it’s one that belongs to HER people, her LEGAL people or those who are truly seeking asylum who will go to the legal points of entry because they know that’s where they need to go to do things the right way and not just jumping over the border.

More people were deported under the Obama administration than have been under the Trump administration. All of the showboating by Democrats is basically “RUSSIA DIDN’T WORK, TRY THIS!”

Don’t let them get away with this garbage. We are AMERICA, WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!

VOTE REPUBLICAN ACROSS OR DOWN THE BALLOT and MAKE SURE WE WIN!!! Then the fun begins as Democrats will not be able to stop us from MAKING AMERICA GREATER!!

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So now the DEMOCRATS, the kings and queens of irony are deciding to shoot themselves in the feet once again while they’ve begun to call us names. What is ironic is they claim to be supporting ALL people, ALL races, ALL creeds, ALL sexual persuasions, etc., Yet when they wrap everyone up into a “basket of deplorables” as Hillary did, they don’t say “except all Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, Blacks, Indians, Lgbtqiabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz people”. Why? Because literally they are too stupid.

Now we have Mayor Pete Buttigieg … or BUTTJIG as I call him blabbing that we are “ALL” DEPLORABLE RACISTS! ALL?? Really? Or would MAYOR BUTTPLUG care to differentiate because he just insulted MILLIONS of ASIANS, BLACKS, HISPANICS, WHITES, INDIANS and LESBIAN/GAY/BISEXUAL/TRANSEXUAL/NONBINARY/ETC!!

These people are nuts and they have no plans that are working especially since RUSSIA failed and impeachment failed, and MUELLER failed, and STORMY PANTIES & KAREN MCGOLDDIGGER FAILED! Democrats are failing each and every day and President Trump is leading Republicans to the pages of history, in a loving, winning way and calling us ALL AMERICANS! Not dividing us by labels that allow them to keep us on the PLANTATION!




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When Representative AL GREEN (not the SINGER) stood up and declared that “PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP IS UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES”, I nearly spit my drink out LAUGHING. Why? sit back and relax for a minute and I’ll tell you.

Representative AL GREEN has “brought forward Articles of Impeachment” a total now of 3 TIMES before the House of Representatives. TWICE while the Republicans held the house from 2017 to 2019 and now once in 2019. One time he brought them forward and then NEVER SHOWED UP FOR THE VOTE because he didn’t have the votes!

Now, when the HOUSE is controlled by the DEMOCRATS he brings them forward again and they fail once again by an even broader margin than when Republicans held the HOUSE.

Representative Al Green is a weak, worthless human being (I’ll give him the human part), I have yet to hear his name on any piece of legislation, and so far all he’s done since President Trump has been elected is gripe that TRUMP is PRESIDENT and he’s UNFIT.  What is comical about that is that President Trump has done more for Blacks in America since 2017, than President Obama did the entire time that he was in office!

Maybe what Representative Al Green should do now that he has failed 3 times with his impeachment jokes, is get off his dead ass and do some work for those people who voted for him to go be part of Congress. Otherwise he should resign and get the hell out of office.

Those are my thoughts on the FAILING REPRESENTATIVE AL GREEN


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The problem with those out there who are saying “YEAH!!!!” to this haven’t read the rest of this where I talk about how he’s taking time to very smoothly divide AMERICA along the lines of those who truly LOVE AMERICA & want it to continue being greater, or those who HATE AMERICA and want to see it destroyed and removed from the annals of history forever.

How is he doing it? Simply. He’s tweeting out things that ignite/trigger those who HATE AMERICA to rise up and show themselves. In fact he even got 4 USELESS REPUBLICANS to show their true colors as they sided with DEMOCRATS on a motion to condemn the President’s language. Funny thing is that MILLIONS of AMERICANS VOTED FOR TRUMP because of his LANGUAGE! He speaks with OUR VOICE! So you want to side with the Democrats against our President, pack your bags and get the fuck out!

In this country we have groups of people who truly LOVE AMERICA, love living here, being here, experiencing all that we have in this country and cherish it. There are also those who HATE AMERICA, all she stands for, all she does, and wish to saddle President Trump and his administration with the problems that have been created since GOD finished creating the Universe because they all appear to have occurred since TRUMP was sworn in on January 20th, 2017. This is what Democrats want you to believe. DON’T!!

“YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT”, “YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN”, “YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR”, “AT THIS POINT, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!” “I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN, MS LEWINSKY”, ALL of THOSE THINGS too place under DEMOCRAT Presidents and those problems are DEMOCRAT BIRTHED ISSUES. President TRUMP feels that pain as he’s lived through these as many of us have and he promised to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by fixing things that those LIES created!

He’s doing that. He speaks with the voice and tone that we do!!! If you HATE AMERICA, If you don’t like living here, then pack up and get the hell out! Go back where you came from if it’s so much better than here!

IF AMERICA was so bad, if coming to the BORDER was so bad, if the DETENTION facilities at the BORDER were SO BAD, why haven’t the caravans from other countries just stopped coming here? Because those facilities are like the HILTON HOTEL compared to where they are coming from, and because DEMOCRATS are telling them to come here because they are more important than those who are citizens of AMERICA. That is insanity, complete and utter insanity!

America, you have a chance to change things around. In 2020, VOTE REPUBLICAN to TURN THE HOUSE RED. VOTE REPUBLICAN to TURN THE SENATE MORE RED! And last but not least in any way, VOTE REPUBLICAN TO KEEP PRESIDENT TRUMP IN OFFICE FOR TERM 2 and potentially TERM 3 so that we can correct all of the things that DEMOCRATS have decided they’re NOT going to work on this term. WE CAN DO THIS AMERICA!

*If this posting makes you smile, makes you love AMERICA a bit more, makes your blood boil and makes you want to run out and vote REPUBLICAN TODAY, Please donate something to the SUPPORT THE SITE area not the sidebar today!*

Thanks for taking time to read.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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Racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Hate Filled…etc…

That’s what DEMOCRATS have called President Trump & his supporters since he was Donald Trump candidate, and then…well Hillary stepped up & clinched his election by calling all of us “DEPLORABLES”. Thanks HILLARY!!! You crapped on your own shoes.

They’ve called him a FAILED PRESIDENT. If you put a DEMOCRAT in office and shifted the controls around, they actually would have failed under the amount of pressure that he’s been under since announcing in 2015 and winning in 2016, THANKS HILLARY! (was Hillary working FOR RUSSIA?) LOL

Failed? A Failed RACIST says the CROTCH RASH-RASHIDA TLLAIB, the GREASE RAG WEARING OMAR, the “Take on the whole team at once CORTEZ”, and the FAKE PRESSLEY who really wants to be a Female ELVIS because she’s scared of her own skin & can’t seem to get off the plantation.

Racist! Sexist! Misogynist! Homophobic! Xenophobic!  – they scream constantly!

What’s comical is they’re calling President Trump a RACIST and other things. Let’s review just HOW BIG OF A RACIST our PRESIDENT IS…because before he beat Hillary with Hillary’s help, he was just DONALD TRUMP and they all loved him! So below is a LIST of his RACIST acts. This is just a small list of them, there are literally hundreds more. Problem for the LEFT is that they’re ALL POSITIVE!!!


Yes, that’s how RACIST and FAILED President Trump is and he’s still got another 6 years to go! Doesn’t it suck to be a fear mongering, hate brewing, pissed that HILLARY LOST DEMOCRAT??? Yes it does! For those who are!


“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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