The Quest to Impeach Trump aka Liberal Lunacy

AMERICA!!! REMEMBER that this QUEST TO IMPEACH began in June 2015 when Donald Trump (Private Citizen) announced he would seek the nomination to become President. The minute he rode the escalator that day with Melania as private citizens to say that he was going to run for President & he utters those words that were said by Reagan, Bush, Clinton before him, how he wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, liberals exploded…or was that the start?

I believe if we dig backwards a bit we can find that the roots of this started even further back in time. Watch this video and you can see the looks on Trump’s face, pretty telling, to me he has that “I’m gonna show you, you sonofabitch, just wait.

And then there’s this which a friend shared with me today after the video, it appears in 2013 as if Hillary was wishing her good friend Donald would run for office, but I believe he was planning to do so before then and was listening to every word she said when Benghazi took place, when other matters related to the US took place, and she didn’t do things in the best interest of AMERICA FIRST.

 Yes, Hillary got her wish. Donald ran and he kicked her ass up around her shoulder blades so badly that now he’s living on the Ponderosa in her fucking skull and holding massively YUGE rodeos in there 24x7x365!! She STILL has yet to accept the results of the 2016 election! Those results that she said “If you don’t accept the results of our elections, you are a danger to democracy”! Well…HILLARY!! It’s time to accept the results of the election BITCH!!!

So now in 2019…they’re really hot on the IMPEACHMENT TRAIL. Every chance she gets the hoodlum known as Maxine Waters froths at the mouth IMPEACH 45!!! Flapping her lips like the arms of a windmill in a storm. He’s committed all these crimes and things!!! But if you corner loud mouth Maxine, and ask “WHAT CRIMES?” the answer is the same “Well, you know what crimes!”. No, we don’t, tell us Maxine!!! what happens next is comical because EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT says the same thing “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”. Well DEMOCRATS, if the law is so important to you, when will you adhere to it and have a FULL HOUSE VOTE ON IMPEACHMENT?  Because in order for an impeachment inquiry to be legal, it must be VOTED ON BY THE FULL HOUSE! ALL 435 MEMBERS and YOU DON’T HAVE THE VOTES!!

The TRUTH AMERICA is that DEMOCRATS are scared stiff that TRUMP is truly a tornado in DC and he’s uncovering all that they’ve been doing to AMERICA over the last at least 50 years and he’s going to ruin their chances of being re-elected, or respected, and that they may fear for their lives once this all comes out because voters will be pissed beyond measure. AMERICA WAKE THE HELL UP!!! OUR GOVERNMENT has been playing our country like a fucking fiddle and we keep voting them in and giving them the permission to do this to us!!! TRUMP was selected by people who yearn for AMERICA to be FREE from the chains of those who have been masters of our destinies for too damn long!!! It’s time for us to show them that WE THE PEOPLE HIRE THEM TO WORK FOR US!!! NOT the OTHER WAY AROUND!!

Today I created some things that speak to that freedom. Basically throwing a finger at DEMOCRATS and their manipulative bullshit!! Please go to this link, click on NEW RELEASES and see the MUGS and the SHIRTS that say IMPEACH THIS! LOSERS! on them. Buy them and let’s show the DEMOCRATS that WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE SILENT! I’d love to have 1000 of these get sold and show up in DC at a RALLY or 100,000 of them SHOW UP on the CAPITOL STEPS and SHOW CONGRESS THAT WE THE PEOPLE SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP and WILL FOR a LONG, LONG TIME!!

Click the link & go to NEW RELEASES!!

TRUMP 2020

Thanks for reading AMERICA!! If you like this post or others here, please support the site in the right sidebar so that I can continue to write here. God Bless America & God Bless President Trump, his family, and all of those who support and believe in his mission to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!!

Before I go, if you know of someone who is wealthy enough to buy please direct them to the site and encourage them to do so. They’ll help VETERANS in 3 GREAT WAYS. 1 they’ll help a fund to be created to help missing Veterans with immediate resources to help find them. 2. They’ll help CODE OF VETS get a direct $1MILLION DOLLAR infusion of capital to help them with their missions helping Veterans with no red tape involved. 3. They’ll help me get my life back on track, finish a couple of books, and create a new book which will be dedicated to Veterans and will contain photos from Veterans who reside in all 50 states plus US Territories, and the proceeds from the sales of that book will be given to help Veterans across our great nation.

Thanks again for your time.


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AMERICA!! You can now get the DIRECT VERSION of the shirt posted recently on twitter here. Click one of the pictures to visit the link to make your purchase. A portion of sales will be donated to the TRUMP 2020 campaign to help make sure that BETO THE FAKE MEXICAN is NEVER ELECTED even DOG CATCHER!


Next, What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you and your pipqueak mind NOT comprehend?

And lastly because if by some fucking miracle you did get the nomination and by some miracle did beat TRUMP and win, you would launch a fucking revolution by those who own the guns and over a trillion rounds of ammunition and just in case you’re not aware, it’s NOT the DEMOCRATS or the MILITARY owning them!

So, what you should do EL-FAKE-O-MEXICANO is SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! and just go away because AMERICA will not stand for you much longer. (and NO PUSSY that’s not a threat. That is a FUCKING FACT!)



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TJH PROJECT – The Journey Home Project shared by CodeOfVets

The @TJHProject  is a fierce veteran organization. This video was played at the @CharlieDaniels Patriot Awards Dinner last night. Code of Vets is in the video. SO PROUD! Watch and Share. We are a force #codeofvets !! 🇺🇸 ❤️ 💙 Watch this!!!

This was shared on twitter by @CodeOfVets

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New LOVE TRUMP shirt!

There’s been a picture out there circulating that is pretty foul in terms of language and so this one was created to energetically off-set that picture and the hideous shirt in it!

They say that LOVE TRUMPS HATE so…WHY NOT LOVE TRUMP doing the same thing to a FUCK TRUMP SHIRT!! Click either picture to order yours now! Order 1 or if you’ve got a group that loves TRUMP then order a dozen!


Buy and wear yours as soon as you can to show the world that we’re squashing HATE with LOVE!

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If I’m elected…I’m taking all semi-auto guns! But releasing criminals from jail…

(This posting is laced with spanish so that I can be as big of a man as BETO EL-FAKE-O-MEXICANO  is. LMAO!!!! Translation provided by Google Translate, so if it’s screwed up, you know why)

Yes, that’s really truth being shared about DEMOCRATS running for the Presidency in 2020! AMERICA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP!! What we really need is a CRIMINAL CONTROL BILL!!! Keep reading & you’ll get to that part!

The Candidates for President who believe that they’re a better solution for America than President Trump is want to:

  1. TAKE ALL SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS from ALL CITIZENS. This means everything that is SEMI-AUTO which actually includes your kids NERF guns because those can be turned into weapons by creative individuals.
  2. They want to close PRISONS and release criminals onto the streets. We’re not talking about low end criminals, they want to close prisons that have a death row and release the hard core criminals onto the streets. They also want to reduce punishments for illegals who commit crimes. Just look at San Francisco that is releasing the guy who shot Kate Steinle dead while she walked with her father along a pier there minding their own business.
  3. They want to repeal the 2nd Amendment so that it’s illegal for anyone other than the Government and the Police to possess firearms of ANY KIND.
  4. They want to create MORE GUN FREE ZONES which are basically shooting galleries for criminals who will now just set up shop there to kill people because they know that you will be unarmed and it will be illegal for you to be armed.
  5. They want to write MORE GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION after doing all of this which means one thing: MORE MASS SHOOTINGS! How do I know? because every time the democrats float gun control legislation there is a mass shooting by a fucking DEMOCRAT WHACK JOB!!!


What we really need is a CRIMINAL CONTROL BILL! The shooter in Odessa had failed background checks and yet he shot the shit out of the town and killed a bunch of people until he was cut down by Law Enforcement.

What should be done IMMEDIATELY is:

  1. REMOVAL OF ALL GUN FREE ZONES – Instantly crime will go down because people will not know who is armed and who is not. You’re more likely to commit a crime when you know someone you’re attacking is not carrying a response weapon, but if you’re not sure, you’ll think more than once about being stupid.
  2. TRAINING CLASSES – for operation and maintenance of firearms. Small arms as well as rifles and shotguns. Instruction on ammunitions and when and where guns should be used and how they should be used properly. Not every shot fired needs to be a kill shot (yes there are circumstances where a kill shot is the only shot to render, but…other times you may need to simply wound to disable mobility of someone so that law enforcement can come and pick them up.
  3. TRAINING – in firearm selection is also helpful so that you can pick the right gun for you, and your circumstances. Not everyone needs an AR-15, but…there’s NOTHING that says you can’t own one. You can learn how to control this weapon and use it to take down someone should the circumstances warrant it. But being trained on what it will do, what it won’t do, and when to use deadly force are very helpful.
  4. 50 STATE & ALL TERRITORY OPEN & CONCEALED CARRY – Yes, that’s right! The ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & ALL OF IT’S TERRITORIES immediately be granted OPEN CARRY & CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS for those who pass a training class in weapons operation, maintenance. Imagine the look of surprise on a criminals face when they come around a corner thinking they’re walking into a place where they can rob people only to find out that they’re  ALL carrying weapons and keep them loaded and ready so criminals no longer have the upper hand. CRIME WILL DROP.
  5. PERMANENT CEMENTING OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT – What this means is a special amendment to the Constitution that states that so long as the planet Earth exists and so long as the United States in the United States, the 2ND AMENDMENT CAN NEVER BE REPEALED OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY BY ANYONE!


  1. ANY CRIMINAL caught using a gun in the commission of a crime will be punished in a fashion 10x to 100x more stringent than someone committing a crime and not using a gun.
  2. IF a criminal kills someone using a gun and the criminal survives being captured, they will be immediately executed. Same day, after brief questioning on camera. All of their possessions will be sold and all funds received from those sales will be given to the family of the victim(s).
  3. Basically if you use a gun to commit a crime, you will rue the day that you decided to do that.
  4. The weapon that has been used by the criminal will be completely disassembled, visually recorded, all serial numbers recorded, and then the gun will be disintegrated into dust. That way the weapon has no possibility of being stolen from an evidence locker and reused in another crime.

AND that is what will start in an accelerated fashion to reduce the amount of gun crimes in this country.

LASTLY AMERICA!!! Have you ever noticed that the only time we have an increase in mass shootings is when DEMOCRATS ARE PUSHING GUN CONTROL? THEY have people who are programmed by the news media and their negativity to go out and do these shootings. It happens time and time again and it’s not stopping until we end their obsession with OUR 2ND AMENDMENT!!

ÚLTIMA AMÉRICA !!! ¿Alguna vez has notado que la única vez que tenemos un aumento en los tiroteos masivos es cuando los DEMÓCRATAS ESTÁN EMPUJANDO EL CONTROL DE PISTOLAS? Tienen personas programadas por los medios de comunicación y su negatividad para salir y hacer estos tiroteos. ¡Sucede una y otra vez y no se detiene hasta que terminemos su obsesión con NUESTRA SEGUNDA ENMIENDA!

One way to end this for at least another 4 years is to VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP in 2020, VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS TO TAKE BACK THE HOUSE & TO INCREASE our MARGINS IN THE SENATE!! When you do that, you will ensure that they 2ND AMENDMENT is preserved!

If you liked this posting, please look over to the right side bar and SUPPORT THE SITE in any amount you wish.


¡Una manera de terminar esto por al menos otros 4 años es VOTAR POR EL PRESIDENTE TRUMP en 2020, VOTAR POR LOS REPUBLICANOS PARA RECUPERAR LA CASA Y AUMENTAR LOS MARGENES EN EL SENADO! ¡Cuando lo haga, se asegurará de que se conserve la 2ª ENMIENDA!

Si le gustó esta publicación, mire hacia la barra lateral derecha y APOYE EL SITIO en cualquier cantidad que desee.


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Yes, it’s something that trended recently on twitter which if that had meant sales of this mug or another one I have in white, it would have meant MILLIONS of dollars in sales. But alas it didn’t.

I came up with this mug idea a while ago and have sold a few of them, but now I wanted to get this out in GOLD because with MR TRUMP, GOLD is a color that speaks volumes. In fact, if the President retweeted this, perhaps it could signal the return of the GOLD STANDARD and the launch of the Global Currency Reset and the ReValuation of multiple currencies across the globe which would bring a literal end to poverty in many places.

Printed front & back side with the statement TRUMP IS RIGHT AGAIN, this Gold Mug is 15oz and is MADE IN USA which is something that speaks to TRUMPIAN GREATNESS!

Priced at just $20.20 this mug will become a collector’s item in 2020 WHEN PRESIDENT TRUMP IS RE-ELECTED BY A LANDSLIDE MARGIN of OVER 10 MILLION WALK AWAY DEMOCRAT VOTES!! I have predicted this for a long time.

Buy one or buy two so that you can enjoy your coffee or tea with your favorite liberal!

Click either MUG to place your order today!

**ALL SALES WILL HELP VETERANS & a portion of proceeds will be donated in LEGAL AMOUNTS ONLY to the Campaign to RE-ELECT President Donald J Trump in 2020**

Trump Is Right Again! Trump IS RIGHT AGAIN 15oz Gold Mug

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#straightPROUD yes it’s a thing!

So with all the talk about GAY PRIDE and being GAY and having to fly a FLAG that tells people you’re GAY and when you’re running for President you have to announce that I’M GAY AND I’M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, as that is supposed to make you better at the job that others…yeah NO. Your sexual choices are YOUR BUSINESS. Because it’s against the law to discriminate against someone based on their sex or sexual preferences.

There seems to be some desire now to wear being GAY on the sleeve so that the whole world knows that you choose to be GAY. Personally…I don’t care if you’re GAY or STRAIGHT or TWISTED unless you’re pushing that onto kids at an age when they have no idea what is up or down or sideways. Anyway, when you’re an adult, your sexuality and your choices of who you’re screwing or being screwed by is YOUR CHOICE.

I choose STRAIGHT and I AM #straightPROUD So…to tell the world that I created a t-shirt which you can now own. It comes in two variations. One is with black writing the other is with white writing. See the images below. The cost is just $16.00 and the proceeds will help VETERANS who are both STRAIGHT & GAY because picking one over the other is just not right where VETERANS are concerned.

So please purchase one or more today and tell your friends who are straight to be #straightPROUD because if the other side is going to scream that they are GAYPROUD we need to voice our pride in being Straight! After all this is AMERICA and our country is about being different and still being able to get along.

#straightPROUD Black Writing

#straightPROUD White writing

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So did you hear??

JOE WALSH is going to primary against President Trump! Really?? the singer from the Eagles? NO!!! Some guy who thinks he can be TRUMP in the election. So…this guy Walsh does he realize that TRUMP has a 98% approval rating in the party?? Does he realize that TRUMP has done MORE FOR AMERICA than any President since REAGAN? Does he realize that TRUMP has raised MORE MONEY for the party than ANYONE out there? He doesn’t does he.

Well then dig up every single thing that WALSH has ever done starting when he pissed on the doctor when he was born and work forward until this very moment and into the future and end his embarrassing himself.

TRUMP 2020 is the ONLY solution FOR AMERICA. Besides that WALSH guy…he can’t even answer the simple question of DO YOU LOVE AMERICA? YES OR NO?



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HBO? Seriously? CANCER IS NOT A JOKE!!!!

But apparently BILL MAHER believes that it is!




My DAD died of CANCER. Steve Jobs had CANCER. BILL MAHER is a FUCKING ASSHOLE. And that AMERICA is why everyone who has HBO should cancel their subscription TODAY and tell HBO to go FUCK ITSELF because it continues to put that little loud mouth shit on their screen.

FUCK YOU BILL MAHER and the WHORES you rode in on.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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Are you a Racist Much??


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