Criminal Reform

How about we have criminal reform / enforcement. Use a gun in commission of a crime, LIFE IN PRISON, or better yet, DEATH ROW, NO APPEALS, MAX TIME ALIVE after conviction – 60 DAYS. I am ALL FOR THAT.
Every democrap out there wants MORE GUN LAWS. Criminals don’t obey the GUN LAWS, they don’t get licensed or trained and they don’t think twice about killing you or your family or friends.
Time to even the field of battle, and yes it is a battle. Your “elected” officials would rather fight for the rights of those who wish to harm you while squashing your rights to defend yourself and your family.
And just incase this is read on FAKEBOOK aka FACEBOOK, this is for that crowd:
STOP THE INSANITY!!! and yes this post will be reported for violation of “community standards” which means some puke reviews it, gets their feelings hurt because it doesn’t say MORE GUN LAWS NEEDED, and my account will be threatened with being shut down.
WHEN that happens, you’ll be able to read it on where I post whatever the hell I want to because I own the site and NO ONE has paid me $8,888,888.88 to buy it!
And if you’re interested in buying this domain name for the price listed, I will take that in BITCOIN sent to the following address:


Once someone sends a $1 MILLION BTC deposit they will be declared owner of the domain name. Transfer will take place upon receipt of the remaining BTC.

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25 Big Questions

Go to this link and read what Emerald Robinson has written. It’s great!

Emerald Robinson Article about Election


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Open Your Account Today!

Love VARO!! If you haven’t signed up yet with them you’re missing out. They’re awesome! Use this link and get set up today! This is my referral link. When you use it we’ll both get some money out of the deal!

Varo’s Referral Program

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Post Removed?

So LINKEDIN removed this post. I am reposting it here because it does nothing but inform the TRUTH. I am all about the truth here so here it is for you to read.

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They did something right. BRAVO


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Where’s Covid?

a friend shared this from twitter with me. It makes sense so I’m sharing it here. I’m not on twitter any longer after being there over 12 years. Suspended for being Conservative, and for exercising my 1st Amendment Right to FREE SPEECH. I say SCREW TWITTER!!

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Poor Instagram

Owned by facebook…wimpy!!!

So I comment “What a buffoon Biden is” on Instagram and this pops up, what a freakin joke!!!

These tech companies are such pussies!!

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Voters Fear?

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Click the shirt to choose from hoodies, tanks, tee’s and more!
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