Don’t Try to Save MY AMERICA!

Listening as I could to the news at some point this weekend I heard the most ludicrous of statements coming out as having been said by some people who are no longer with the TRUMP Administration. They were removed for various reasons, or they left because they weren’t PRESIDENT. To that end I say TOUGH SHIT! You’re GONE, MOVE ALONG.

But when I hear they’ve conveyed to people that “We were on on a mission to save America from Donald Trump”, I think…WHAT IN THE HELL are these people smoking, drinking, or having sex with! You’re not trying to save MY AMERICA. I don’t want you to! I LOVE MY AMERICA. Why? Because I voted proudly FOR DONALD TRUMP to SAVE what was AMERICA under BARACK OBAMA and to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!!! Not just GREAT AGAIN!

What YOU are trying to do is to save a version of AMERICA that BARACK OBAMA wanted which was NOT AMERICA at ALL. His intention was to destroy AMERICA and bring it to its knees so it could be handed over to the control of the UNITED NATIONS and then a GLOBALIST RULING POWER! THANK GOD for DONALD TRUMP realizing this and RUNNING against HILLARY CLINTON so that HE COULD actually SAVE AMERICA from being destroyed!

The interesting thing is, WE DIDN’T VOTE for GENERAL KELLY or for REX TILLERSON or for NIKKI HALEY to “SAVE AMERICA” or “BE PRESIDENT”. We voted for the OUTSIDER, the BUSINESS MAN, the MAN who is by no means perfect, but he’s ONE HELL OF A LOT MORE SUITED for MAKING AMERICA GREATER than ANY OF THE OTHER 3! BY A LONGSHOT HE’s BETTER SUITED! and whether or not you like his tweeting…many don’t, to me they don’t matter. What does matter is he’s said things, made promises and delivered on them. He would be delivering on more of them if the DEMOCRATIC party wasn’t standing in the way because the REPUBLICAN party decided to be so far off message that they’d LOSE the MIDTERMS and put DEMS into the HOUSE so they could IMPEACH TRUMP because of HIS SUCCESSES!

Now, go back and read that paragraph again and let it sink in. YES the GOP tanked the MIDTERMS because they thought that the SENATE would fall too and that TRUMP would be impeached and removed because BOTH PARTIES are losing money due to TRUMP’s success! It’s scary and sad to think that this could happen in this country, but it is and we have the power to change it. We need a government here that works FOR THE PEOPLE. We vote them in, they are supposed to work for us to make our lives better, not to make them more difficult, and not to give the benefits of our labor to other countries before they are given to us the people who hired those in Congress! They FORGET THAT until it’s election time and they want to beg for the votes!

AMERICA, the SWAMP that has existed in Washington DC is not going to be clean in just ONE term of TRUMP. It’s going to take at least TWO terms, if not THREE TERMS of TRUMP to get things weeded out enough that the next Republican administration won’t screw things up. If I had my say about it, I’d vote for TRUMP to remain PRESIDENT until the day he decided he was done, and then he could abdicate to one of his kids to take over!!

When I feel strongly about something, I create a shirt to speak about what it is I am feeling. This morning when I tweeted the following, it generated a response so I created a shirt. Below is the tweet!!! and I’m also including a link to the shirt if all of this resonates with you and you want to buy one. All sales of this shirt benefit not just this Veteran but other Veterans as well.

The tweet:

Funny how people are coming out saying “WE WERE TRYING TO SAVE THE COUNTRY FROM TRUMP”. So far, the ONLY people SCREWING the COUNTRY UP are those trying to SAVE IT FROM TRUMP who wants to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!!! So STOP TRYING TO SAVE US from WHAT IS WORKING! 

And now the shirt!! Which is available in different colors and styles as well!

Thanks for reading and for buying and for sharing with others. If you’re in media, pleas share this out there to all of your followers. If someone has the ear of the President, please share this with him as well.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN


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grab your shirt right here >> <<

Multiple color options available current price is $20 per shirt! HURRY!! Order for your friends too!!! Limited availability!! Printed FRONT AND BACK so your message won’t be lost!

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Dan Bongino: There’s no whistle to blow because there was no deal

Got this from YOUTUBE because Dan said this was missing!

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It’s difficult to write about why there have been so many postings about money recently. Well simply put I am out of it. “Well get a job Michael!”. Yes, that could be a solution if I didn’t have $14,000 in debt stacked up with multiple collections companies hammering me for money that would attach all of my wages and leave me living on the streets. I already live on the streets when I am not dog sitting. Can’t you dog sit more? I could, but I had 3 cancellations for this month that were going to be bringing me a rather large amount of money which threw me for a loop. So more struggle vs progress. I picked up one sit for later in the month, but it’s not in time to save me from some fees that my accounts will get hit with.

FILE BANKRUPTCY! – If I did, I’d lose my car, I’d lose my phone, my computer, and my credit would be trashed for another 7 years which would be detrimental. It’s funny but everything that people have recommended to me are things that they wouldn’t do, and things that don’t move me forward or help, they just set me back further than I am.

It’s tough enough dealing with people saying “GO SIGN INTO A SHELTER, BE PART OF THE SYSTEM, GO HERE, GO THERE, DO THIS, DO THAT” when those things don’t help you get ahead. They hold you back and take away your freedom. They also make you part of the system which is already overused and taxed and it’s not something that mentally will do me any good. Additionally, I don’t sleep in those places. I didn’t even sleep well in BootCamp when I was in the Navy. I sleep on Dog sits because the energy there is different and the dogs are of a more positive vibration. I also don’t feel safe in shelters and such.

Right now, I am trying to raise money to get some bills paid, but also to get to the point where I can get my own studio apartment and get back to living a normal life. I can’t get an apartment with my current credit record so I have to pay those bills off first. That’s why I’ve been trying to sell domains, sell tshirts, get someone famous to retweet a tshirt out, because there’s a possibility, though slim that a retweet by someone really famous will help the tshirt sell a lot.

“Well, if you sell a ton of shirts, you’ll just waste the money!” is what I’ve actually heard. NO! I won’t. I have been “existing” on very limited amounts of money and should I make enough to get my own place, I will be GRATEFUL, and get back on my feet and get back to helping others. That’s my goal. It’s not to be depending on others to carry me. I want to be my own person once again and not have to curl up in the front seat of my car and cry myself to sleep any longer. It happens more than I like to admit, but it does happen. I pray daily for deliverance from this situation, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve been through hell with taking care of parents, being ripped off by healthcare people, crooked landlords, etc.

So I want you to know that I appreciate all of you sharing the shirts and the domains around, and I pray that someone will take advantage of buying them because they will be able to take them, make more money with them, and they owe me nothing additional, even if they sell one for a million dollars, I expect nothing in return ever.

Paypal does not allow me to see your payment info, neither does CashApp or Venmo, and the tshirts and mugs are from a company called Gearbubble that offers print on demand services and they handle all the printing as well as shipping to you. They pay me a commission from the sales, but only after a certain amount of time. Please know that you can shop with confidence from those links that I give you for shirts and such and that you’re paying them directly, not me, and they will always send your products to you.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on twitter at @the1murdock

If you’d like to make a donation directly to me because Monday is Veteran’s Day, please use:


Michael-Murdock-22 on VENMO

or $veteran on CashApp

A note about CASHAPP, some are down on this service because of BILL PULTE. Don’t be. He does not have any access to your information on that service. It’s a great service, it works, it’s always treated me well and I’ve never had problems with it like I have with PayPal at times.

Lastly, someone asked “Right now, how much do you need to get ahead for this month? TOTAL, RIGHT NOW, $1,000 gets me ahead. It pays my phone up to date (which is two months past due), it pays my insurance up to date (which is two months past due), it pays my storage ahead by one month, and it helps put food in the stomach and gas in the car fuel tank.

That’s as honest as I can be right now folks. Would getting that money be helpful? YES. Would it stop me selling shirts and such? No, but it would take some stress away, it would allow me to breathe easier, and perhaps it would shift some energy so that some other things would move forward.

Thanks for reading, for “listening”, and for sharing the things I post on twitter and for putting up with me. I am trying to get ahead, and trying to get back on my feet. It’s the only thing I truly want in life now, get back on my feet, get my old business relaunched, and go back to being a contributing member of society.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN, currently living out of my car in Arizona, but hopefully not for much longer.

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So we’ve been hearing everywhere that DEMOCRATS have this person testifying and that person testifying about what was said on a call between President Trump and the President of Ukraine and what’s interesting is all of the accounts seem to differ.

How do we know? Because the WHITE HOUSE released a TRANSCRIPT of the call!!! But what’s funny is Democrats keep coming up with new people who say “WELL I HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND WHO, HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND WHO wasn’t on the call but knows someone who said they were on the call, but they weren’t and they said BLAH BLAH BLAH”

READ THE TRANSCRIPT!! Do I have to spell it out for you? Well I DID!!! I put it on a shirt!!!

front copy 14.pngAnd after you’re done looking at the shirt, ORDER ONE and wear it!! Imagine if 1000 of these showed up at a TRUMP RALLY they’d probably seat all those people RIGHT BEHIND THE PRESIDENT so the FAKE NEWS WOULD HAVE TO BROADCAST THEM!!

Get yours today AMERICA!! Order a DOZEN FOR FRIENDS!!! Break the internet with your orders of this shirt!!!

Also, just so you know, EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF!!!

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Day of…SPACEX?

So I was discussing my recent post about the Day of the Tesla’s with a friend of mine and while sharing with them about that posting, something else came into my head…Elon Musk owns SPACE X. SpaceX makes ROCKETs…Rockets are computer controlled…so…what if…

The day was sunny, not a cloud in the sky near the launch pad. The countdown had been going for more than an hour and was ticking down bit by bit…all was looking nominal as they say for a great launch of what we were told was a satellite into space by SpaceX.

The company had been doing well, but recently had come under scrutiny of the government for certain…actions that it had taken in the marketplace, forcing out competition as well as some questionable trade practices. Once again Elon Musk was under a microscope even though he’d been cleared of the recent DAY OF THE TESLAs events, passing off the hacking of the systems there to some disposable employee who was now locked up in prison for 100 lifetimes.

TMinus 10 minutes to launch the announcer sounded over the loud speaker system…Elon was standing with some people discussing the contents of the rocket, what would happen in the next few minutes and what kinds of plans the company had for the next launch after this one, he was very excited because the launch following this one would introduce nanobots into outer space where they could set out to assemble the first BOT BUILT spacestation.

TMinus 5 minutes…all attention turned to the windows where the rocket could be seen on the pad with clouds of mist coming out of various pipes, all of this perfectly normal, things were venting as they should be, all was good or as the announcer just said…all systems nominal…

TMinus 1 minute to launch…final systems checks…30 seconds to launch…29…Main Engine start…25…all systems go…15 seconds…main engines at 110%…10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1….LIFTOFF of SPACEX FALCON 9 and the new satellite which will provide enhanced 5G network accesses across the North and South Poles of the planet!

Applause could be heard inside Mission Control, people were lining up to shake Elon’s hands as his smile was quite broad at the sight of the rocket climbing, climbing high into the clouds.

3 minutes into flight, Speed 12x the speed of sound…all systems still go…altitude…5 miles downrange…everything looks really good sir, this launch has been flawless as we had planned.

Elon looked at his Apple Watch Series 9 and smiled again as he saw a reminder flash across the screen “REMIND ME TO CRASH THE ROCKET” it said. He quickly dismissed the reminder, and excused himself to run to the restroom.

The crowd in mission control was still fixed on the screens there when moments later something completely unexpected happened. The rocket which had been flying without issues heading to space erupted into what appeared to be a ball of flames…but that’s what we were meant to think as signals to cameras went black, total signal loss.

Technicians were working hard to bring the video back on in, not sure what had happened, and then…to the horror of everyone in Mission Control…except Elon, the video flashed on just in time to show the Rocket speeding down from the sky and right into the White House, a ball of flame erupted and then the unthinkable happened, a massive explosion and a huge ball of fire followed by a mushroom….cloud…what in the…hell happened???

Then the video flashed and a news announcer came on the screen:

LADIES & GENTLEMEN….The President of the United States

WHAT!!! SCREAMED MUSK!!! I KILLED HIM!!! Elon yelled!! Him and that FUCKING SEC!!!!

The announcer continued “was NOT in the WHITE HOUSE when the bomb exploded”

The doors to Mission Control burst open and in stormed a TEAM of SEALS “EVERYONE ON YOUR KNEES NOW!!!”, Elon turned to run and BAM was tackled to the floor by the team lead who informed him that “Under orders of the President of the United States, you are hereby declared a traitor and are under arrest, you don’t get an attorney and you are being sent to GITMO RIGHT NOW!”

Musk was lifted up and you could see this evil smile on his face as he yelled out “KILL CODE “KILL ALL NOW” – that code took control of all computers in the building, launched a slew of rockets which sought out all TESLA facilities across the planet and destroyed them, it also commanded all TESLA autos to engage autodrive and to kill as many people as they could, as fast as they could…across the planet.

Musk was executed that day because as the President put it, he tried it before, he tried it again, and he’s not going to get a third time.

America was in shock at the destruction of the White House. A vigil was held that evening where the building had once stood, hundreds of thousands flocked there to be part of the event.

Somewhere far away, in a secluded bunker, the President and the first family (who were also not in residence at the time of the event) sat watching tv when the phone rang. The President answered and his face went pale as he listened…

“MR PRESIDENT, It’s ELON MUSK. You killed my primary clone today at GITMO…I’m BACK!”


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I had to create this after seeing something this morning! I hope the person who posted that has a sense of humor! It’s here because well you know how fucked up twitter can be when you do something awesome!!


Just $20.20! and yes LADIES you can get a VNECK!!! choose that option, and multiple colors too!

Ass Kissin Joe T-shirt
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The Day of the TESLAs!!! You can run…or can you?

When watching the news a couple of weeks back there was an interesting story that came out which made me think…what if…what if there was a day on the calendar that we don’t know about that will trigger ALL TESLA autos across the planet to start on their own, engage auto drive, and go around hitting people until they run out of battery power.

When I first ran this across someone they said wait what??? and I relayed the story which I had seen where the guy is in a Tesla speeding down the freeway in excess of 50MPH while he was sleeping.

Let’s just say, because TESLA provides “Software Updates” to its cars from a central server, the server is hacked and a code given to the cars that says “on such and such a date…START UP, eject your charging cord and drive around striking and killing as many people as you can”.

What’s to stop that from happening? What if the server wasn’t hacked to make that happen? What if one night, let’s say ELON goes on a drinking/smoking binge, and decides, it’s time to do something about the SEC and their fines, screw them and those who sided with them. So Elon sits down and on his computer issues a “KILL CODE” which cannot be called back and sends all of his cars across the planet to wipe out as many people as he can to take revenge on those who’ve done him wrong over the years…

Yes I know that I’ll never be receiving a TESLA MODEL ANYTHING from TESLA after writing this, but it’s something that should be of concern.

Everyone knows the TESLA has a majority of its weight in the BATTERY compartment. What happens to that battery in a high impact crash. Does it explode?

What if 10 TESLA MODEL X’s were released onto an airport runway where they could “attack” planes that were filled with passengers, and maybe their batteries were all created with an explosive charge that would cause the battery to implode and then explode in a massive fireball, they would be sent onto the runway, would take out any waiting planes filled with people and then massive explosions would happen, taking out more and more people and there was only one person on the planet with the callback code…

ELON MUSK himself!!!

What if you were on a street and a phalanx of Tesla’s were driving towards you, scanned you, and realized you were armed and dangerous to their survival? Could you run? Could you hide? Could you hear them coming? They’re very quiet so…could you? I guess we’ll find out some day…or will we?

Something to think about as you get on the road tomorrow and drive around noticing all those cars which say TESLA across the back of them…

Be careful when driving in front of them, they may change their expression and their headlights might turn red and then…


(ok the previous textual diatribe was fully contrived and I am sure that this cannot happen…or can it…and no one in the SEC or other organizations is actually overseeing what someone as powerful as MUSK or others that make those things that “auto drive” around the roads on Planet Earth now. Perhaps…perhaps they should look a little deeper…)

This was really written to be something different than politics for a change of pace.

Enjoy your commute!

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Watch this video!

For some reason twitter is having a fitter over this one

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THE PICTURE that keeps being CENSORED!

Mr President!!! allow me to help share the picture that keeps getting censored by certain social media networks.

From right to left: HUNTER BIDEN (currently whereabouts unknown), Joe Biden (squirming every time a microphone gets near him), some guy with fucked up hair, and then the CEO of a Company that Hunter Biden was working with in UKRAINE for… $50,000 a month??? An energy company that HUNTER knew nothing about what they did, what they created, etc.

BUT REMEMBER AMERICA!!!! According to the words of JOE “I WANT TO BE IN YOUR SHED” BIDEN: “I never talk to my son about his business dealings”.

SURE THING THERE JOE033300000000000!!!!! #LOSER

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