Hey JollyGreenJim!! STOP! Just stop. Your op-ed making fun on TRUMP supporters does nothing to bolster your credibility with anyone, except those people who know you suck up to Hillary Clinton every chance you get because you don’t want to end up like EPSTEIN did.

STOP! You didn’t do your job that you swore to AMERICA to do. You fucked up! You caved in. If you had done the right thing, much would have happened that should have happened but will when GOD WILLING DURHAM comes forward with his work and brings the entire DEEP STATE crashing down around your ankles. America is praying for that.

When you and all of your Democrat friends realize that TRUMP was elected because AMERICA wanted someone different, someone who didn’t bow to the wishes of Clinton and others, didn’t do things as every other President did, we wanted the OUTSIDER and we knew exactly who we were electing when we elected TRUMP. We know he’s not perfect! We didn’t want PERFECT! We wanted someone like us who is fallible and who loves AMERICA! Not someone who is willing to sell AMERICA to the highest bidder like you, Obama, Clinton, and that entire former administration wanted.

AMERICA is better now with TRUMP as President than it ever was under OBAMA and the crooked administration he was running. Justice shall come. We know this to be true, the question is when? When GOD determines it’s time to knock all the dominoes over, including the one with your name chiseled into it. Your bell will toll, sooner than you think. Sleep well!!!



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So the vote for more witnesses in the sham impeachment trial of President Trump failed. It failed and then Democrats submitted an amendment to try to corner the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court into being their hand maiden and being the tie breaker on important matters. He turned them down.

Perhaps the democrats should have submitted that amendment prior to Elizabeth Warren’s statement and accusation of the Chief Justice siding with the Republicans. They might have succeeded had they done that, but thank GOD ROBERTS did the right thing and declined to be the one to modify the tradition of the Senate when amendments result in a tie.

What’s interesting from the beginning of the adventures of Donald J Trump relative to becoming President there has been a cry to impeach him for whatever reason they could use. But since the fiasco in the House began there has been this demand for witnesses and documents. There’s this thing in our country called the legal system. Democrats don’t believe in the existence of this system until they need to use it, then they demand that everything be followed by the book. 

So what did the House do in their impeachment inquiry? They didn’t have a formal vote to LAUNCH the inquiry. They had a press conference and said they were doing it, which makes it illegitimate. Then they created subpoenas to bring people in for testimony. They met with resistance from the White House which scared them to death. What they did next was quite insane. They went before the cameras and said “THE HOUSE HAS THE SOLE POWER OF IMPEACHMENT”. What they presumed that meant is that they had the extreme power of the judicial branch magically theirs. They’re wrong.

The Judicial branch solves disagreements between the Legislative branch and the Executive branch. The HOUSE does NOT have that power so all their subpoenas were illegal. Some people didn’t realize that and obeyed them, some others said NO WAY, and so those things went to court and are still in court and the HOUSE screamed, recalled some subpoenas and lied their way into the Senate with a sham impeachment and a false demand for WITNESSES AND DOCUMENTS.

So did the HOUSE have any witnesses? Receive any documents? YES! They had 18 witnesses and 28,000 documents. How can they then say that they had NO WITNESSES and NO DOCUMENTS? Well…they’re democrats. They’re idiots! If roles were reversed they would be saying to Republicans, you had 18 witnesses and 28,000 documents, so stop lying! Why aren’t Republicans doing that? Because they’re Republicans, they’re idiots.

The witnesses that Democrats want are the witnesses that they didn’t call in the HOUSE to try and control what the Senate would do in the impeachment of the President. THANK GOD that didn’t happen and their call for WITNESSES AND DOCUMENTS FAILED IN THE VOTE so they will never get that chance. Plus there’s NO DO OVERS in IMPEACHMENT. If they decide they want to do things again, they have to start over from scratch and anything from this impeachment would not be admissible in the next one!

AMERICA, this impeachment has been a runaway train since before President Trump was elected! They literally started things in 2015 when he announced. The day after, Maxine Waters was caught saying “If he wins, we will impeach him, no matter what it takes”. Multiple attempts at impeachment failed when the Republicans had the house with Paul Ryan and the RINOS in charge. But they had a message that didn’t resonate with suburban women and the whole country, so they lost the midterms and we lost the house and so that’s where we are now.

With all the WINS that this country has had while THIS PRESIDENT has been in office being assaulted daily by the PRESS, by LIES, by freaky women from long ago making false claims against him, and his battling the democrats day by day, imagine what would happen if we sweep the HOUSE & SENATE in NOVEMBER of this year (YES it’s 2020!!!), and we keep TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE, imagine what AMERICA could accomplish. Imagine how great we’d already be if DEMOCRATS had worked with TRUMP from the beginning. 

AMERICA we need OUR HOUSE BACK. We need OUR MAJORITY in the SENATE to INCREASE, and WE NEED DONALD TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE for 2nd TERM and I believe that since DEMOCRATS worked against AMERICA for this term, he should automatically get a 3RD TERM! But then again I am all for fairness!

Thanks for reading and if you believe what I say is true, please support this site in the right sidebar.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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I am sharing this because it’s the right thing to do.

America! Here are names of those killed along with Kobe & Gianna Bryant yesterday: Christina Mauser, Alyssa, John & Keri Altobelli, Payton & Sarah Chester & pilot Ara Zobayan 9 lives. I would ask all reading this to pray for them as well as their remaining family this day.

Here is a photo that was shared on line of all of the victims. I wanted to put this here so that everyone can grieve. I was told yesterday by a friend in Huntington Beach, CA that one of her students lost his Mom in this crash. That brings this closer to me than it should have been so that’s another reason I wanted to post this.

I will pray for all who have perished and all their relatives who have to deal with the loss of their loved ones. Since I buried both of my parents, I know the loss. It’s sudden, it’s painful, you want to trade places with them. WAKE UP! That’s not what GOD has planned for you. You’re here for a reason and you have a chance to make a difference in this life. Do that. Honor them that way, and the river of love will begin to flow from heaven into your hearts forever. It never, ever ends. owns this image above. NO ownership is claimed. I hope Ben is ok with me sharing it.

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Trump is this, Trump is that, Trump is the other…


For the past few days we’ve been listening to a collection of cry-babies known as HOUSE MANAGERS who whined and whined and whined and whined louder!

Stop the LIES!!! Stop the PARODY!!! STOP THE CRAP!!!

DEMOCRATS!!! Hillary lost the 2016 election because she was the most fucked up candidate on the ticket and she ran a bad campaign. She lost because she thought that cheating and winning the popular vote would get her annointed PRESIDENT.

THANK GOD we don’t ANNOINT our PRESIDENTS! We require them to win the ELECTORAL COLLEGE because Popularity does not make President! However, we have a President now that is not just popular, this President LOVES AMERICA!

I don’t give a DAMN how many times DEMOCRATS babbled off PSYOP trigger phrases to try and convince me that my PRESIDENT did something wrong by withholding aid from UKRAINE for a little bit, and it was FUTURE AID, not CURRENT AID, which DEMOCRATS kept saying they needed this aid for the HOT WAR that they’re in with RUSSIA which is a LIE. How do I know? Because they had AID which we had given them in 2017, 2018 already and that the aid in 2019 was FUTURE AID. We had also sent them weapons and they had not used all of it.

America, we have a party that is pissed that they have no candidate in the race that can beat TRUMP. They have no message that resonates with AMERICA after winning the MIDTERMS where they promised their constituents that they were not going to Washington to impeach TRUMP, but to work with him for AMERICA. THEY LIED AGAIN!!

I listened to th repetition which they were basically trying to hypnotize the SENATE into demanding documents and witnesses which the HOUSE should have subpoenaed during their investigation which is what their job was! They failed at their job because they wanted to pin down Chief Justice John Roberts to make decisions for them and to demand these things that they decided that they would not pursue because TRUMP told them NO. WHO CARES!!! Where’s the 3rd CO EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT??? The HOUSE totally IGNORED the JUDICIAL like it didn’t exist! They basically took the power of the JUDICIAL and claimed it as their own. WRONG!!!

Now that they have bored the Senate and have lambasted them about HOW TO DO THEIR JOB, I PRAY that the SENATE tells the HOUSE MANAGERS, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

I would apologize for the language, but AMERICA, I am pissed! OUR PRESIDENT IS UNDER FIRE from a PARTY that is HELL BENT on DISENFRANCHISING 63+ MILLION of us and our votes because we voted in the OUTSIDER and didn’t KISS HILLARY CLINTON’s ASS!

We the REPUBLIC are in a FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL!!! We MUST WIN the HOUSE BACK in NOVEMBER, increase our margin in the SENATE and KEEP TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE and then we need to put these people on trial for SEDITION & for perpetrating a COUP against the REPUBLIC and I would have no problem volunteering for the punishment dispersal squad when that time comes because THIS IS MY AMERICA and I took an OATH to DEFEND HER and that OATH NEVER EXPIRES.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN


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A note for the “ROYALS”…Financial Independence…

To Harry and the wife. If you want financial independence, then so be it. You’re OUT of the family. Diana didn’t have kids to have one of them walk away from being royalty just to follow the bidding of a wife who…well never mind. You want to be financially independent, you want to be away from the responsibilities of royalty and dignitary functions, so be it. YOU’RE OUT COMPLETELY and no you can never return.

That’s the true way to financial independence and I hope the Royal family does that. Completely cuts the cord and ends the flow of millions that would be going to them in their ‘independent’ lives. Let them live as commoners if that’s what they wish for so that England can maintain a Royal family as it was always meant to be there. Let William ascend to the Throne when the Queen passes, not Charles, and deny Harry and the wife the ability to return to England forever.

Choices have consequences, so…you want to be progressive and suckle on the Whipcream can of Yang…do so, but do it without the millions you currently have, no more title, no nothing. end it, and let time move along. William and Kate will have another child and that one shall follow William to the throne when the time comes.

That’s my thought on the matter, for what it’s worth.

(and I was born in England!)

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Iran Nuclear “DEAL”…throw it out now!

The JOHNKERRYSCREWAMERICANUKEDEAL…trash it! Throw it out and start new! IF IRAN is serious about getting into the League of Nations, out of sanctions, many things need to be done, but that CRAP deal needs to be canned immediately and a new one created which starts out with:

  2. ANY enriched uranium found during inspections will result in immediate freezing of all financial assets within the country, all electronic transactions suspended, all businesses frozen. That way the general population will make sure that this is never deviated from because they want to do business, earn money, feed their families, etc.
  3. NO LONG RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILES with range outside of the borders of the country permitted, however, they can have ranges to reach every inch of IRAN’s territory. NATO will respond to any outside attacks on IRAN for the foreseeable future, or a division of NATO which will be formed by countries in the Middle East which will be chosen to “defend” the sovereignty of IRAN from attacks by missiles from outside its borders. Say if SYRIA attacked IRAN, NATO would respond against Syria. This is what I mean.
  4. NO MORE SUPPORT OF TERRORISM. If any is found, then item number 2 would be applied and the population would respond accordingly against the government.
  5. No more AYATOLLAHS to report to. A properly structured governing body would be created to run the country and free and fair elections would be held to elect someone to rule the country, no more religious oversight of all that is.
  6. etc etc etc

No thanks I am not interested in running the country, I don’t speak paintbrush, I speak english and my point is not to turn IRAN into a territory of AMERICA. It is to return it to it’s glory days of long ago when the people were free and not subjugated under religious rule and were not forced at gunpoint or threats of death to their families to go and mourn those they hated so that the country could look good on CNN!

Free IRAN and let it become the nation it’s always wanted to be without the Ayatollah’s and Mullah’s ruling over these wonderful people with an iron fist. Those days should be done with NOW!

That’s my thought on that.

And for those who created the cluster fuck known as the JCPOA IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL, line them all up, charge them with TREASON and immediately seize any and all of their assets, homes, cars, bank accounts, etc., as they have provided aid to the enemy by giving them money which they knew would be used for terrorism and that terrorism helped attack the US EMBASSY IN IRAQ and resulted in Ballistic Missile attacks on US MILITARY personnel overseas which is an act of war against the United States which makes all of them GUILTY. Have a tribunal and dispense with appropriate punishment as the tribunal sees fit. My recommendation for the tribunal is ALL PEOPLE that support AMERICA FIRST. That should ensure that punishment is dispensed without hesitation or payoffs.

Note, these are my thoughts. Yours will be different I am sure. But that’s what makes America great. We can think differently.

end of line

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Iran…some thoughts

First off…Thank you MR PRESIDENT for having the BALLS to order the taking out of the “IRANIAN” General Quiznos Salami while he was in “IRAQ” heading by convoy to view the damage that he instigated at the US EMBASSY through IRANIAN BACKED MILITIA.

Secondly, if you are an AMERICAN (TULSI GABBARD, supposedly you are) and you SWORE AN OATH to PROTECT & DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION, which if you served in our Military, you did take that OATH, that means to defend our EMBASSY as well, no matter where it is, then your backing IRAN at ANY LEVEL is TREASON because they want to KILL ALL AMERICANS and DESTROY AMERICA and your backing them gives them ammunition against us.

Third, IF you are so beholden to IRAN and all that they offer people of color, of choices such as LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ…then you should probably rescind your citizenship, turn in your passport, strap on your HIJAB and head on over to serve your masters there because you are NOT fit to be anywhere near our government, nor our military, and you sure as hell are not fit to be COMMANDER IN CHIEF of ANYTHING in our country, much less to be the PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

Lastly, thank you for your service. (PERIOD), in my book your siding with the enemy makes you an enemy combatant and that makes you not belonging anywhere but GITMO in the interrogation suite.

Those are my thoughts on ANYONE siding with the enemy. IF IRAN is going to be overthrown, let it be done by those people who live there, those people who are tired of the Mullahs running their lives, those people who yearn for freedom and for the country that was once known to the world as PERSIA and that was free while the SHAH ruled it in such a way that they could wear what they wanted to without fear of persecution or reprimand and they were not subject to Sharia Law as they are now, they were an amazing country instead of a very large prison camp which is basically what they are now as you can tell by how many of them are being gunned down in cold blood by the IRGC.

End that organization, end the rule of the Mullahs and free your people IRAN! Make Iran PERSIA ONCE AGAIN and shine as you did long ago. We await your rise to freedom and your ending of your oppression. There are those within your people who yearn for this. WE KNOW! But we are not going to overthrow your government. You need to do that if that’s what you desire. Start at the top and work your way down until you reach those within your government that have waited and wanted to be free. They are there.


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What’s my experience with IRAN? I have friends from there who were there when the Shah was in power. Personally, I spent 144 days in the Indian Ocean onboard an aircraft carrier which launched intercept fighters to escort the hostage plane out of Iranian airspace minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn into office as President on January 20th, 1981. We were a coordinated group along with others in the Mediterranean which escorted that plane out of harm’s way and eventually got 52 grateful Americans back home. I had the honor of meeting one of the hostages years later. I left the Navy 2 years later in 1983.


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A message for IRAN…

in their native language:

برو خودتان را شکار کنید و شتری که سوار آن شدید! آمریکا باید شما را در سال 1979 نابود کند. اما اکنون ما یک رئیس جمهور داریم که این کار را انجام داده است. مراقب باش.



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Impeachment by…hearsay

This is what the Democratic party has brought America to. They have brought NO FACT witnesses to the table to prove any sort of corruption by President Trump against the American people or the UNITED STATES of AMERICA the country.

This America should be a moment where any sensible human being, put party aside, put the fact that you hate TRUMP aside and replace him with anyone and put similar circumstances up and know that if things were different the result would be the same and they who have the house majority right now would impeach the same way.

America, wake up! When the midterms came around, the house was won by Democrats because Republicans were not putting out a message which spoke to America. Sadly that meant that the Republicans lost the house to a group of people who on the advent of their win literally came out and said “WE’RE GONNA IMPEACH THE MOTHER FUCKER!”. Yes that was said and was never condemned by the leadership of the Democrat party. That speaks VOLUMES.

So now they’ve done it. For the what is this now, 4th, 5th time they’ve brought forth articles of impeachment. This time, unless the full house vote fails, President Trump, the President who waved a magic wand and brought back manufacturing jobs, got the dow over 28,000, got us out of Paris Climate Crap, removed Troops from Syria, Got the leader of Isis Killed, got the WALL started being built on the southern border, etc…Will be impeached for asking the leader of a country that we have a mutual legal information exchange treaty with to continue investigations that were halted by VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN in a literal quid-pro-quo during the last administration.

WAKE UP AMERICA!! You may HATE TRUMP, but your bank account shows different. That new house shows different. That new car shows different. That relaxed look on your wife’s face when the bills come in shows different. Life in AMERICA is better with TRUMP as PRESIDENT and once this impeachment hurdle is overcome by him, his re-election in 2020 will be MAGNIFICENT and he will go down in history as the Greatest President that America has ever had. The FACTS bear that out. The “facts” that the democrats are bringing forward, all based on hear-say just show that they’re pissed that they have no one who can beat Trump in an election so they have to try and prevent him from getting re-elected.

Rep Al Green “WolfManGreen” said it out loud in an interview “If we don’t impeach TRUMP, he will be re-elected”. That is the mentality that is driving the disenfranchisement of 63MILLION VOTES in 2016. Our elections are NOT based on Popular Votes. They are based on the Electoral College thank GOD. If they were just based on popularity then New York and California would dictate the will of 48 states and all of our territories. That would not be good. Based on that fact, the election was a landslide for Trump in the Electoral College and that showed that he had a desire to win and to serve AMERICA. He donates his salary to other causes and he has been losing BILLIONS from his businesses due to giving his time and his muse to AMERICA to make it greater.

America, call your representatives, your senators and tell them to END this impeachment sham because that is what it is. Call them out and say “You told me you were going to DC to work for AMERICA, you’re not! Why NOT? We want TRUMP and we want to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

I personally will be praying for President Trump even more than I already do. I pray for our country and I pray that we find a way to end this sham and to re-elect President Trump in 2020 because I KNOW that TRUMP will MAKE AMERICA GREATER in 2020 when he is re-elected.

Thank you for taking time to read.




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Trump hits back at IG’s Russia probe report: ‘An embarassment’

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