Tomorrow…I turn 59. I prayed for a miracle to arrive by then.

Yes, it’s true, tomorrow begins the countdown to the BIG 60. Tomorrow is my 59th birthday. Can you help me have a reason to celebrate?

Am I excited? Yes I am. Did my request on my pinned tweet come true? Did I raise the money that I need to get out of debt, clear my credit, rent an apartment for 2 years, pay all utilities and expenses for those two years? No sadly I didn’t.

I asked for the help, I put it out there even asking Code of Vets (@codeofvets) on twitter to help out by simply retweeting my pinned tweet and asking others to donate $20 each to the cause. Why? Because I didn’t want them to try and figure out how to raise the $40,000 that I need to accomplish my goal. I wanted 2,000 Veteran Loving Americans to donate to a cause to help someone that they interact with from time to time on twitter.

The premise was simple. $20 donated by the 2,000 people to my cause would help me by allowing me to raise  this money quickly, pay off some old collection bills, and clear my credit so I could then rent an apartment for 2 years, pay all utilities and ancillary expenses for 2 years creating a platform of stability. This would allow me to unpack a storage area, get to all of my business resources and files, clothes, and allow me to get back to training and working in the field that I have been for close to 20 years.

What’s their benefit from donating? The benefit is they help someone get into a stable place to live. To no longer live out of a car, to get back to living a normal life, contributing to society, and to helping others.

If they’re a business, they will benefit in an ongoing fashion if they accept credit cards for payment. I will be taking each business that donates $1,000 to my cause and helping them to reduce their credit card fees in an ongoing fashion which will not change for years. So they’re investing more, but they’re saying Michael I want help with my business and I want you to help me, and they will get my help, get their processing rates in some cases cut by 50%, and all for helping this Veteran get back into a place of stability, lowered stress, and better health.

So basically, 2,000 individual donations of $20 each, or 20 businesses donating $1,000 each help me reach this goal. I was praying for this to happen by midnight tomorrow. So far, reaching the goal is nowhere in sight.

Can you help change that? If so, please go to the following link which on my pinned tweet of my twitter profile is shortened using Here’s the full link:

Below is the full text from that link:

America! I’m selling the domain name for $40,000. That money will help me up from living out of my car. JUST 2,000 PATRIOTS who give $20 each can make this a reality. IF you donate, then ask someone you know to donate & then share, those 2,000 donations can be done in less than a day! President Trump has 72 MILLION followers on twitter! They need to know that KEEPAMERICAGREAT.COM was stolen from the TRUMP campaign! Every time someone goes there they see what TOM STEYER WROTE! So let’s MAKE AMERICA GREATER, not just keep it great! DONATE & ASK OTHERS to do so and make this happen this weekend! Once the money goal is reached, I’ll GIVE the domain to the TRUMP campaign in the NAME OF ALL OF 2,000 DONORS!!! MAKE THIS HAPPEN THIS WEEKEND AMERICA!!

There is $39,480 left to raise to make this dream a reality. Code of Vets has publicly told people that it costs approximately $50,000 to rehabilitate a Veteran. I’m trying to raise $10,000 less on my own. I have the things that I need to put into that new apartment, I have clothes that just need to be cleaned to be used. I have office supplies that would need to be bought, I just need the place to put these things into to get back to living and working as I figure I will be for a while.

I’m just asking for those people who follow me to help with a donation amount of some kind over the next 24 hours and ask their followers to do the same to help someone back up because it will be a great thing to do and be a part of, and that they’ll be able to see to others “I personally helped a Veteran get into a home”. That’s HUGE!!!

Come on America! Don’t put the pressure on Code of Vets or other services that have many more they need to be helping. I am just one guy who is asking for a handUP after giving my time and my money to help my sick parents who are now both buried in Arlington National Cemetery, and to then just months later bury my service dog.

Thanks for reading, and in advance, THANK YOU for helping this phoenix to rise, spread its wings and soar to new heights.

Michael Murdock, US Navy Veteran, Homeless (hopefully not for long)

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Is there a GOD?

Is there a GOD? if so prove it. If not prove it. – and this is merely a topic of discussion, not a questioning of anyone’s beliefs. And in answer to your question YES I do believe in GOD. And I do believe in the UNIVERSE. I also believe in questioning all because I was told I could. So…the question remains.

Do I know there is a GOD? Yes. How? Because on multiple occasions I have witnessed things in my life which could only be the workings of an almighty being with powers greater than anyone on this or any other planet either known or unknown. And because I remember at my core, cellular level interacting with an entity of this level before I came to this planet, I can say at my deepest that I KNOW THERE IS A GOD.

But that’s me. What about you? And please!! No name calling, shitstorming, or other things that are counterproductive because they truly are just that, COUNTER. This is a discussion topic. Thanks in advance…comment away!

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This virus was first seen in CHINA. Which means if it’s not in AMERICA, to us it’s a FOREIGN VIRUS. That’s true! Now what did that do the media? It put them in full freak out mode to bash everything that TRUMP said after that.

Why? Because that’s their narrative and their described course of action to do everything they can to discourage people from voting for the President who has done more for America than others who’ve held the office.

Why? Because he’s revealing the web of corruption and kickbacks that Democrats have been getting for decades and they’re losing their grip on things! It’s so beautiful to watch!

I say let THEM panic, let THEM wallow in their self created fear envelope and let the rest of us go about our normal lives and not pay any attention to them and go vote for TRUMP for the next 8 years so that he serves 3 terms to make up for the first one that they have tried everything under the sun to destroy.

America! We are better than what our media is trying to make us out to be. Stop letting them play with your lives like they are living them. They’re not. They’re trying to dictate to us the life they want to control. That needs to cease and cease now.


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So the world is spinning along, things are going well, the market is UP UP UP and the election season begins and then…


And so it goes now in America. Universities are closing housing, kicking people out, businesses are shutting down, the market is tanking and of course there’s JOE BIDEN and his …well you know…the thing! His head is spinning with the manipulation of the party and a wife who if she was anyone else would be arrested for elder abuse and he’d be locked up in an Alzheimer’s lockdown unit for his own good and the good of those around him because of his lashing out, finger pointing, spontaneous yelling episodes, etc.

Life is about to get exciting!!! Michael, you mean there’s more after this?

ABSOLUTELY!!! Trump has not and will not resign. In fact he’ll be re-elected even with all of this going on and then, the fun can begin because hopefully he’ll appoint me as a CZAR over some segment of this and I’ll be calling for and directing investigations into everything that has happened against the TRUMP administration since the escalator ride and then calling for tribunals, convictions and nothing less than capital punishment for all involved so that the next time things come around, they won’t be a part of it.

Yes, life is about to get exciting, FOR THEM!


end of line



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CoronaVirus & Democrats…

So we’ve seen this in the past, when there are elections coming and people wish to control the voting for a particular party, there are things that mysteriously creep into the equation of life to limit the number of people in some way coming to vote for a particular candidate or party. This has happened in the past and this year does not appear to be any different.

Examples? Sure! Here’s a list of things that have suddenly appeared when elections are on the line:

SARS – 2004


SWINE FLU 2009-2010

MERS 2012

EBOLA 2014


EBOLA Part II 2018

and now in 2020 because President TRUMP is running for re-election we have


Now, whether or not Corona was created/release specifically to influence the election is not known YET but very shortly we will see how this changes the voter dynamics. It will be interesting to watch and see how many Democrats don’t get out to vote for Bernie or Biden based on the potential of getting Corona and dying from it as all media outlets want you to believe will be your outcome if you are infected. What the Media doesn’t know is there are statistics out there already which show that if you are in certain age brackets that getting this disease does not mean death, but rather something similar to a bad case of the flu which so far this year has killed 10,000 in the USA, but Corona has only killed 26 at last count. 

What’s interesting is that because there’s an election, every instance of CORONA to the media means there’s yet another horseman of the apocalypse released and the end of the world is coming next week so make sure you vote in November for Biden because he can save the world, this is after it’s been destroyed next week by the apocalypse. 

In other words, the MEDIA is HYPING this story by the hour to create a blanket of fear to control the markets, scare the population into doing things they normally wouldn’t be doing or worrying about, but make sure whatever you do, don’t vote for TRUMP because well…ORANGE MAN BAD!

America, my loving country, to you have some brief words: TELL THE MEDIA TO JUST GO AWAY! Turn off the news, don’t pay attention to polls, and whatever you do, DO VOTE FOR TRUMP when you have the chance to because this President has the pulse of the country in mind. He has the people in mind, He’s maintaining a cool head during this and he’s making sure that AMERICA is FIRST, not the rest of the world because he’s AMERICA’s PRESIDENT, not the President of the World.

Lastly, RELAX!! ENJOY LIFE as you should be. Do sensible things. If you go out somewhere, when you touch certain things, WASH YOUR HANDS before rubbing your eyes, touching your lips, etc. If you see someone coughing, move away from them, not closer to them. If you see someone sneeze, move away from them, not closer to them. If you feel ill, stay home, away from others. We know these things. It’s time we start doing those things that our parents told us when we were growing up & don’t let the media tell you the sky is falling, because in reality, it’s NOT!

Thanks for taking time to read and share this with others.

Michael Murdock 

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I have a notice for the RASH!!

With regards to your statement below, RASHIDA TLAIB, my response is simple:

Lady there is not enough alcohol manufactured in the 9 realms to make even the slightest amount of desire to be with you form into reality.

In other words, if you were the last woman on earth and I was the last man, I’d die CELIBATE OUT OF CHOICE!

Note to the BLAZE this screenshot was taken from your website and you own the rights to it. I am merely using it to illustrate a point. I think I speak on behalf of all living and breathing men with brains with regards to that “person” you are mentioning.

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What’s Bernie winning anything say about America?

What does Bernie Sanders winning anything in elections say about America? Simple, it says WE’RE LOST. Years ago there was an amazing pride in America and what we were to the rest of the world. Over time that pride in America which was instilled in our young people as they grew up, faded and a belief has grown that what we have fought against for over 90 years should now become our norm.

It’s scary to think, that America on any level would desire to become the UNITED SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA, or USSA instead of remaining the amazing free republic that we are. But this is what this country is headed towards, if in fact we do elect Bernie Sanders as our next president.

I would encourage all voters to think this over very carefully, because in the quest for those things that but he claims will be given for FREE, is the underlying knowing that FREE can only be achieved by people working and paying into the system. In the case of socialism, the system will dictate what you can and cannot do, where are you can and cannot go, what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot wear, what you can and cannot listen to, who you can and cannot date, who you can and cannot marry, and so on.

You see Bernie and his supporters are only sharing with those they bring into the fold only part of the picture. They’re not sharing the rest as Hitler didn’t share the rest with the Jews until they were lined up in front of the ovens and gas chambers and then were told that they would be giving their lives for Germany. Instead you’ll be giving your lives for America to keep FREE moving along but you’ll not be here to enjoy it. That’s every reason in the world to vote for President Trump to serve another 4 years at least.

Am I a doomsayer? No. I am one who has watched the world for a long time and one who sees the underlying evil contained within that which Sanders is pushing towards our people. He cannot win, for if he does the United States will become not just a Socialist nation, it will become a dictatorship and we have fought against those for a long long time. Our allies will abandon us, and we’ll be saddled with new found friends in Russia, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and other places that we have stayed away from taking on their way of life because it was so alien to our own. Bernie Sanders does not LOVE AMERICA. He hates it with every fiber of his being. How in the hell he’s been allowed to be in our Senate for so long is beyond me, but it’s time to educate him on the strength of the Republic and the resolve of our people to remain FREE!

Vote TRUMP 2020 and help to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

This post brought to you by the domain that the TRUMP campaign should own! If you want them to, go to the following link, donate $20 and then share it asking 2,000 others to do the same and it will be given to the Trump campaign as a gift in the name of the 2,000 donors!


Thanks for taking time to read and to share this. If you like what you read at please support the site by clicking the link in the sidebar and donating any amount you wish. Your donation will help keep the site published and keep more fresh content coming.


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Corona Anyone?? NO!! Not ANYONE!

Truth is, if you don’t have underlying health concerns your chances are better of winning the lottery than of dying from Corona Virus. Don’t believe me? read the news! This came out this morning and some places might be trying to silence it.

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Step Right Up!! GET YOUR PANIC!! Pandemic, Collusion, Etc…

Yes America that’s right!!! Step up and grab the panic of your choice from the buffet:

  1. CLIMATE CHANGE!!! – The world is ending in 10 years! But Democrats want to rule it for 20 years! Meaning…they’re LYING!
  2. CORONA VIRUS – Created by TRUMP to interfere with the 2020 election. Another LIE by democrats. Created in South Carolina, shipped to China for some reason and sent out from there to infect the entire planet to see how long it will take to send out something more ruthless to exterminate majority of populations in all countries before taking over them starting with the United States.
  3. TRUMP RE-ELECTION!! – Fear created by Democrats over the current President being reelected for another 4 years or perhaps more to keep on the path of MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

What’s interesting as time goes along, we see a pattern of panic and disruption created every time TRUMP does something great. That’s NOT what AMERICA is about. That’s what DEMOCRATS are about. They wish to destroy any way that they can the success of President Trump because they feel that America was better off under Obama. The media is completely complicit in this and that’s something that all Americans need to be aware of and vote appropriately.

The latest thing to be aware of is how Democrats are criticizing the Administrations response to Corona Virus. But sadly for the Democrats, the President had meetings in January when the issue first arose to prepare for the worst, put into place resources to address the issue and got ahead of the storm of liberal panic.

America we need to be aware of what the Democrats are doing, and to call them out on these activities with our votes every chance we get. Come November we need to send them a message they’ll never forget by sweeping the HOUSE, the SENATE, KEEPING THE WHITE HOUSE, and gaining yet another Supreme Court seat by removing RUTH BADER GINSBURG FOR CAUSE!

Yes, I did say REMOVING GINSBURG. She’s on life support as it is, time to pull the plug!

VOTE RED RED RED TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC and remove the cancer known as the Democrat party from existence, once and for all.

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I have a message for you and your CEO and your airplanes with reclining seats in them. I am encouraging everyone in the world to turn towards you very politely and advise you that we will be taking ourselves onto other airlines from now on, leaving you stranded in the airports across the planet with no passengers and you can very politely KISS OUR ROYAL ASSES!!

If you don’t want people reclining in a reclining seat, TAKE IT OUT OF THE AIRPLANE YOU FUCKING MORON!!

Otherwise, make sure that when the seat reclines it works properly.


Even when I can afford to again, THIS VETERAN will never fly your shitty airline again.

Have a nice day!



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