Are the shirts real?

Yes, I actually got this question from someone. They also said “I didn’t think these were real” which blew my mind so I did a video to show that YES they ARE REAL!! is where you can get them!

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And now…they ban a video…

But why? What’s so scary about this video that you feel the need to ban it twitter?? Does it fly right across your narrative that MARY TRUMP is right about everything? LOL

America! Here’s the video they’re banning!


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Why ban an image?

First they banned the image, then they banned the screen shot of the banned image in a tweet. That means they can’t stand the word salute, they can’t stand the picture of a VETERAN saluting either! WOW!!!

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What if…?

the RED CHINESE desire to take over the world. How do I know? Living in Taiwan in the early 1970’s that was the desire of the then CHAIRMAN MAO expressed through many of his people across the straits we learned that besides Taiwan, Mao wanted to assimilate the populations of the world as ONE LARGE RED ARMY.

What’s interesting about this is that MAO wanted to be the ONE ruler of a ONE WORLD/NEW WORLD ORDER. 

And now, 44 years after his death, Xi Jinping a descendant of MAO’s rule of RED CHINA now ruling the country oversees the release of a virus across the planet. Now did he really do that? Yes. He didn’t immediately halt travel from the affected area thereby allowing many people to travel from there literally across the globe. He stopped investigators from coming into the country to see the origins of the virus and the release from the lab. He asked the WHO to LIE to the WORLD about the origins of the virus as well as whether or not it’s contagious, deadly, etc, and they went along with his request allowing millions of Red Chinese to fly around the world and infect over 180 countries.

What has happened next was RED CHINA buying up all the Personal Protection Equipment across the Globe, corning the market so others could not find it anywhere then selling it at the highest prices possible to limit the amount that people could get access to. What they were doing is testing the waters to map areas were resources were plentiful to help people and where they were lacking. 

And RED CHINA telling the World Health Organization there’s nothing to worry about while they ensured that planes could leave RED CHINA and travel across the globe to drop people in certain population centers to spread the disease out so they could track media and responses by populations to the disease to see where they could more readily affect people with the next virus, I’ll call it the SUPERBUG, when they release that closer to the election in November. How do I know they’ll release it? Just a hunch. I hope I’m wrong. 

Now, they RED CHINESE say they will invest $2BILLION to research where the virus came from and to help with vaccine research. Gee…RED CHINA that’s very nice of you but you infected the entire PLANET with your mishandled lab hands playing around with tubes of your RED CHINESE WUHAN CORONAVIRUS! You owe TRILLIONS of dollars. Time to break out the RED CHINESE ELDERS and release the Global Currency Reset unless that’s just a myth constructed to control people until you could get the virus perfected.

Anyway, Uncle Murdock here just thinking out loud. 

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CoronaVirus is a TEST!


CoronaVirus is a test! A test for something much much darker.

Murdock how can you say that? You’re not a doctor!! It’s speculation. Or is it?

RED CHINA releases a virus from a LAB in RED CHINA and watches the entire world be shut down in a number of ways. Watches the distribution of resources to handle this type of pandemic. It watches where thing are needed and where they are lacking, how long it takes to replenish them, what the spend rate of them is, what the information flow is from what media outlets. They not only infect places where people go to eat, they infect manufacturing plants, they infect cruise ships and amusement parks, etc.

They take all of that data and input that into computers and come up with a model for how to combat the entire planet and bring it to its knees and subjugate it by claiming to have an antidote but never delivering one except to their people. Notice how WUHAN RED CHINA is recovering from this VIRUS and getting back to being economically viable while the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is basically shut down for all intents and purposes.

Now, imagine in 3 weeks if RED CHINA is fully back on its feet and decides to release a new BLACK VIRUS which infects every person on the planet outside of RED CHINA and every computer system, food particle, etc outside the borders of RED CHINA.

Could it happen? Yes, it could. Will it happen? I guess we have to wait 3 weeks to see. They could literally kill millions or even billions of people on the planet and demand any price they wanted to for an antidote for something they create to conquer the world. Is that their goal? It has been for decades. World domination and subjugation of every race that is not RED CHINESE.

Why be so doomsday-ish?? Because that’s what people like FAUCI and GATES and that fucking moron who crafted the OBAMACARE program (and then said anyone who voted for it was stupid) want to do. They want to shut down AMERICA for 18 months and let the country die, while installing JOE BIDEN as PRESIDENT and turning AMERICA into a RED FLAG FLYING COMMUNIST COUNTRY.

Wake UP AMERICA! Don’t go to sleep! Call out every single LIE you see on tv. Every LIE that you hear from DEMOCRATS or MEDIA DRONES. CALL IT OUT!!!

Also EDUCATE everyone you can on why they need to vote for TRUMP to save the REPUBLIC in November!

Thanks for reading.

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“I’m the Governor of New York, GIVE ME YOUR SHIT!”

Basically that’s what CUOMO is saying to you when he says he’s deploying the National Guard to come and get things from you. Why is he doing this? Why is he seizing things you’ve bought to prepare for emergencies?


That’s what you get for electing him and reelecting him based on his lies. 

What every governor of every state should be doing is taking count of everything they have in their states relative to medical supplies and immediately seizing any known hoarding houses and making sure that they’re using from their own pile so that the federal stockpile is not empty for those who really need them.

My thoughts, I own them!

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RUDY GIULIANI!! Your tweet got deleted? I FOUND IT!

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Tomorrow…I turn 59. I prayed for a miracle to arrive by then.

Yes, it’s true, tomorrow begins the countdown to the BIG 60. Tomorrow is my 59th birthday. Can you help me have a reason to celebrate?

Am I excited? Yes I am. Did my request on my pinned tweet come true? Did I raise the money that I need to get out of debt, clear my credit, rent an apartment for 2 years, pay all utilities and expenses for those two years? No sadly I didn’t.

I asked for the help, I put it out there even asking Code of Vets (@codeofvets) on twitter to help out by simply retweeting my pinned tweet and asking others to donate $20 each to the cause. Why? Because I didn’t want them to try and figure out how to raise the $40,000 that I need to accomplish my goal. I wanted 2,000 Veteran Loving Americans to donate to a cause to help someone that they interact with from time to time on twitter.

The premise was simple. $20 donated by the 2,000 people to my cause would help me by allowing me to raise  this money quickly, pay off some old collection bills, and clear my credit so I could then rent an apartment for 2 years, pay all utilities and ancillary expenses for 2 years creating a platform of stability. This would allow me to unpack a storage area, get to all of my business resources and files, clothes, and allow me to get back to training and working in the field that I have been for close to 20 years.

What’s their benefit from donating? The benefit is they help someone get into a stable place to live. To no longer live out of a car, to get back to living a normal life, contributing to society, and to helping others.

If they’re a business, they will benefit in an ongoing fashion if they accept credit cards for payment. I will be taking each business that donates $1,000 to my cause and helping them to reduce their credit card fees in an ongoing fashion which will not change for years. So they’re investing more, but they’re saying Michael I want help with my business and I want you to help me, and they will get my help, get their processing rates in some cases cut by 50%, and all for helping this Veteran get back into a place of stability, lowered stress, and better health.

So basically, 2,000 individual donations of $20 each, or 20 businesses donating $1,000 each help me reach this goal. I was praying for this to happen by midnight tomorrow. So far, reaching the goal is nowhere in sight.

Can you help change that? If so, please go to the following link which on my pinned tweet of my twitter profile is shortened using Here’s the full link:

Below is the full text from that link:

America! I’m selling the domain name for $40,000. That money will help me up from living out of my car. JUST 2,000 PATRIOTS who give $20 each can make this a reality. IF you donate, then ask someone you know to donate & then share, those 2,000 donations can be done in less than a day! President Trump has 72 MILLION followers on twitter! They need to know that KEEPAMERICAGREAT.COM was stolen from the TRUMP campaign! Every time someone goes there they see what TOM STEYER WROTE! So let’s MAKE AMERICA GREATER, not just keep it great! DONATE & ASK OTHERS to do so and make this happen this weekend! Once the money goal is reached, I’ll GIVE the domain to the TRUMP campaign in the NAME OF ALL OF 2,000 DONORS!!! MAKE THIS HAPPEN THIS WEEKEND AMERICA!!

There is $39,480 left to raise to make this dream a reality. Code of Vets has publicly told people that it costs approximately $50,000 to rehabilitate a Veteran. I’m trying to raise $10,000 less on my own. I have the things that I need to put into that new apartment, I have clothes that just need to be cleaned to be used. I have office supplies that would need to be bought, I just need the place to put these things into to get back to living and working as I figure I will be for a while.

I’m just asking for those people who follow me to help with a donation amount of some kind over the next 24 hours and ask their followers to do the same to help someone back up because it will be a great thing to do and be a part of, and that they’ll be able to see to others “I personally helped a Veteran get into a home”. That’s HUGE!!!

Come on America! Don’t put the pressure on Code of Vets or other services that have many more they need to be helping. I am just one guy who is asking for a handUP after giving my time and my money to help my sick parents who are now both buried in Arlington National Cemetery, and to then just months later bury my service dog.

Thanks for reading, and in advance, THANK YOU for helping this phoenix to rise, spread its wings and soar to new heights.

Michael Murdock, US Navy Veteran, Homeless (hopefully not for long)

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Is there a GOD?

Is there a GOD? if so prove it. If not prove it. – and this is merely a topic of discussion, not a questioning of anyone’s beliefs. And in answer to your question YES I do believe in GOD. And I do believe in the UNIVERSE. I also believe in questioning all because I was told I could. So…the question remains.

Do I know there is a GOD? Yes. How? Because on multiple occasions I have witnessed things in my life which could only be the workings of an almighty being with powers greater than anyone on this or any other planet either known or unknown. And because I remember at my core, cellular level interacting with an entity of this level before I came to this planet, I can say at my deepest that I KNOW THERE IS A GOD.

But that’s me. What about you? And please!! No name calling, shitstorming, or other things that are counterproductive because they truly are just that, COUNTER. This is a discussion topic. Thanks in advance…comment away!

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This virus was first seen in CHINA. Which means if it’s not in AMERICA, to us it’s a FOREIGN VIRUS. That’s true! Now what did that do the media? It put them in full freak out mode to bash everything that TRUMP said after that.

Why? Because that’s their narrative and their described course of action to do everything they can to discourage people from voting for the President who has done more for America than others who’ve held the office.

Why? Because he’s revealing the web of corruption and kickbacks that Democrats have been getting for decades and they’re losing their grip on things! It’s so beautiful to watch!

I say let THEM panic, let THEM wallow in their self created fear envelope and let the rest of us go about our normal lives and not pay any attention to them and go vote for TRUMP for the next 8 years so that he serves 3 terms to make up for the first one that they have tried everything under the sun to destroy.

America! We are better than what our media is trying to make us out to be. Stop letting them play with your lives like they are living them. They’re not. They’re trying to dictate to us the life they want to control. That needs to cease and cease now.


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