Barr Mail-in Ballots

This is from September when BARR spoke to WOLF BLITZKRIEG and set him straight. Watch BARR’s speech and eyes in this. They have that “We know what you’re going to do & we’re going to nail your ass to the pavement” look in them. Now we just need him to come through FOR TRUMP & AMERICA!

Click video to watch


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This video about harvesting was censored by you know know! So…I had to put it here so that it shows up!

Click video to watch

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This was posted to twitter but might be censored anytime soon.

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Could you call them PNN? I supposes you could call the folks over at CNN a bunch of jerkoffs, but this is classic where JOHN KING sweeps away the WEBSITE PORN HUB off the big screen!! WTF is wrong with you people?? Were you looking at HUNTER’s PAGE on PHPREMIUM or watching TOOBINS ZOOM CALL CHANNEL??

Click Video to watch them get caught!

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Need Your Ballot Adjusted?

If you need a ballot adjusted, just ask this gal to do it! Evidently there are six spots you can do this on in this particular state, this comes from Pennsylvania, thanks for posting the video on twitter. It’s here in case twitter removes it.

Click the Video to play

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Bravo Bannon!

So Steve Bannon wants to go old school in the punishment of those against the Republic. I have to say I’m with him! I’ve offered several times to have my services used in the execution of those against the Republic once the tribunals that have been talked about for so long actually happen.

So he’s discussing it and some wounded liberal bitch wants to have Bannon removed from YouTube. Well BITCH!! Here’s the video on the FREE INTERNET and FUCK YOUTUBE!! Oh and KISS MY ASS!!!


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From Project Veritas

This is from Project Veritas & James O’Keefe! I am posting here just in case twitter puts the kibosh on them!

Click on video to play



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Just in case you have see this on twitter at some point, whenever a TRUMP tweets it, it is being censored! So we need to get this out to where it can be seen by the world! So please when you see this tweet, retweet it!

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Philly Voting Issues

Saw this on twitter before but wanted it here in case they decide to do the censor thing! So here it is! Click the video to watch, and then share this tweet!

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