
Only 33? Hmmm…wonder how many they’re fudging the numbers on now America. Does this make you wonder?

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The Media

LIE LIE LIE and the same LIE LIE LIE over and over again…It’s something to watch how they do it, just slight variations in the language to make you think they’re doing it just for you. It happens every single day, the mockingbird does sing!

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So according to this proud guy, Dominion Systems can be audited, so let’s audit them for the times of the election, where they were where they were shutdown and where they came back on and jumped by hundreds of thousands of votes along the way…etc.

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So this is interesting in Michigan…I wonder how many people showed up but were not presenting ID to get their ballots and cast a vote. Where’s the video dumps from those cameras at the polls?

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It’s not difficult at all, count every legal vote! The question that one wants to ask is why the Democrats are “resisting” this count happening. I have an answer for you. They don’t want us to count every legal vote, because along the way we will discover that there are literally millions of illegal/ineligible/dead people that voted in this election, for Joe Biden.

The thing that gets me as an outside observer, listening to Joe Biden rasp his way through his fake victory speech, talking about “230 Million Thousand” people that have lost loved ones to covid, when the actual number is 13,800 (any life lost is bad, but these were not all persons is 100% health), I heard him say “I want every vote counted”. He left out the word “LEGAL”. Now why is that? Because as I said along the way to counting all those legal votes, we’d discover a boatload of illegal votes and his numbers will diminish substantially, in fact they are already are as there are things being found.

The Biden campaign should be asking the same as the Trump campaign for FULL TRANSPARENCY and for every LEGAL vote to be counted. They are not. They are asking for every vote to be counted which means every vote that’s legal and every illegal vote they could create, harvest, etc along the way.

America, our literal existence as a Republic depends on President Trump’s team discovering election as well as voter fraud, and finding enough ineligible votes to overturn the results in such a fashion that Joe Biden cannot recover from this. Then The President once he’s re-elected (does not need to be re-sworn-in) can direct the FBI and DOJ to act on this information and bring people to swift justice, including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Symone Sanders and every other person in the Biden campaign, the Democrat party, as well as the state and local workers who Soros paid to pull this off.


Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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a little note…

from an anonymous contributor:

Biden WON the count, but only because they kept counting invalid votes for days after the election ended. The Surpreme Court of the United States will not count those votes. And since Trump was in the lead when the election ended, he is the legitimate legal president.

This is why I kept telling you all that ACB was the Trump card. The NUCLEAR card would be martial law and mass arrests…but that’s a very dangerous call for the country. To win, legally in the court system, was the Trump card, people.

And while in the court they can unload all the evidence to show mass cheating. In Michigan. They discovered a glitch in the vote tally system. After votes were cast in one county, over 6000 votes for Trump “glitched” over into Biden votes. Glitched.

Well, this software was used in 47 other counties in Michigan…and used all over the COUNTRY. If they all averged the same number of vote glitches, that’s well into the MILLIONS of votes that were altered after cast.

Here is the interesting part. The ballot machines…were ALL connected to the internet. Yes, they are supposed to be to linked to inTRAnet…meaning internal computer networks of that one facility But they’re not supposed to be linked to the world wide web. Sydney Powell, General Flynn’s attorney, said that they discovered an algorithm that calculated how many votes Biden needed to win.

She said they found out the machines were transferring just enough votes from Trump to Biden so that he could win. That’s why they were doing “recounts” and we kept seeing Trumps numbers go down and Biden’s go up in various states.

Now here is the “you can’t make this stuff up” part. The software that the machines are using to tally up the votes is owned and controlled by Paul Pelosi. Yes…Nancy Pelosi’s husband. He not only sits ON the board of the software company that tallies the votes, he majority OWNER of it.

So these “glitches” that only “glitch” in one direction isn’t a glitch, it’s a computer program designed to do all of this without any of us knowing it. It does it so fast that we can’t even detect it during the actual counting.

This is how they were able to call states 10 minutes after the elections closed. The algorithm calculated a Biden win based on information they entered into the system. Patriots…if Sydney Powell has this information, you KNOW the DOJ does. And they probably have more that will come out in the Supreme Court hearings.

The DOJ. Where are they? They have the goods. They don’t need the courts to tell them to arrest, just the command from POTUS. Why are they so quiet?

10 days of darkness.

It wasn’t what we thought, people. It wasn’t 10 days of media blackout, 10 days of social media blackout…10 days of darkness to a period of time where cue went dark, the President lost the election, and it looks like were headed to a socialist government.

The DOJ…by constitutional law they can’t get involved with the election until…..10 days after election day. 10 days. The election was on November 3rd, by law they have to wait until the 14th to get involved.

It doesn’t mean they can’t make arrests. They can arrest some small time players that were involved with the plot. I’m told from a reliable source last night that a few of these arrests will happen next week sometime. But after 10 days, Barr can arrest anyone from the intern in the Biden break room to Biden himself.

Cue said the first big arrest will shock you. I can’t see another shocking thing that the “President-Elect” of the United States getting arrested for treason, ballot fraud and crimes against humanity.

Sit back, grab your popcorn and watch the movie. The Patriots are in control. We are in the storm. #WWG1WGA

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Dear Mitt Romney…

“SENATOR” RINO ROMNEY!!! I have a very personal message for you that you should not miss. Truly Mitt…or should I call you Mr BINDERS OF WOMEN or Mr 47%…yes we remember those times when you gaffe’d like BIDEN back in the day, but this message is a visual one so don’t miss it! Okay, are you ready?? Watch the BIRDY!!!

You’re a fucking disgrace to the word “REPUBLICAN” and you’re a tool for the democrats. Nothing more. Have a nice day COCKSMOKER!

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An Open Letter

from the Chinese People…Recover Wuhan, Revolution of the Times in the form of a video. Please watch this and share it.

Click to view the video

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So apparently, there’s been some software used during this election cycle that helped calculate votes needed to win certain counties, and then electronically allocated votes from one party to the other, and of course I am paraphrasing things here, but work with me on this and I’ll include a video from Sidney Powell that gives a bit more info.

Click the video to play it


Michigan today announced that they had found a software glitch, that had allocated 6000 votes that were supposed to be sent to President Trump, but instead were given to Vice President Biden, and that this glitch had not happened in just one county in Michigan, it had happened in approximately 47 of the 83 counties in that state.

If that is the case, and let’s just say that the 6000 Votes number translates across all 47 counties, that amounts to approximately 282,000 votes that would need to be returned to President Trump. From what Sean Hannity explained on his show his sources have said that the very same software may have been used in as few as 30 but as many as all 50 states. If this is what happened, and the same glitch is applied to 30 states, or 50 states, then there’d be a significant number of ballots/votes coming back to TRUMP and I believe enough to award the election to TRUMP as it should have been in the first place.

Of course this post is all speculation at this time, until confirmed by those who brought up that there was a glitch found in Michigan, but if so, it’s time for some TRUMP THOR STYLE HAMMERING to be done!!

end of line

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Attention SANDY OCASIO!!!

or as you like to call yourself ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ (for some reason which no one can figure out since you were never called that when you were tossing ice cubes and slamming shots at a frigging bar in New York.

You think you want to put down the names and pictures of all the TRUMP SUPPORTERS onto a LIST, sort of like HITLER did with the Jews in WWII (that’s world war 2 for you, you incompetent skank). You’re really NOT the brightest lightbulb in the fixture.

Be careful of the sleeping giant you awaken with your idle threats. You frighten us not. You only embolden our rage against the control you seek against us. Don’t think for a moment that we run from you. We don’t. We elected you to work for us. WE do NOT work for you & you shit for brains are fucking replaceable by a damned mannequin!

Oh!!! and lastly SANDY, GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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