Lie Joe Lie!

Why not! It’s natural for you Joe Biden! Lying comes naturally to you, it just flows and flows like a river! Don’t believe me though, just watch and listen to actual history which proves it! Yes real history that they avoid telling you in school because it’s the truth and they only wand to share with you those things that are lies just like JOE!

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So America, there are many out there who believe that what they are getting with Joe Biden should he pull off the biggest fraud in American history, is absolute truth. After watching these videos if you still think that, please seek medical help because you truly have lost your fucking mind.

Merry Christmas America!! TRUMP WON THIS ELECTION by a BILLION MILES! and truly in my heart I believe by 8.4 MILLION VOTES. Once we have a court to hear the evidence, the fraud will be revealed and the country will heal as Democrats are shown to have lied and manipulated people for decades while screwing the rest of AMERICA in the process, including those who they promised to help if only they voted for them.

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Merry Christmas America

From President & Mrs. Trump to all of AMERICA.

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My Fellow Americans

I love my President and when he does one of these speeches, you have to stop and listen carefully because it’s filled with great information that the media will miss because they’ll just fixate on one or two things. If you listen you can hear much of what’s happening.

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I heard him speak, watched his body language and the name just came to mind. FRAUDCHI! The little little liar. I can’t take one word from him as anything other than an outright lie meant to deceive America vs help it. Just listen want watch his gestures and facial expressions and you’ll soon see. He’s a FRAUD. Nothing more, nothing less than a complete fraud.

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Doomed? Really Joe?

So…we’re cruising along through life and all is well and all of a sudden there’s Joe Biden blabbering on a ZOOM call saying that THIS COUNTRY IS DOOMED! What in hell is he talking about. The only way this country is doomed is if for some reason he actually gets into the White House as President, we will cease to be AMERICA and will become another ISLAND that RED CHINA OWNS.

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So Warnock has issues…

Apparently “REV” (like Sharpton is a REV) Warnock apparently has issues with his wife that he wants no one to know about, so someone posted a video, which to me was an open invite to drop that thing here so it doesn’t vanish completely. So…click the video to view it!

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How many times?

How many times can we count votes in a night? Well normally you count them once and then put them away. But in some places people had a plan to count them over and over and over and over again because they needed the little counters in the voting machines to give them more than they were entitled to. OANN showed a segment on this, here is it for you to watch and judge for yourself.

Note to cheating democrats, there are cameras EVERYWHERE in this world. You were caught on several!

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Sometimes bigger…

is not always better! Someone out there had a sense of humor and took advantage of it creating this video which I downloaded and posted here in case twitter pulls it down!

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Bells of Banff

The video features a school teacher in the Town of Banff, Alberta Canada named Heather Jean Jordan, who has been climbing the steeple of St. George’s-in-the-Pines Anglican Church, each day since the Coronavirus outbreak shut so much down and playing  ‘Amazing Grace’ on the bells for anyone within ear range to hear.

This came to me from two friends who come to Scottsdale every year during this time to vacation here. They are beautiful elderly people who LOVE AMERICA.

Please enjoy, share this video, and have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

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PETER NAVARRO Immaculate Deception

Here’s the The-Immaculate-Deception from DR PETER NAVARRO. Get it, READ it. EMBRACE IT! It’s TRUTH.

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