Did you know that if your account has been suspended that twitter will not allow you to access a copy of your data in your account? It’s true! Be careful and make sure you grab one at least once a year.

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Yes, it’s true.

Twitter suspended @the1murdock today permanently.
Please send a message out there if you can to those who were asking how to help me and let them know. is my website where I will be posting things.
For those who were going to send some cash today, here are the links:
$veteran on cashapp
Michael-Murdock-22 on Venmo
Sadly the government has not kicked out the $600 to me. I keep getting the runaround over that so not sure what to do next on that one.
Hope you are all well and I am sorry I won’t be seeing you all around there any more. Pray for me. I am praying for you.
Michael Murdock
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Interesting Information

This was shared with me today. It’s long, a bit difficult to read, but take your time doing so and most of all when doing it, don’t forget to breathe!

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Looks like Lindsey Graham, traitor to the United States is having some trouble getting around! Good!

Click to view video


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This video was removed from youtube. SCREW YOUTUBE! I’ll post it here for the world to see! Share the link, support the site!

Arturo D’Elia Admits to stealing America’s VOTE *Italy did it*
Click to view video (it takes a moment to load as it is LARGE)


Here below is a signed affidavit by the person claiming to have done this. READ and SHARE!

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Dear Shopify,

It’s funny how you people love to be holier than thou, in a pandemic you’re taking food off the table of people who need to feed their families by selling products that support President Trump. For 4 years your business increased in the Trump Administration and you never batted an eye. You never called for Democrats to step up and condemn the burning of cities across America last summer, and you did come out with BLACK LIVES MATTER, supporting them knowing full well they are a MARXIST organization and couldn’t give a damn about the lives and freedoms of blacks.

I have a simple message for you. FUCK OFF! I encourage every VETERAN across this country and anyone who loves President TRUMP to give you the exact same message.


Sincerely yours,

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN

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You be the judge. I found a tweet today that took me back when I read it. It was from Sean Davis, a guy I follow on twitter and he was calling out a Congresswoman who drafted a brief on the 5th for an event that didn’t take place until the 6th of JANUARY!

So the day before an uprising, she does a brief about the uprising? Is this bitch psychic? Or did she know there was a planned uprising and she was making sure she could beat everyone else to the punch of condemning it? Also, ask her to get me those lottery numbers I asked about because if she’s clairvoyant, it’s my time to win!

I have demanded an answer from her and the chicken shit has yet to come forward and say anything. That to me says “OH DAMN THEY CAUGHT US”.
If in fact it is true that they knew, then AMERICA, you have your ignition point of 1776 and she would be the flame that lit the fuse which will cause the complete implosion of life in the United States.

People, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA. They love to blame everything on TRUMP supporters, which they forget are many, but in the end, they end up becoming the ones that are causing the problems in our country.

ANYWAY, READ this image and then go find CORI BUSH on twitter and give her a piece of your mind. Don’t be violent, but be direct and firm and let her know that should she be found to have known about this and let it happen, she should be arrested and tried for MURDER of the AIR FORCE VETERAN WHO DIED THERE.


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the following is a tweet I put out and stand behind. I was listening to John Eastman, Lawyer for President Trump & a Constitutional Law Professor, this morning on #WarRoomPandemic with Steve Bannon and he was discussing how the Constitution had been stepped on by Governors who overstepped their bounds in certifying electors after changing state election laws, before & during & after the election of November 3, 2020.

“Certification of KNOWN FRAUDULENT electors which were chosen by violating the Constitution do not make BIDEN a WINNER. They make him APPOINTED by COMMUNISTS within our midst, led by @Mike_Pence , they ALL broke their OATH. They are ineligible for OFFICE & should be removed.”

Legislatures are responsible for determining electors, and many of them have asked to have that right back because of numerous questions of issues with the process this last year. MIKE PENCE BROUGHT THIS UP IN HIS PREAMBLE to kicking off the counting of the votes & yet HE CHOSE to set aside the Constitution and plow forward because he wanted to overthrow President Trump as he hopes you’ll vote for him in 2024. I say to Mike Pence, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! Trump never should have picked you to be VP. He should have appointed a Marble column. That column would have shown more spine and PROTECTED OUR RIGHTS!

Those are my thoughts and I stand by them, and without fear, I PUT MY NAME ON THEM.

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN


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Capitol Murder?

WARNING: This video shows a gun being used. There is some of the scene in the stairwell area where the victim who is an Air Force Veteran eventually died.

There are pictures being circulated of a guy who does not look like the person in this picture who is wearing a mask through the glass.

Step slowly through the footage and you will see the muzzle flash of the gun. Was it necessary to shoot this woman? From this angle, not to me, and apparently there were police behind the group in the stairwell.

Click to view the video and also DEMAND that she be buried in Arlington National Cemetery with FULL MILITARY HONORS!


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Escort ANTIFA?

First watch the video, then read!

Click to watch video


So…cities were under siege last summer by a group called ANTIFA, a bunch of pussies wearing masks and using gang tactics to burn cities to the ground, which members of the Democrat party applauded and helped bail out of jail in some circumstances, they make announcements about coming to Washington DC today of all days to disguising themselves as MAGA people to blend into the hundreds of thousands who came to the city to the SAVE AMERICA rally.

Not only did they get in, after posting things like you’ll see below, but they were it appears to have been escorted by the fucking DC POLICE to the capitol and then let into the capitol by the Capitol Police??? My head is hurting thinking about this as I am watching the electoral college cluster fuck anoint JOE BIDEN the President claiming that he got 81 MILLION LEGAL VOTES when we know damned well he didn’t.

Make up your own mind about what’s in the video. Someone may come back with some other explanation, but the guy speaking seems to be legit. I wasn’t there so I can only share what was provided by others.

Today my country of choice that I served, that my Dad served, that his Dad and others down our family line served has fallen to the enemy.


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