Obama said it was “AFFORDABLE”…

and when he said that, he was lying just like when he promised “If you like your doctor, you can keep him…if you like your plan, you can keep it…guaranteed. Guaranteed to be nothing more than an outright LIE. Right BARACKY OBAMALLAMA!!!

What’s amazing is how DEMOCRATS, think that everything that Obama said came from tablets that he chiseled things into when in fact, ”

ObamaCare architect: ‘Stupidity’ of voters helped bill pass”

Well, VOTERS are not stupid, and neither are JUDGES, one of which just ruled the entire thing is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. OOPS!! Democrats are clawing fast to try and find a way to save one shred of Obama’s legacy, but soon REPUBLICANS will RULE the Senate (Just got ANOTHER SEAT there with MARTHA MCSALLY) and Democrats will be sucking AIR when it comes to getting anything passed through for the next 2 years until we get the HOUSE BACK after AMERICA sees that all DEMOCRATS want to do is drop our drawers and bare AMERICA’s borders to everything that wants to cross it.

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Unhinged Democrat Rep. Luis Gutierrez aka IDIOT!!!!!