MuellerTime…Nope! Mumbling Old Codger Time is more like it!!!

The Mueller testimony was clouded to say the least! Clouded with many holes in it literally so large you could drive the Freedom Tower through them and still have room for Michael Moore!!! That’s HUGE to say the least!!! What was missing? let’s see…On the short list:

  1. Professor Joseph Misfud –  A key player in the RUSSIA hoax that DEMS created who was NEVER INTERVIEWED OR INVESTIGATED in 2.5 years of work by MUELLER and his crack team of experts who were THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO as he said, EXEMPLARY in their work and ethics. Mueller puts Peter Beater Stryzok in that group as he does his LAW WHORE GIRL FRIEND LISA PAGE who had the hots every time SATAN’S SPAWN STRYZOK texted her about TRUMP. You could almost feel her orgasm every time she saw TRUMP ON HER PHONE!!! LMAO!!!
  2. Next that was missing…CHRISTOPHER STEELE and his infamous DOSSIER… mentioned many times in the Mueller report, but for some reason Mueller said speaking about it was “beyond my purview”! Really BOBBY??? You used it! The democrats used it to get FISA WARRANTS to SPY on AMERICANS! Beyond your purview my ass!
  3. HILLARY CLINTON – the person who bought and paid for the Steele Dossier through FUSION GPS a company that Mueller could not even remember.
  4. Glenn Simpson – Owner of Fusion GPS who Mueller would not discuss
  5. Former President Barack Obama – The President from 2012 – 2016/17 on whose watch ALL RUSSIAN MEDDLING in elections took place and who was President until January 20th, 2017 when Donald Trump went from private citizen TRUMP to President Trump at 12NOON Eastern Time! For some reason, MUELLER didn’t want to interview the person under whose Presidency all of these things took place. Now that’s the question that Republicans should be demanding answers about!
  6. Former Vice President Joe Biden – He was not interviewed by Mueller either and he was present for all of these things going on while Obama was President as he was next in line to the Presidency should Obama have been removed for some reason. He was left out completely.
  7. Members of Obama’s administration including Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Valerie Jarrett, and numerous others.
  8. James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, all of them were left out of the interview loop. Now why is that?

I could go on but you get the point!!! Now for the fun stuff!!! Michael Moore, you know the big JABBA THE HUTT looking fella with glasses that blabs a lot and models ball-caps for various people, posted something interesting on twitter this morning. Here it is below, his take on the Mueller escapades:

And then there is NBC news which is just a comical collection of garbage saying the IMPEACHMENT BREADCRUMBS were left by MUELLER. Actually they were in the REPORT but the problem is his conclusion on PAGE 2 of NO COLLUSION, NO CONSPIRACY by ANY AMERICAN WITH RUSSIA!! Guess what NBC NEWS??? PRESIDENT TRUMP IS AN AMERICAN!!! So SORRY KIDS!!! Also there’s no crime for him to have colluded on, but there is for HILLARY CLINTON who BOUGHT OPPO RESEARCH FROM A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT against a Political Opponent to try and swing an ELECTION HER WAY!! The election was RIGGED, She blew a BILLION dollars on it, OBAMA created the hoax with her because SHE WAS GOING TO WIN as NBC NEWS and others guaranteed and SHE STILL LOST BECAUSE AMERICA SAW WHAT WAS HAPPENING!!!

You see NBC NEWS, AMERICA is smarter than you give her credit for being! IN 2020, President Donald Trump will be re-elected by 4 Million Walk-Away-Democrat-Votes because AMERICA want’s a government that will keep its promises and get things done FOR AMERICA, not for DEMOCRATS pocketbooks!


Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN, currently homeless, and owner of

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