There come times when people speak and you just know that they’re blowing smoke. Today is one of those days when Senator Dianne Feinstein who has been in Washington longer than some buildings there comes out and says there are MORE GUNS IN THIS COUNTRY THAN THERE ARE PEOPLE.

I read that and thought…she thinks that NEWBORN BABIES that survived DEMOCRATS LOVE OF ABORTION have picked up a weapon to go out and commit crimes.

What she doesn’t say is “WE HAVE A CRIMINAL PROBLEM WHICH INCLUDES GUNS AND THE CONGRESS IS GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT”. Of course that would mean that HELL FROZE OVER and FEINSTEIN had taken a vacation from her throne there to realize something needs to be done to make PUNISHMENT FOR CRIMES COMMITTED USING GUNS more STRINGENT and give LESS LEVERAGE to SHYSTER LAWYERS who get their crooked clients off for no time or OR (own recognizance)

IF you KILL SOMEONE WITH A GUN in the COMMISSION OF A CRIME, YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL. YOU SHOULD LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO FREEDOM, YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, YOUR PROPERTY, ETC. If you elevate the punishment for the crimes, the numbers will come down. MAKE IT MORE PAINFUL for them to do the crime! IF you are 16 and you kill someone using a gun, you will be prosecuted as an ADULT. You will be punished as an ADULT, because you did what ADULTS DO!

Don’t want to go to jail for life for stealing and killing someone with a gun while you’re doing it, DON’T DO IT! If you do, you go to JAIL FOR LIFE and you will probably DIE IN JAIL.

Find something else better to do during the days than using your cellphone and all the games to detach from reality. GO to a VOCATIONAL TECH SCHOOL and learn a trade. Like working on CARS? Find a job doing that. STOP COMMITTING CRIMES USING GUNS!!!

REMOVE GUN FREE ZONES and AUTHORIZE OPEN CARRY ACROSS ALL 50 STATES! Want to remove the scourge of SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, OPEN CARRY PERMITTED BY GUN SAFETY TRAINED INDIVIDUALS!!! That’s where the NRA can come into play and can help to make things safer!

BUT because CONGRESS gets kickbacks for people getting killed, just see how many of them raise money on shootings, we will never see these things put through Congress. They don’t have the inclination to actually change things.


Senator Feinstein, it doesn’t matter how many guns there are in this country, a person can only carry so many and can only use so many at one time. PUNISH THE CRIMINALS FOR KILLING PEOPLE and watch the numbers of innocents being killed DROP.

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